경북 영양지역 재래종인 수비초와 칠성초, 청도지역 재래종인 풍각초에 역병 저항성을 도입하여 육성한 계통, 이중 하나에 바이러스 저항성을 도입하기 위하여 육성한 계통, 풍각 재래종에서 선발한 역병 저항성 계통의 역병에 대한 저항성을 유묘접종으로 다시 평가하였다. 육성계통들은 모두 역병에 고도의 저항성을 나타내었으며, 풍각재래(KC268)에서 선발한 계통들은 중도의 저항성을 나타내었다. 선발개체들을 옥외 묘상에 심고 그 위에 방충망을 씌워 종자를 증식 채종하였다. 이틀의 육종적 활용방안에 대하여 논하였다.
우수한 재래종(在來種)에 더뎅이병과 역병 저항성(抵抗性) 인자(因子)를 도입(導入)하기 위한품질친(品質親)을 선발(選拔)하기 위하여 '칼미초'에서 선발한 20계통과 '풍각초'에서 선발한24계통을 공시하여 본(本) 대학(大學) 시험포양(試驗圃楊)에 재배(栽培)하여 개화소요일수(開花所要日數), 초장 및 과실특성을 조사(調査)하였다. '칼미초'와 '풍각초' 선발 계통(系統)들은 모두 개화소요일수(開花所要日數)가 많은 만생종(晩生種)이었고, '칼미초' 계통들이 '풍각초' 보다 변이복(變異福)이 더 크게 나타났다. '칼미초'의 일부 계통(系統)들은 초세(草勢)가 강하고 당도(糖度)가 높으며 포양(圃楊)에서 바이러스에 저항성(抵抗性)으로 나타났다. '풍각초'의 일부 계통(系統)은 과종(果種)이 무거운 대과종(大果種)이었으며 과피가 두텁고 제분율(製粉率)이 높게 나타났다. 이상(以上)의 결과(結果)로서 더뎅이병과 역병에 저항성(抵抗性) 품종(品種)을 육성하기 위한 여고잡육종에서 반복친으로 사용할 수 있는 재료(材料)로 '칼미초' 계통 6, 9, 14, 18과 '풍각초' 계통 14, 16, 18등 7계통(系統)을 선발(選拔)하였다.
우수 재래 고추 품종인 풍각초에서 선발된 23계통과 칼미초에서 선발된 20계통 및 기타 대조품종들의 과실에 대하여 맛과 빛갈에 관여하는 주요 성분함량을 측정하였다. 칼미초에서 선발된 계통들은 풍각초에서 선말된 계통들 보다 전반적으로 신미성분(Capsaicin), 색소(Capsanthin) 및 당함량(sugsr content)이 더 높았다. 품질이 우수한 것으로 알려진 다복, 수비초 및 칠성초는 신미성분 함량은 중 정도이고 당함량은 높은 편이었다. 그러나 역병 저항성으로 도입된 PI201234는 신미성분 함량은 높으나 당함량이 낮았다.
To analyze their isoflavones contents by HPLC analysis during two years on 60 collected old local traditional soybean varieties from various districts of Korea was conducted. There was a yearly variation in the seed isoflavon concentrations. The total contents on 5 isoflavones were in the range from 16.21mg/g to 25.21 mg/g and from 6.47 mg/g to 15.44 mg/g, in 1997 and 1998, respectively. Collected soybean from Gunsnsi-1(25.21 mg/g) in 1997 and from Gangjingun-3 (16.50 mg/g) in 1998 showed the highest amount of isoflavones as compared with other collected soybean varieties. The highest amount among 5 isoflavones was genistin as 48.45% and 49.73%, in 1997 and 1998, respectively, indicating the genotypic variation in seed isoflavon contents of local soybean cultivar. Our data suggest that it may be feasible for improving soybean variety with higher antioxiadtive activity and substances.
