
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experimental study aimed to determine the anti-obesity effects of burdock(Arctium lapp L.) extract and processed (Beopje) burdock extract in a high fat diet-induced obesity model. When burdock extract was orally administered at a concentration of 250 mg/kg BW and the Beopje burdock extract was administered at 250 and 500 mg/kg BW, they significantly decreased body weights increased by a high-fat diet, improved food efficiency ratio, decreased adipose tissue weight by site, and significantly decreased blood triglycerides, total cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol levels. Blood ALT and AST contents as liver function-related indices increased by the high fat diet were significantly decreased by the Beopje burdock extract. Results of histological analysis of the liver showed that the Beopje burdock extract alleviated fatty liver phenomenon induced by a high-fat diet. In addition, levels of blood TNF-α, IL-6, and IL1-β increased by a high-fat diet were significantly decreased by ALB-L and ALB-H. Therefore, Beopje burdock extract can improve obesity in a high-fat diet-induced obese animal model by improving blood lipids and blood biochemical indices, increasing body water, and decreasing body fat more than the burdock extract.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the anti-obesity effect of Discorea Japonica Thunb. fermented with Monascus After inducing obesity by feeding hight fat diet (diet induced obesity model: DIO) for four weeks, each 8 rats were assigned to normal (Nor), high fat diet (HF), high fat diet containing orlistat (PC), high fat diet containing different concentration of Discorea Japonica Thunb. fermented with Monascus (UPDM_L, UPDM_H) and Discorea Japonica Thunb. (UPD) extract. Although the UPD, UPDM_L (ultrafine pulverized Discorea Japonica Thunb. fermented with Monascus: 400 mg/kg) and UPDM_H (DIO oral administration ultrafine pulverized Discorea Japonica Thunb. fermented with Monascus: 800 mg/kg) showed weight gain inhibition effects, the results of poor obesity inhibition rather than PC were confirmed. However, it showed a more effective weight loss effect in UPDM_H than UPD, and significantly reduced the weight of epididymal fat and subcutaneous fat. Furthermore, the possibility of anti-obesity effects of Discorea Japonica Thunb. fermented with Monascus can be confirmed by observing the effects of reducing serum total cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL concentrations, reducing ALT and AST levels, and inhibiting fat build-up in liver tissue. It is believed that Discorea Japonica Thunb. fermented with Monascus can be expected to utilize as a functional material that is important to improve anti-obesity and metabolic syndrome.