We developed two kinds of selective mosquito traps. The first selective mosquito trap called Mos-hole was developed with emitting carbon dioxide. The principle was that CO2 gas was obtained from burning liquid naphtha. The process principle was very unique that some heat and moisture which cannot be obtained by using dry ice could be generated additionally. It is the main cause to bring more mosquitoes. The trap is consisted of the acidic and CO2-baited suction system. CO2 was so powerful mosquito attractant gas, and the color and shape of a suction trap was also very important factors for improving the mosquito capturing efficiency. The trap burned naphtha in a rate of 1.3g/hr~3.0g/hr (CO2:50ml/min-110ml/min) and the efficiency of the trap was higher at the burning rate with the high number of female mosquitoes. The second mosquito trap called DMS (Digital Mosquito Monitoring System) is developed for reporting the number of captured mosquito automatically every day. This automatic reporting device called DMS uses CO2 gas as a mosquito attractant and it has a IR array sensor for counting mosquito. We established a sensor network with several DMSs and one server. The server collected the data of each DMS through Internet or CDMA RF communication system. This data were analyzed in the GIS pest prevention information system and were sometimes used as a reference for the next pest control activities. The DMS systems emit CO2 about 300cc/min. CO2 was very effective for attracting mosquito. DMS systems were very effective to count the number of mosquitoes at the certain areas. By using two kinds of mosquito traps together, we could determine the mosquito population size increase and decrease at certain areas
We developed two kinds of selective mosquito traps. The first selective mosquito trap called Mos-hole was developed with emitting carbon dioxide. The principle was that CO2 gas was obtained from burning liquid naphtha. The process principle was very unique that some heat and moisture which cannot be obtained by using dry ice could be generated additionally. It is the main cause to bring more mosquitoes. The trap is consisted of the acidic and CO2-baited suction system. CO2 was so powerful mosquito attractant gas, and the color and shape of a suction trap was also very important factors for improving the mosquito capturing efficiency. The trap burned naphtha in a rate of 1.3g/hr~3.0g/hr (CO2:50ml/min-110ml/min) and the efficiency of the trap was higher at the burning rate with the high number of female mosquitoes. The second mosquito trap called DMS (Digital Mosquito Monitoring System) is developed for reporting the number of captured mosquito automatically every day. This automatic reporting device called DMS uses CO2 gas as a mosquito attractant and it has a IR array sensor for counting mosquito. We established a sensor network with several DMSs and one server. The server collected the data of each DMS through Internet or CDMA RF communication system. This data were analyzed in the GIS pest prevention information system and were sometimes used as a reference for the next pest control activities. The DMS systems emit CO2 about 300cc/min. CO2 was very effective for attracting mosquito. DMS systems were very effective to count the number of mosquitoes at the certain areas. By using two kinds of mosquito traps together, we could determine the mosquito population size increase and decrease at certain areas
다양한 리스크 문제가 발생하고 있는 환경 속에서 리스크에 대한 적절한 대응을 하고 안정화를 도모함과 동시에 리스크 문제가 표면화되어 초래하는 영향을 극소화 하기 위한 새로운 패러다임의 경영시스템 도입이 주요 전략과제로 대두되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 소프트웨어 분야에서의 리스크 위험 요소를 줄이고 신뢰성 향상을 목적으로 소프트웨어 분야가 가지고 있는 문제를 효과적으로 관리 할 수 있는 새로운 모델로서 IEC60300 신뢰성경영시스템과 IEC61508 리스크경영시스템의 통합 모델을 제시한다.
황해지역에서 생성 및 배출되는 자연황화합물의 규모를 정량적으로 구명하기 위한 노력의 일환으로, 본 연구진은 황해에 위치한 덕적도를 주 측정점으로 설정하고 대기 중에 존재하는 DMS의 농도분포를 1999년 4월과 9월 2차례의 집중측정기간을 통해 측정하였다. 그리고 이에 덧붙여 1999년 6월에는 청도-인천간 해상실험을 통해 황해상의 DMS 농도를 측정하였다. 덕적도를 중심으로 시행한 양 측정기간 중 DMS의 농도값은 4월 측정의 경우 평균과 표준오차가 24.0±40.5 pptv(n=40)인데 반해 9월 측정의 경우 61.1±37.9 pptv(n=35)로 나타났다. 그리고 선상실험에서 측정한 DMS 값은 대체로 배경농도에 가까운 낮은 농도범위를 갖는 것으로 밝혀졌다. DMS의 농도분포는 일반적으로 불규칙한 양상을 보였지만, 주변 기상인자의 변화경향과 유사하게 변화하는 것으로 나타났다. 본문에서는 이러한 연구결과와 기존의 연구결과 등을 연계하여 잠정적인 연간 배출량규모를 4Gg 대로 추정하였다. 이러한 배출규모는 과거 제주지역 등을 중심으로 측정한 결과에 비해 상대적으로 낮은 수치인데, 시간적 및 공간적으로 대표성이 강한 보다 객관적인 배출량을 산정하기 위해서는 추가적인 측정 자료의 축적이 요구된다.