
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 17

        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 모기 매개체 감염병 예방을 위한 방역사업의 계획수립을 위하여 세종시의 모기 밀도 및 서식환경을 분석하여 방역 가이드라인 기초자료를 확립하는 것을 목적으로 수행되었다. 세종시 전반적인 모기분포 현황 조사를 위해 2019년 8월~10월까지 MOSHOLE과 유문등을 사용하여 일주일에 1회 1박2일 간의 모기 개체수를 조사하였으며, 구도심 (조치원읍)과 신도심 (보람동)의 밀도차 분석을 위해 2020년 4월~10월까지 DMS를 활용하여 매일의 모기 개체수를 조사하였다. 연구 결과 금남면에서 가장 많은 모 기가 포집되었으며 서식하는 우점 모기 종은 큰검정들모기, 빨간집모기인 것으로 나타났다. 모기 개체수에 영향을 미치는 토지피복 유형은 산림지역과 초지지역으로 나타났다. 질병 매개 가능성이 있는 모기 종 분석 결과 연서면과 금남면에서 다수 발견되었으며, 흰줄숲모기, 얼룩날개모기류, 작은빨간집모기 순서로 확인되었다. 각각 CO2와 빛을 유인제로 사용하는 MOSHOLE과 유문등의 채집효율을 비교 분석한 결과, CO2의 유인률이 높아 모기 포집 효율성과 생태계 안정성 보존을 위해 CO2를 유인제로 사용하는 것이 적합한 것으로 나타났다. 세종시의 모기 개체수는 구도심이 신도심보다 약 2배 정도 개체수가 많은 것으로 나타났다. 세종시는 구도심과 신도심으로 나누어져 있기 때문에 획일적인 방식으로는 눈에 띄는 방역 효과를 보기가 어려우며 효과적인 방역을 위해서는 방역의 차별성을 두어야 할 것으로 사료된다. 본 연구는 세종시의 통합적인 모기 방제 가이드라인의 기초작업으로 이루어졌으며, 본 연구의 결과로 모기를 매개로 하는 질병 확산을 제어하고, 모기로 부터의 피해를 줄이는 데 일조하기를 바란다.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 국내산 남생이와 외래종 붉은귀거북의 행동권 및 서식지 이용 패턴을 확인하고 종간 상호 경쟁관계 를 분석하는 것이다. 본 연구는 2010년 8월 2일부터 2011년 1월 30일까지 경기도 과천시 청계산 계곡 상류지역에 위치한 정수역인 금붕어광장 연못에서 수행되었다. 서울동물원에서 인공증식한 남생이 3개체와 국내의 연못과 저수지 에 서식하고 있던 붉은귀거북 3개체를 포획하여 위치추적발신기를 부착한 후 방사하여 모니터링을 수행하였다. 방사된 개체들의 행동권과, 서식지 이용반경을 측정하였고, 금붕어광장 연못의 온·습도 및 수온, 지온 등 환경적인 변화를 측정하였다. 본 연구 결과는 남생이와 붉은귀거북은 제한된 일광욕 장소, 먹이자원 이용, 동면지 등 여러 측면에서 중복된 생태적 지위를 가지고 있어서 상호 경쟁이 큰 것으로 분석되었다. 비교적 몸집이 작은 남생이가 몸집이 큰 붉은귀거북에게 경쟁에서 밀려나는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 남생이가 서식하고 있는 원서식지에 붉은귀거북의 이입을 통한 종간, 개체간의 행동권과 먹이경쟁, 서식지 이용 등에 대한 연구가 추가적으로 필요할 것으로 사료되며, 추후 남생이 복원사업의 기초자료가 될 것이다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 생명공학기술을 통해 생산된 LM벼에 대한 비표적 생물체 중 곤충을 중심으로 한 환경위해성 평가방법을 제시하고자 작성하였다. 자료조사를 위해 농업 해충관련 도감 및 서적을 활용하였고 참고문헌과 환경위해성 평가 관련 홈페이지를 참조하였으며, 논문이나 벼와 관련된 서적들을 통해 국내 현황을 참조하였다. 조사결과, 벼에 서식하는 곤충은 약 140여종으로 조사되었고, 초식성 곤충 분류군은 각각 수액섭식자, 곡물섭식자, 잎섭식자, 화분섭식자로 세분화하였다. LM벼에 피해가능성이 큰 비표적 곤충은 12종, 중간인 비표적 곤충은 28종, 경미한 비표적 곤충은 101종으로 조사되었으며, 바이러스를 매개하는 종은 11종, 잠재적 해충으로 분류되는 종은 9종으로 나타났다. 위해가설 가설적립단계 모식도를 작성하기 위하여 LM벼에 악영향을 받기 쉬운 곤충의 지리적 분포, 서식지의 특수화, 확산정도, 종풍부도 등을 이용하여 순위를 매겼으며, 10종(벼총채벌레, 애멸구, 벼멸구, 멸강나방, 혹명나방, 우리가시허리노린재, 먹노린재, 벼멸구붙이, 벼메뚜기, 벼잎굴파리)을 추려내었다. 이후 위해가설 가설정립단계 모식도를 작성하였으며 LM 벼의 비표적 생물에 대한 영향을 추론하였다. 본 논문은 국내 자연생태계의 지속가능한 이용 및 보존에 기여하고, LMO의 환경위해성 평가, 심사를 통해 사전위해성을 차단할 수 있는 방법을 제시하고자 작성되었으며, 결과적으로 국민의 건강 및 생물다양성유지, 자연 생태계 보전을 위한 사후 안전관리 체계구축에 활용될 연구 자료를 제공하고자 한다.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We developed the smart mosquito counter device (height 1080 mm x width 560 mm x diameter 320 mm, 220V 60Hz 30 W), which can attract the blood sucking female mosquitoes by emitting CO2 gas (300ml/min), can count the number of the captured mosquitoes by an infra-red beam area sensor, can identify the some mosquito species by analyzing mosquito image patterns using RGB (Red, Green, and Blue), and can send the captured mosquitoes’ number and pictures through the CDMA module at the real time. We operated the smart mosquito device and we could know when any mosquito peak time was in a day as well as what the mosquito species are and the captured mosquito numbers are. We found that the accuracy of the smart device was about over 95% compared the real mosquito data including numbers and images and transmitted data by CDMA. Because we can know the mosquito occurrence peak times, locations, and mosquito species by this device, we can efficiently control mosquitoes at the right time, and we can alert the public for any mosquito-born diseases based on the mosquito occurrence data. We can improve the quality of mosquito vector control with the functions of this device and we will develop the smart device to identify more mosquito species.