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        검색결과 4

        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In many countries, domestic tourism is important in terms of both size and economic contribution (Massidda & Etzo, 2012). This study aimed to develop a measurement scale for place authenticity for domestic destinations. Moreover, the objective was to offer insights regarding the consequences of place authenticity while travelling within borders. Empirical literature on the authentic travel experience “within borders” is quite scant and the attention of policy makers is not adequately focused on its outcomes such as attitude, values and positive WOM. A very small body of literature has primarily focused on domestic tourists’ destination experience yet omits measuring authenticity perceptions (Chi & Qu, 2008; Massidda & Etzo, 2012; Milman & Pizam, 1995). Empirical data were collected from 456 American consumers who had travelled to domestic tourism destinations. This paper provides a new measure for place authenticity that destination marketers can use to gauge what consumers think of their domestic travel experience. In addition, the findings of this study suggest that place authenticity shapes key consumer outcomes such as attitude, values and positive WOM. Furthermore, place authenticity has significant indirect effects on value and WOM, consistent with the role of place authenticity’s effects being mediated by consumer attitude toward the destination. Finally, this study discusses the managerial implications for tourism destination marketing and positioning strategy.
        2004.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this study were to: a) investigate how other countries brought up their traditional food into the commercial market for tourists b) analyze present marketing status of the Korean traditional food in dealing with foreign tourists as consumers. Present marketing status of the overseas and domestic tourism products focusing on traditional foods was investigated through literature reviews and face-to-face in-depth interviews conducted with professionals in tourism business. As a result, the foreign tourism products focusing on traditional foods were diverse and these products were representative of the regional heritage brought together in an effect to increase understanding of traditional foods. In case of the tourism products focusing on Korean traditional cuisine, the popular programs were 'Making Kimch', 'Making ricecake' and 'Making Bibimbap' in which tourists participated have expressed great satisfaction. The results of this study would be used as an important data in developing unique tourism programs focusing on Korean traditional cuisine attracting foreign tourists.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of the study to evaluate the contribution of foreign direct investment (FDI) and tourism receipts (TR) to Sri Lanka’s gross domestic product (GDP). This study employs time series annual data for the period from 1978 to 2016 and EViews 10 econometrics software was used for the time series data analysis. Unit root test was done on the variables and the method chosen was the Augmented Dicky – Fuller test. Co-integration analysis was used for the long run relationship and the Granger causality test was performed to investigate the causal relationship. Recently a more conducive environment has been established after the three decade long ethnic war came to an end. In this context, the Sri Lankan government has taken positive measures to attract foreign direct investment and boost tourism in the country. This study intends to evaluate the contribution of Sri Lanka, as these two factors are considered to be very effective at increasing the GDP of a country. The empirical study shows that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between the variable’s TR and FDI to the GDP in the long run. Results of Granger causality test implied that the two-way causality promoted the economic growth of Sri Lanka.