Amniotic membrane stem cells are considered as a good alternative to embryonic stem cells, but their use in clinical studies is still not common. Here, exosomes from canine amniotic membrane mesenchymal stem cells (cAmMSCexo) were used for dog sperm cryopreservation. Upon cryopreserved straws using cryoprotectant containing 0, 0.5, 1, or 2 μg/mL of cAmMSC-exo were thawed, motility and membrane integrity were analyzed. However, results showed no significant differences between the groups. We concluded that cAmMSC-exo with lower than 2 µg/mL have no effects on sperm cryopreservation, and further studies to get higher concentrations of cAmMSC-exo should be conducted for clinical application.
This study was conducted to find out the effect that κ-Carrageenan has on the properties of dog sperm when it was added to the cryoprotectant. Extender basically was contained 1.21 g Trizma base, 0.67 g citric acid, 0.4 g glucose, 0.03 g penicillin G, 0.05 g streptomycin sulfate. Extender1 was added with 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0.5% carrageenan, while extender2 was supplemented with glycerol. After freezing-thawing, the motility, viability, acrosome integrity, apoptosis, and ROS (reactive oxygen specifications) of sperm were measured to analyze the effects of the supplementation of carrageenan. Total Motile (TM), Rapid Progressive Motile (RPM), Medium Progressive Motile (MPM), and Immotile were measured through the CASA system after thawing in 37 degree water. Extender with 0.2% κ-carrageenan (64.26 ± 0.49) was significantly higher than control (40.24 ± 8.27) (p < 0.05). RPMs of extender with 0.1%, 0.2% κ-carrageenan (57.64 ± 6.34, 56.47 ± 1.35) were significantly higher than the other groups (p < 0.05). Acrosome integrity was measured by dyeing to PSA-FITC with an epifluorescence microscope. Normal acrosome ratio of extender with 0.5% κ-carrageenan (61 ± 8.03) was higher than the other groups (p < 0.05). Apoptosis was measured with a FACSCalibur flow cytometer using FITC (FITC Annexin V Apoptosis Detection Kit). Treated groups of κ-carrageenan of 0.1% (0.81 ± 0.05), 0.2% (0.85 ± 0.05) were significantly higer (p < 0.05) than control. Modified SYBR/PI staining was used for determination of viability and DCF staining was used for evaluation of ROS. Viability and ROS were not significantly different from other groups. In conclusion, adding a certain concentration of carrageenan to the extender of cryopreservation, carrageenan contributes to the improvement of the sperm motility, acrosome integrity and prevention of apoptosis.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the collection time, co-culture and sperm penetration of canine oocytes on in vitro maturation and fertilization. The oocytes were cultured in TCM-199 media containing hormonal supplements (10% FCS, 10 IU/ml HCG, 10 IU/ml PMSG) at 5% CO2, 95% air, 38℃. The in vitro maturation rate to MⅡ stage of in vitro oocytes recovered from ovaries that collected at follicular, luteal and inactive phases of the reproductive phase for 44~72 hrs were 19.2%, 12.2%, and 6.0%, respectively. Follicular phases oocytes had a significantly higher in vitro maturation rate than oocytes collected at luteal and anestrus stage (p<0.05). The in vitro maturation rates to the MII stage of canine oocytes after 48 hrs of culture with glutathione, pyruvate, or glutathione + pyruvate were 12.5%, 10.7%, and 17.5%, respectively. This was higher than that in both alone or the combination of the two compared to the control group (19.0%). The sperm penetration rates of in vitro matured oocytes by fresh and frozen semen were 29/80 (36.3%) and 18/80 (22.5%), respectively. Although there are limited reports about canine oocytes co-culture and in vitro fertilization, our results on in vitro maturation is comparable to the results from other researches.
본 연구는 개 채취 정액의 동결후의 생존성과 신선 및 동결 정자의 capacitation, acrosome reaction과 생존성을 조사하고, 아울러 신선 및 동결 정액을 자연 발정 또는 발정 유기 암캐 에게 인공수정 후 임신율을 조사하였다. 개 채취 정액의 동결 융해 후의 생존성은 로서 신선 정액의 생존성에 비해 유의하게 낮게 나타났다(p<0.05). 신선 및 동결 정액의 capacitation, acrosome reaction 및 생존성은 각각 및
본 연구는 개의 신선 및 동결 정소상체 정액과 정소상체 정액을 saline가 tris-buffer액으로 희석하고 원심분리에 의해 정장성분을 제거한 정액의 성상과 및 동결보존 시의 생존성 및 난포란과 정소상체 정자의 체외수정 후 체외수정율과 분할율에 대해 조사하였다. 개 정소상체 정액을 saline으로 희석한 정액을 20분간 배양했을 때 정자농도는 3.500.80l0 cells/, 정자의 활력은 72.454.55%, 기형정자 수는 7.401.20%로 나타
본 연구는 개의 불임해결과 체외수정란을 생산할 목적으로 난소의 보존 및 난구세포의 부착 여부가 신선 및 동결 개 정자를 이용한 투명대 반응에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 1. 적출한 난소를 4 와 salt에 각각 48시간 보존 후 회수한 난구세포 부착 난자와 나화난자의 정자침입율은 각각 62.5%, 37.5% 및 42.5% 및 22.4%로서 난소를 적출 후 곧 바로 회수한 난구세포 부착 및 나화난자 내 정자침입율인 93.3%와 56.7%에 비해 현저히 낮