기존의 사후경과시간(PMI) 추정 방법은 대략적인 사후경과시간의 추정, 사후 48~72시간 경과 또는 부패 시 추정 불가능이라는 문제가 발생하여 최근에는 법의곤충학(Medicolegal entomology)을 통한 최소 사후 경과시간 (PMImin) 추정이 더욱 강조되고 있다. 이로 인해 시식성파리의 발육 성장속도 파악은 시체의 최소 사후 경과시간 추정에 있어 효과적인 도구로 활용될 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 곱슬털쉬파리(Parasarcophaga. similis)를 사육대상 종으로 선정하였다. P. similis는 부패한 시체를 섭식하는 시식성파리 중 하나로서, 발육 성장 속도에 따른 법곤충 학적(Forensic entomology) 최소 사후 경과시간을 추정하는 데 중요한 지표가 된다. 실험에 사용된 대상종의 경우, 경북 칠곡군 지천면 일대에서 6~9월경 야외쉬파리 채집하였고, 종 동정, 사육 및 증식, 예비 실험을 거친 후 본실험 을 진행하였다. 본실험은 산란 집단 케이지 내에서 산란 유도 후 12시간 간격으로 6개체를 샘플링하였고, 이를 Leica M125 Microscope (Leica Microsystems, Germany), EG-2HDNL(이지테크, Korea)로 이미지와 측정치를 확보 하였다. P. similis를 16~34°C 사이 7개의 온도 조건에서 성장 속도 측정을 3회 반복 실험하였으며, 곱슬털쉬파리의 최초 출현시점, 특정 온도 조건 별 발육 성장 속도 측정, 유충 몸길이 데이터, 이미지 자료, 표본 등을 확보하였다. 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, and 34°C에서 P. similis의 알에서 성충까지의 발달 기간은 각각 822.0±5.9, 605.0±12.2, 442.3±9.4, 339.3±6.1, 289.3±7.5, 253.0±8.0, and 248.7±3.4h이 경과함을 확인하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 P. similis의 성장과정 데이터와 PMImin추정을 위한 지표로서 활용가능한 데이터를 제공한다.
This study aims to identify insect species relevant to medicolegal entomology in South Korea, to develop valuable forensic indicators for addressing legal challenges. We conducted carcass experiments with animals from 2015 to 2023 and analyzed domestic medicolegal literature. Species with uncertain taxonomic status or those recorded only once in experiments or literature were excluded. Our dataset includes observations from 185 carcasses, 24 criminal cases, and 468 autopsies. We identified a total of 254 carcass-associated species across 67 families and 8 orders. Of these species, 32 species consistently found on both human corpses and animal carcasses, suggesting their significance in forensic contexts. The order Diptera, comprising 53.13% of these taxa, was predominantly represented by the families Calliphoridae (70.59%), Muscidae (17.65%), and Sarcophagidae (11.76%). Coleoptera constituted 46.87% of the identified taxa, with the families Silphidae (53.33%), Dermestidae (26.67%), Cleridae (6.67%), Scarabaeidae (6.67%), and Staphylinidae (6.67%) being most significant. Lucilia sericata was the most frequently found species in autopsies of corpses found indoors (51.95%) and outdoors (14.77%), followed by Phormia regina, Chrysomya megacephala, Chrysomya pinguis and Lucilia illustris, highlighting their potential as forensic markers. This comprehensive study provides crucial baseline data for medicolegal entomologists in South Korea, identifying key insect species as forensic indicators.
법곤충학은 곤충과 관련된 법적 문제를 해결하는 학문으로써, 미국, 유럽, 한국 등 다양한 국가에서 범죄 수사, 사후경과시간 추정 등에 활용되고 있다. 한국은 최근, 법곤충감정실(경찰청) 개소하여 전국의 법곤충 사건을 감정하고 있다. 한국은 짧은 연구역사를 가짐에도 불구하고, 중앙행정기관 산하의 법곤충감정실을 설립, 운영할 수 있는 것은, 그 특이적인 연구역사에서 기인했다. 한국 법곤충 연구는 2004년경부터 시작되었으나, 중앙행정기 관(경찰청, 국립과학수사연구소, 농림축산검역본부)의 투자로 연구개발이 진행되었다. 특히, 한국의 경찰청은 2016-2020년과 2022-2026년, 10년간의 연구과제 발주를 통해 현장 중심의 법곤충 감정 시스템 구축, 비전문가를 위한 형태 및 분자 유전학적 종 동정 기법 개발, 한국형 DB 확보 등을 진행하고 있으며, 법곤충 감정기법의 세계적 인 선도를 목표하고 있다.
