This study investigates characteristics on inelastic flange local buckling of ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) plate supported by one edge. The UHPC plate were modeled using 3D shell elements (S4R) and analyzed using by geometric and material nonlinear analysis. The plates for FE analysis were supported by pined and fixed boundary conditions to considering constrained effects of one web. The inelastic local buckling strength from the FE analysis were evaluated according to the flange slenderness ratios. The results shows that material non-linearities of tensile behavior of UHPC highly affects the inelastic local buckling of UHPC plate.
This study investigates elastic flange local buckling of ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) I-girders. The girders were modeled using 3D shell elements (S4R) and analyzed by eigenvalue analysis. Then, the flange local buckling strength from the FE analysis were evaluated according to the flange and web slenderness ratios and compared to the local buckling strength of steel girders. The results shows that the flange local buckling of UHPC I-girders are underestimated compared to the strength of steel girders which has same geometric cross sections and further studies needed related to this field.
In this study, elastic flange local buckling strength of doubly symmetric I-girder subjected to bending moment were evaluated by 3D finite element analysis. The analysis model were modeled by 3D shell elements(S4R) using ABAQUS 6.13 program. And loading and boundary conditions were determined by equal end moments and simple boundary conditions. Flange and web slenderness ratio were considered in the parametric studies to evaluate flange local buckling strength with AISC design equations. Then, AISC design equations and characteristics of Elastic flange local buckling of I-girder were evaluated.
Compare to straight girders, horizontally curved girder shows complicate behaviors because the bending moments and torsional moments are always acting simultaneously. Because of non-uniform torsion, one edge of compression flange is yielded faster than the other edge due to combined vertical and lateral moments. Hence, the strength of cross section need to be investigated with the effect of initial curvature. The design specifications, however, does not consider the curvature effect. In this study, as a basic research, the parametric studies are performed to understand the flange local buckling behaviors of horizontally curved girders.