
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate and characterize the visual preferences of Rural Housing Standard Plans, which are expected to increase in demand as the number of households grows, and the effects of those characterizations on people’s choices in selecting home plans. In this study, Munsell values were extracted and analyzed using color analysis, and I.R.I image adjective analysis was performed to identify the color characteristics of each model type. To analyze the effect of the most influential colors among the visual elements in the plans, questionnaires were carried out according to whether color was present or not. There was a correlation between pre-selected frequency of preference and preference of visual preference. The study tallied the number of downloads for each model provided for the site of the farmers’ village and applied a t-test to confirm whether there was a difference in visual preferences. The results were as follows. First, the colors of Rural Housing Standard Plans were N and YR series, and the image analysis results were “Oriental” and “Rural”. Second, analyzing the number of model downloads and visual preferences on the homepage (www.returnfarm.com). Third, in the results of visual preference, the wooden house ranked 2.98-5.13 and the reinforced concrete house ranked 3.68-4.48. Fourth, comparative analysis of selection frequency and visual preference showed that the rankings of the top-ranked plans were similar; all were wooden houses and had similar roof forms. Fifth, the t-test conducted to analyze preferences in the visual elements of the standard design model of rural housing revealed significant differences in preferences for the color, roof form, and size, but no statistically significant differences (at .111) between preferences for structural wooden and reinforced concrete. The reason for this was that the types of wooden and reinforced concrete were not clearly distinguished from each other by photographs. Therefore, analysis suggested that the visual factors influenced the preference of Rural Housing Standard design model. In conclusion, it is necessary to present a model considering visual factors when providing models to urban and rural residents.