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        It is true that the proper environmental risk assessments for many GM insects almost have not been executed in Korean research situation. Therefore, we tested the environmental risk assessment of GM silkworms if there is any difference between GM and non-GM silkworms by three. First, we measured their mobility in the breeding environment conditions with food and without food. Secondly, we measured their viability at the Korean artificial extreme environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, food) after escaping from their breeding environments. We observed the egg productivity and the hatchability between non-GM silkworm and transgenic silkworms with four different pair experiments. The mobility of non-GM silkworms and GM silkworms statistically did not differ and the egg production and hatchability was not also different. The hatchability by couple of GM female silkworm and non-GM male silkworm was lower than by non-GM male and female couple. We observed their viability (High Temp., wet and with food: p=0.0434; High Temp., wet and without food p=0.0430; High Temp., dry and with food: p=0.0005; High Temp., dry, without food: p=0.0479) between the GM silkworm and non-GM silkworm, and there was statistically different. Relatively, the viability of GM silkworm was lower than non-GM silkworms. We could not exactly test for viability of silkworm in low temperature conditions because of their hibernating. Although there was any difference in viability and hatchability between GM silkworm and non-GM silkworm, the all ability of GM silkworm was lower than non-GM silkworm. Conclusively, risk of GM silkworm was lower than non-GM silkworm.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We are currently developing the smart mosquito counter device (height 1080mm × width 560mm × diameter 320mm, 220V 60Hz 30W), which can attract the blood sucking female mosquitoes by emitting CO2 gas (300ml/min), can count the number of the captured mosquitoes by an infra-red beam area sensor, and can send the captured mosquitoes’ number through the CDMA module at real time. We operated the 8 – 16 devices with mosquito sensor networks and a server at the Youngdeungpo-gu areas in Seoul city of south Korea for three years (2011-2013) and we could efficiently control mosquitoes at the high mosquito density area based on the mosquito sensor’s data. We found that the accuracy of the device was about over 93% compared the real mosquito data and transmitted data by CDMA. We also found the water reservoir areas to control floods in Seoul metro city had relatively higher mosquito density than other normal areas, because those flat water areas were preferred by mosquitoes. Because our pest control office knew the mosquito occurrence peak times and areas from mosquito data transmitted by the mosquito sensor devices, we efficiently controlled mosquito larva and adults at the right time. We could accomplish very systematic mosquito control policy and we had the high credibility with the results. Based on the mosquito occurrence data, we selectively and scientifically controlled mosquitoes. Therefore, we reduced pesticide usage and saved annually pesticide expenses up to 2/3. Conclusively, if there is no mosquito, we don’t have to control mosquitoes.