The parent and daughter nuclides in a radioactive decay chain arrive at secular equilibrium once they have a large half-life difference. The characteristics of this equilibrium state can be used to estimate the production time of nuclear materials. In this study, a mathematical model and algorithm that can be applied to radio-chronometry using the radioactive equilibrium relationship were investigated, reviewed, and implemented. A Bateman equation that can analyze the decay of radioactive materials over time was used for the mathematical model. To obtain a differential-based solution of the Bateman equation, an algebraic numerical solution approach and two different matrix exponential functions (Moral and Levy) were implemented. The obtained result was compared with those of commonly used algorithms, such as the Chebyshev rational approximation method and WISE Uranium. The experimental analysis confirmed the similarity of the results. However, the Moral method led to an increasing calculation uncertainty once there was a branching decay, so this aspect must be improved. The time period corresponding to the production of nuclear materials or nuclear activity can be estimated using the proposed algorithm when uranium or its daughter nuclides are included in the target materials for nuclear forensics.
Dipterans are excellent insects to serve as forensic indicators to determine the postmortem interval of a human corpse. Therefore, we undertook a study to identify the major dipterans that are attracted to and develop in vertebrate carcasses. To determine what dipterans occur in Korea, chicken carcasses were placed in various habitats including the forest, open field, stream bank, greenhouse, rooftop, rice paddy, Chinese cabbage field, vacant hut, and pond at different times of the year. The dipterans were collected at various time intervals after placement in each habitat until the end of decomposition and identified. Our results showed that 49 identified and unidentified dipteran species from 36 genera in 19 families were collected from the carcasses. Habitat placement influenced the number of species isolated from the carcasses. For example, 39 species were collected from the forest habitat, 28 species from the open field, stream bank, or greenhouse each, 16 species from a vacant home, and 12 species from the pond. The dipteran species that were collected from all habitats were Phaenicia sericata, Lucilia illustris, and Lucilia sp. in the family Calliphoridae and Boettcherisca peregrine in the family Sarcophagidae. Other dipteran species that were isolated depended on carcass placement that is, fewer dipteran species were observed from carcasses in the backpack and much more species were recorded from unburied carcasses than buried carcasses. P. sericata, L. illustris, Lucilia sp., B. peregrine and an unidentified sarcophagid species were observed year round, but some dipterans showed seasonal differences.
Dipterans are excellent insects to serve as forensic indicators to determine the postmortem interval of a human corpse. Therefore, we undertook a study to identify the major dipterans that are attracted to and develop in vertebrate carcasses. To determine what dipterans occur in Korea, chicken carcasses were placed in various habitats including the forest, open field, stream bank, greenhouse, rooftop, rice paddy, Chinese cabbage field, vacant hut, and pond at different times of the year. The dipterans were collected at various time intervals after placement in each habitat until the end of decomposition and identified. Our results showed that 49 identified and unidentified dipteran species from 36 genera in 19 families were collected from the carcasses. Habitat placement influenced the number of species isolated from the carcasses. For example, 39 species were collected from the forest habitat, 28 species from the open field, stream bank, or greenhouse each, 16 species from a vacant home, and 12 species from the pond. The dipteran species that were collected from all habitats were Phaenicia sericata, Lucilia illustris, and Lucilia sp. in the family Calliphoridae and Boettcherisca peregrine in the family Sarcophagidae. Other dipteran species that were isolated depended on carcass placement that is, fewer dipteran species were observed from carcasses in the backpack and much more species were recorded from unburied carcasses than buried carcasses. P. sericata, L. illustris, Lucilia sp., B. peregrine and an unidentified sarcophagid species were observed year round, but some dipterans showed seasonal differences.