This paper takes six Chinese Textbooks in the late Korean Dynasty compiled by Wang Weihui and others as the research object, selects and counts the high-frequency words, and analyzes their characteristics from the aspects of syllable number, part of speech, use in modern Chinese, meaning content, dialect background and so on. It is found that only monosyllabic words and disyllabic words appear in the high-frequency words in the late Korean Chinese textbooks, and the parts of speech are mainly verbs and nouns. Modern Chinese uses some words of high-frequency words, and some high-frequency words are no longer used. In terms of meaning and content, high-frequency words are highly related to commercial and trade activities. At the same time, there are some spoken words and a large number of northeast dialect words.
In order to make up vacancy of words frequency on ancient bronze objects in Western Zhou Dynasty in diachronic development perspective, we sorting out some conclusions through the exhaustive statistical development data of words frequency diachronically. We found two ends concentration of word frequency in bronze inscription from the early to late in the Western Zhou Dynasty have decreased significantly, which reflects ideographic writing system increasingly mature trend; we also found the word frequency variation is keeping pace with the time trend. In other words, disappearance of those old words is the acceleration and appearance of new words has a trend for reducing the speed. We conclude that focus of inscriptions discourse topic did not change through each period distinctive word frequency semantic category research. Changes and development of language content is mainly caused by "social appellations", which always dominant semantic units’ substitutions and changes.
친환경 감성단어를 '환경/자연, 소재/섬유, 인간, 형용사/기타' 등의 4가지 영역으로 분류하고 각 단어에 대하여 그 출현시점, 빈도를 1999~2010년 상반기 간의 인터넷 섬유패션 신문 및 잡지를 중심으로 조사한 결과, 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 가장 빈번히 출현한 단어는 '자연, 환경, 면, 천연섬유, 건강, 신선한, 맑은, 보존, 하모니, 옥수수섬유, 로하스' 등이었다. '친환경' 관련 감성단어의 출현시점을 살펴보면, 2000년도 이전부터 '에코, 형상기억소재, 오가닉, 스파' 등이 사용되어왔으며, 2000-1년도에 '자연환경, 친환경, 스트레치소재, 웰빙의, 대체가능한, 재생가능한' 등이 등장하였다. 2002-3년도에 '스마트소재, 친환경소재, 그린' 등이 사용되기 시작하였고, 2004-5년도에 '쿨비즈, 로하스, 자연염색' 등이 처음으로 사용되었다 2006-7년도에 '한방, 지속가능한, 웜비즈' 등이 사용되었고, 2008-9년도에 '그린슈머, 그린라이프, 태양에너지, 삼림욕' 등이 섬유패션 분야에서 처음 사용되었다. 친환경 감성단어의 출현 양상을 살펴보면, 친환경 감성단어의 출현은 과거 어느 때보다 2008-09년도에 가장 많이 등장하고 있었는데 2000년도 초반에는 비교적 많이 등장하였으나 이후 다소 주춤하였고 이는 근래에 들어 다시 출현빈도가 높아졌다. 영역별로 살펴보면 '환경/자연' 관련 친환경 감성 단어가 과거보다 최근에 두드러지게 빈번히 사용되고 있으며, 이에 비해 '인간' 관련 단어는 주춤하여 약간 감소세이거나 동일한 빈도를 나타내고 있다. 또 '형용사/기타' 관련 단어는 약간 증가세이거나 과거와 동일한 빈도를 나타내고 있었다. '소재/섬유' 관련 단어는 패션잡지에서는 최근에 그 빈도가 줄어드는 경향을 보이는 반면 인터넷 신문에서는 약간 증가하는 추세를 보였다.
This study probes whether relative frequency is a potential factor which can determine Korean L2 speakers' access to morphologically complex words and whether their processing pattern varies according to affix type and participants' L2 proficiency. A processing experiment was conducted whereby Korean L2 speakers rated English affixed words as more complex and measured their percentages and reaction time. Our results exhibited that subjects judged as more complex the forms where the whole derived words were less frequent than their embedded base forms and that the words which were more frequent than their base forms were judged as less complex in a robust manner like L1 speakers. Further, such a trend did not vary according to their proficiency level and affix type. These findings provide supportive evidence that relative frequency facilitates L2 speakers' processing of morphologically complex words. Additionally, they imply that they access L2 derived words through decomposition to constituents such as base forms, supporting dual-route model. Finally, the relative frequency might emerge from an earlier stage of L2 development, coupled with the possibility that affixed words are represented along with frequency of the whole words and their constituents.