        2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We developed two kinds of selective mosquito traps. The first selective mosquito trap called Mos-hole was developed with emitting carbon dioxide. The principle was that CO2 gas was obtained from burning liquid naphtha. The process principle was very unique that some heat and moisture which cannot be obtained by using dry ice could be generated additionally. It is the main cause to bring more mosquitoes. The trap is consisted of the acidic and CO2-baited suction system. CO2 was so powerful mosquito attractant gas, and the color and shape of a suction trap was also very important factors for improving the mosquito capturing efficiency. The trap burned naphtha in a rate of 1.3g/hr~3.0g/hr (CO2:50ml/min-110ml/min) and the efficiency of the trap was higher at the burning rate with the high number of female mosquitoes. The second mosquito trap called DMS (Digital Mosquito Monitoring System) is developed for reporting the number of captured mosquito automatically every day. This automatic reporting device called DMS uses CO2 gas as a mosquito attractant and it has a IR array sensor for counting mosquito. We established a sensor network with several DMSs and one server. The server collected the data of each DMS through Internet or CDMA RF communication system. This data were analyzed in the GIS pest prevention information system and were sometimes used as a reference for the next pest control activities. The DMS systems emit CO2 about 300cc/min. CO2 was very effective for attracting mosquito. DMS systems were very effective to count the number of mosquitoes at the certain areas. By using two kinds of mosquito traps together, we could determine the mosquito population size increase and decrease at certain areas
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We used the three kinds of mosquito traps (Black-hole with UV light, CO2-baited Mos-hole with the newly developed attracting-solvent, CO2-baited DMS; Digital Mosquito Monitoring System) to know their collecting efficiency for the female mosquitoes in Korean rural areas. The Black-hole mosquito trap caught many kinds of insects including only few female mosquitoes. The Black-hole trap has the UV-light and the light seemed to attract other terrestrial and aquatic insects, such as the common flies, May flies, and the stone flies. Even though the trap was developed to collect mosquitoes, the trap caught only few of female mosquitoes less than 1% of all insects caught. Their selective efficiency to collect the female mosquitoes was relatively lower than other two kinds of traps. The Mos-hole and CO2-baited DMS traps had the collecting efficiency of over 80% to collect the female mosquitoes. The two traps caught the relatively lower number (less than 3% of total insects) of other insects, such as few Coleoptera and Diptera, and their collecting efficiency for the female mosquitoes was very higher. Generally speaking, mosquitoes disliked the UV light but they relatively preferred CO2 gas including the attracting-solvent. They had also been attracted the acidic solvent with CO2 gas. If we could use the efficient and selective mosquito traps with the fully understanding about the mosquito habits, we could assume that we can keep the biodiversity high around the mosquito habitats as well as to save money for the insect pest control.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This snag-dwelling arthropod community study was conducted for the ecological evaluation of dead woods at Korean fir stand in Mt. Woonak in Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, from April 2010 to August 2011. We put a windows trap and an emergence trap on the trunk of each snag, and we selected the six snags during the study periods. We collected 3930 individuals (5 class, 21order, 52 families) but we didn’t include the number of unidentified larva. We separated those individuals into the three functional groups and we found out the proportion and number of each functional group from the total individuals: herbivores (27.6%, 