본 연구는 한국의 외국인 인재 유치 정책을 검토하고 저숙련 근로자에서 고숙련자로의 패러다임 전환이 절실히 필요함을 파악한다. 본 연구는 한국 벤처기업의 선호도를 분석하여 국제 모범 사례 와 비교함으로써 한국의 외국인 인력 정책 변화의 시급성을 강조한다. 우수 외국인 인재 유치를 위 한 정책에서 법무부와 여러 경제부처 간의 부처 간 협업의 중요성, 우수 글로벌 인재 유치를 위한 정책적 고려 강조 및 동반가족 지원 개발 촉구, 외국인 인재와 스타트업 취업 기회를 연결하는 플 랫폼 조성 등이 주요 권고 사항이다.
Kim, KaHyun & Shin, Dongil. 2016. “A Critical Discourse Analysis on Global Talents and Their English Competence”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 24(3). 249~280. The purpose of this study is to examine the media discourse on global talents and their English competence through critical discourse analysis. The special feature articles of the JoongAng daily newspaper on ‘global talent’ were traced and analyzed. The articles of JoongAng Sunday magazine on the global talent, which were published between January 2008 and March 2016, were also examined. The analysis drew upon the van Dijk’s (2009b) sociocognitive approach. By understanding how social cognition played its role in formative process of the discourse with linguistic features, the dialectical relationship of the dicourse and the society was inferred. Findings revealed the schema of the global companies, which counted human resources as the goal of management and essential part of their success, empathized individuals’ role and led them to make efforts. Microscopic linguistic features formed global talent discourses with being influenced and affecting the macroscopic structure. The media discourse often valued self-improvement, which involved neoliberalistic orientation of global companies.