본 연구는 참당귀의 개화습성과 수정양상을 조사하고 5개 지방종에 대하여 교잡에 의한 계통간 화합성 및 결실율을 검토함으로서 우량계통육성을 위한 교잡육종의 기초자료를 얻고자 수행하였다. 1. 정식 2년차에 있었서 5개 지방종의 출아기는 3월 14일이었고 추대기는 5월 12~13일이었으며 개화기는 ‘봉화종’이 8월 2일로서 다른 계통보다 3~5일 빨랐고, 개화지속기간은 각각 41~43일로 비슷하였다. 2. 5개 지방종의 개화특성을 보면 주경에서 1차 지경, 1차 지경에서 2차 지경까지의 개화기간은 9~13일이 소요되었고, 웅예와 자예의 출현기 간은 각각 3~5일이었으나 동일화서 내에서 최종웅예와 최초자예의 간격은 1~4일이었으며 동일화에서는 웅예가 자예보다 4~8일정 도 선숙이었다. 3. 참당귀의 개화 시기별 밀봉에 따른 결실율은 개화 5일전, 개화 1~2일전, 개화기가 1.0, 0.9, 0.4%였으나 개화후 3일이 2.4%로 약간 높았고, 봉지를씌우지 않은 처리구는 52%였다. 지방종간 수분형태에 따른 결실율은 자가수분이 26.3%였고 타가수분은 36.3%로 타가수분이 높았으며 모본에 따른 결실율은 ‘봉화종’, ‘무주종’을 모본으로 하였을 때 각각 44.9, 42.6%로 높았다. 4. 각 계통별 정역교잡에 따른 인공수분에서는 자가수분 타가수분 모두 친화성이 있었으며 자가수분에서는 ‘무주’× ‘무주’조합이 40.8%로 가장 높았고 타가수분에서는 ‘평창’× ‘인제’조합에서 67%로 가장 높았다.
Sixty local soybean cultivars were evaluated on the antioxidative activity by superoxide dismutase (SOD), 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), thiobarbituric acid(TBA), and chemiluminescence using the FI-CL system. Soybean were collected throughout the country, and were grown over two years (1997 and 1998) for measuring antioxidative activity in soybean seeds. There were differences in antioxidative activity depen-ding on the method of measurement and variation of the crop year. Soybeans from Kwangyang-shi-1 (76.78%) in 1997 and Kangjin-gun-3(79.14%) in 1998 showed the highest SOD activity, whereas those from Hwasoon-gun (80.43%) in 1997 and Kangjin-gun-2 (49.82 %) in 1998 exhibited the highest DPPH activity. Soybeans from Chongup-gun-2 (75.77%) in 1997 and from Yochon-shi-5 (69.17%) in 1998 exhibited the highest TBA activity, and those from Jinahn-gun (48.99%) in 1997 and Kohung-gun (49.73%) in 1998 exhibited the highest activity using the chemiluminescence method. These results suggest that it may be possible to develop soybean varieties with higher antioxidative activity
This study was conducted to investigate morphological characteristics of Korean local garlic varieties and to define the genetic variability and the correlations amongthe characters associated with yield. The plant height, the leaf sheath diameter, the nubmer of leaves, and bulb weight were significantly increased in the garlic plants from heavier seed bulbs. The proportation of six clove bulbs was more than 60% in Seosan variety and this was not realted with the number of cloves in seed bulb. While more than 70% bulbs in Jeoksung and Danyang varieties cultivated in paddy field were composed of 6 or 7 cloves, majority of the bulbs of Euisung and Danyang varieties cultivated in upland were composed of bulbs with 7 cloves or more. The highest genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) and phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) were observed in bulb weight. GCV and PCV also showed high value in leaf sheath diameter. Thus, there is a greater scope for selection of these characters. The small difference between PCV and GCV values in plant height indicates that the environmental influence would be limited in this character. High heritability was observed of plant height (56.76%) and bulb weight (45.95%). And the weight per bulb (34.24%) exhibited highest genitic advance followed by leaf sheath diameter (18.8%) and plant height (9.61%), and those would be the ideal characters for selelction.
From the evaluation of physical properties such as springiness, gumminess, adhesiveness, chewiness and hardness by the texture analyzer, vegetable soybean lines with green seed-coat were best as compared with those with black, brown, mixed, and yellow seed-coats. A panel test evaluated on the basis of taste, sweetness, chewiness, and total scores also indicated that soybean lines with green seed-coat were the best. The total scores of panel test was decreased in the order of green > yellow> black> brown seed-coat colored soybean. The mean value of sucrose content obtained by HPLC analysis was highest in black seed-coat colored soybean, and followed by green, yellow, and brown soybeans. The highest sucrose content (8.22%) was observed in 180362, a soybean line with green seed-coat. The full-season type soybeans showed much higher sucrose content than summer types which are mainly cultivated on farmer's fields for vegetable purposes. The final 13 lines selected from 300 colored soybeans showed nearly the same panel scores as Miwongreen. However, these lines had a great deal of variation in sucrose content, and much higher readings in texture analysis than Miwongreen, especially in chewiness and hardness which were the most important properties in vegetable soybeans.