1083) predators (10.9%, 430), detritivores (61.4%, 2413), etc(0.1%, 4). We found out the proportion and number of each taxon group for herbivores, Armadillidae (0.15%, 6), Acarina (2.57%, 101), Psocoptera (0.25%, 10), Hemiptera (0.46%, 18), Mecoptera (0.05%, 2), Hymenoptera (not ant) (5.14%, 202), Aphididae (3.82%, 150), Cicadellidae (0.4%, 16), Curculionidae (3.61%, 142), Chrysomelidae (0.23%, 9), Elateridae (3.36%, 132), Erotylidae (3.16%, 124), Nitidulidae (2.6%, 102), Pyrochoroidae (0.08%, 3), Scarabaeidae (0.31%, 12), and Cetoniidae (0.13%, 5). Predators were consisted of the following taxa groups: Araneae (2.9%,114), Chilopoda (0.31%, 12), Formicidae (4.25%, 167), Carabidae (0.08%, 3), Staphylinidae (1.09%, 43), Cleridae (0.05%, 2), Pselaphidae (0.1%, 4), Colydiidae (0.38%, 15), Harpalidae (0.1%, 4), Histeridae (0.36%, 14), and Dermestidae (0.8%, 31). Detritivores were consisted of the following taxa groups: Millipedes (0.92%, 36), Archaeognatha(1.6%, 63), Diptera (7.81%, 307), Collembola (35.47%, 1394), Protura (0.03%, 1), Dermaptera (0.1%, 4), Tettigoniidae (0.08%, 4), Raphiidophoridae (0.03%, 1), Ipidae (14.12%, 555), Silphidae (0.15%, 6), Cuculidae (0.15%, 6), Cerambycidae (0.38%, 15), Oedeeridae (0.03%, 1), Lucamnidae (0.03%, 1), Stenotrachelidae (0.05%, 2), Buprestidae (0.13%, 5), Tenebrionidae (0.23%, 9), and Mordellidae (0.1%, 4), etc. Conclusively, the snag plays an important roll as the diverse arthropods’ habitats in the Korean fir forest ecosystem.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A Truncatipennes species, Pentagonica subcordicollis Bates is newly recorded in Korea. Here we provide a diagnosis and systematic accounts of P. subcordicollis. Consequently, a total of three species of Pentagonia have been recorded in the Korea, including the present species.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We've collected litter-dwelling predatory arthropods (spiders and carabid beetles) by using pitfall traps at four different fire intensity treatment areas (control, ground fire, canopy fire, and canopy fire with plantation) at four different regional areas in 2005. We analyzed the arthropod community structures with PC-Ord for the difference of arthropod community among the various fire intensity treatments and control. Our objective was to verify if there was any difference between fired areas and non fired area (control) and between canopy fire with plantation and canopy fire without plantation. From our arthropod community structures, we found there was distinct community composition difference between fired areas and non-fired area as well as between control and canopy fire treatment with plantation or non-plantation. However, we are not sure yet that there was any distinct difference between control and ground fire treatments. Our results from the multivariate analysis, Non-parametric Multidimensional Scaling ordination, could be relatively conclude that the main difference of arthropod community between fired areas and non-fired areal and canopy fire with plantation or non-plantation was caused from the difference of arthropod habitat pattern such as litter depth, litter volumem, CWD cover or volume, and et. al. When we compared to control and other treatments, we could also conclude that the canopy fire treatment with non-plantation was relatively closed to control than the canopy fire treatment with plantation.