해산송사리, Oryzias dancena 2배체와 유도 3배체 각 조직에서의 세포주기를 비교, 분석하였다. G1, S, G2+M기의 분포 빈도에서 꼬리지느러미인 경우 2배체에서는 85.8%, 7.6% 및 6.9%이었으며 유도 3배체에서는 91.2%, 3.6% 및 5.2%이었다. 간 조직인 경우 2배체에서는 78.4%, 10.6%, 및 11.0%이었으며 유도 3배체는 86.2%, 5.9% 및 7.9%이었다. 아가미 조직인 경우 2배체에서는 79.3%, 9.4% 및 11.3%이었으며 유도 3배체는 85.7%, 5.4% 및 8.9%이었다. 2배체와 유도 3배체에서 조직 간 세포 주기 빈도에서 유의한 차이가 있었다 (p<0.05). Mitosis (체세포분열)은 유도 3배체에 비해 2배체가 더욱 활성이 있었으며, 이러한 체세포분열은 2배체와 유도 3배체 모두에서 꼬리지느러미 조직 보다는 간 조직과 아가미 조직에서 더욱 왕성하였다.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences fatty acids and hormonal parameters in the spawning and non-spawning season between the diploid and induced triploid Far Eastern catfish, Silurus asotus. The measured triploids were produced by cold shock for 50 min at 4℃ in May 2014, the spawning season of diploid was in May, and the nonspawning season was designated in January. Estradiol and testosterone and gonadosomatic index of diploid were higher than those of induced triploid in spawning season (P<0.05), and those of diploid in spawning season were higher than nonspawning season. On the other hand, thyroid stimulating hormone and thyroxine of induced triploid were higher than those of diploid in spawning season (P<0.05). Erythrocyte count of diploid was higher than that of induced triploid in spawning season and non-spawning seasons. Mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin of induced triploid were higher than those of diploid in both seasons (P<0.05). Percentages of total saturated fatty acids and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids of induced triploid were higher than those of diploid in spawning season, but those of diploid were higher in non-spawning season (P<0.05). Percentages of total mono unsaturated fatty acids and total n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids of diploid were higher than those of induced triploids in spawning season, while those of induced triploid in non-spawning season were higher (P<0.05). Therefore, induced triploids in the spawning season tend to concentrate on growth and lipid-synthesization, whereas, diploids concentrate on reproduction and gonadal maturation rather than on growth. In non-spawning season, growth and lipid- synthesization were not significantly different between diploid and induced triploid.
The influence of triploidization on cell and nucleus size characteristics of the same tissues of erythrocyte,
retina, kidney, hepatocyte and midgut epithelium in marine medaka, Oryzias dancena has been determined histologically.
Induced triploid fish are produced by cold shock treatments. Likewise, the size of horizontal cell nucleus in inner nuclear layer
of retina, ganglion cell nucleus in ganglion cell layer of retina, proximal tubule cell of kidney, hepatocytes and nuclear height
of midgut epithelium all appear to be significantly larger than diploid (P<0.05). On the other hand, retina thickness is larger in diploid than induced triploid (P<0.05). Induced triploid shows low density of cell number. Results of this study suggest that same characteristics in the induced triploid exhibiting larger cells and nucleus sizes with fewer number of cells than the diploid can be useful criteria for the distinction between diploid and induced triploid, and also the ploidy level in marine medaka.