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Moths were caught by using two 22W UV black light traps per treatment during May, June, August and September in 2007 from our study sites. Our study areas of the Korea Long Term Ecological Research (KLTER) sites were Mt. Nam with two plant communities (Quercus mongolica, Pinus densiflora), Mt. Jiri with three plant communities (Q. mongolica, P. densiflora, Abies koreana), Mt. Wolak with three plant communities (Q. mongolica, P. densiflora, Q. variabilis), and Mt. Jumbong with t재 plant communities (Q. mongolica, P. densiflora). The purpose of this study was to compare the species diversity of major plant feeders, Lepidopteran species (moths) at each forest type of the regional KLTER sites. Overall, the total numbers of moth species we’ve collected from the all KLTER sites in 2007 were 670 species. For the three plant communities, Mt.Jiri (11 family, 259 species, 2372 individuals) was the highest site and Mt. Wolak (7 family, 401 species, 2243 individuals) was the next highest. For the two plant communities, Mt. Jumbong (14 family, 166 species, 1750 individuals) was highest and Mt Nam (4 family, 21 species, 142 individuals) was very few. The ordination analyses, Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS) and cluster analysis, showed distinct clusters separating the assemblages of moth found at each site and each plant community of the KLTER sites (P<0.05 from MRPP). Therefore, we suggest that our sustainable monitoring will verify the distinct cluster with the forest type at each site with many replications.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We assessed the environmental risk of herbicide resistant transgenic rice (Protox) on non-target herbivore, grasshoppers (Oxya japonica japonica Thunberg). We conducted life-history experiments of grasshoppers with measuring their body weight, body length, eating amount, and feces amount between non-transgenic rice (nTR; Dongjin rice) and transgenic rice (TR; Protox rice) under laboratory conditions (Temp. 25Ð, R.H. 50-70%, Photoperiod L16:D8) in 2007. The growth of grasshoppers appeared to increase at each measuring date. We also compared the growth rate of grasshoppers between nTR and TR to examine the transgenic impact on the herbivore and we found there was no statistically signifi cant difference between the two plant types (P>0.05). We found that body weight and body length for grasshoppers were highly correlated at each of the two types of plants, nTR (0.962) and TR (0.960). The correlation of eating amount and feces amount of grasshoppers were higher nTR (0.830) than TR (0.782). The energy effi ciency of the grasshopper was not a signifi cant between nTR and TR (P> 0.05). But the molt timing of the grasshoppers for TR difference was faster than for nTR. Conclusively life-history of the grasshoppers but molt timing was not a signifi cant difference between nTR and TR. Therefore, we could conclude there was not any environment risk on herbivore from our result.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Gamasid mites are free living predators of soil mites, collembolans, nematodes and other small insects in soil surface. We studied the faunal assemblages of gamasid mites in the severely disturbed mountain sites by fire. Total 12 families 55 species were found from this study. From all sites, species in the family of Parholaspidae were dominant; Holaspina alstoni and H. dentatus. Also, Rhodacarus dentitulatus was also abundant regardless of fire disturbance. In control site, Asca aphidioides was also abundant but not in any of the fire disturbed sites. The abundance was highest in control site followed by IC2, IT3 and lower in IT2 and IT1. Species richness was in the same order of abundance ranging from 2.6 to 12.8 per site. In all sites, species diversities were relatively low ranging from 0.6 to 1.7, but it was higher in control site and lower in IT1. Further discussion will be made on the recovery process of soil inhabiting mites.