We performed the quantitative analysis using MATLAB for slice thickness, spatial resolution, and low contrast resolution with the 50 received images which have suitable judgement by scanning AAPM phantom using GE, PHILIPS, SIEMENS, and TOSHIBA. Slice thickness and spatial resolution were measured by using full width at half maximum(below FWHM). Spatial resolution was confirmed that FWHM interval more than 1.0 mm size. Low contrast resolution was measured that how close by using Roundness Index(below RI) until 6.4 mm size. The spatial resolution 9 images and low contrast resolution 10 images which have disapproved judgement were also had the quantitative analysis. The statistic analysis was judged to have statistically significant differences when p-value is less than 0.05 through SPSS statistics 19.0 and T-test (paired t-test). For slice thickness 5 mm, the average qualitative evaluation group shows 4.98 mm and quantitative evaluation group shows 5.02. For slice thickness 10 mm, the average qualitative evaluation group shows 9.98 mm and quantitative evaluation group shows 9.86. No significant differences (p=0.07, p=0.06) with 5 mm and 10 mm. It confirmed the interval for all FWHM until 1.75, 1.50, 1.25, 1.00 mm as approved images on spatial resolution ,and the average distance was 0.102 mm and the minimum distance 0.054 mm. For disapproved images, all interval was not showed under 1.00 mm. For low contrast resolution, spproved image’s RI value shows average 0.81 and minimum 0.77. The disapproved image’s RI average shows 0.70. Statiscally significant differences were presented (all p<0.05) following hole size.
This study was done to provide basic data on the safety of professionals in medical imaging system by measuring the electromagnetic waves generated in the medical imaging system being used in medical organization. The studied medical imaging systems were general X-ray system, computed tomography(CT), ultrasonographic(USG) system, magnetic resonance imaging(MRI), PET-CT and fluoroscopic(R/F) system, and through these devices, electric field and magnetic field were measured and analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the measured values classified by the medical organizations were not much significant, but in the measurement by the medical imaging systems, there were high hazard elements in the sequential order of electric field PET-CT(17.7±22.9)v/m, CT(10.3±8.7)v/m, general X-ray system(8.8±8.8)v/m, magnetic field general X-ray system(5.06±8.26)mG, CT(2.71±4.53)mG and PET-CT(0.74±0.34)mG, the systems that adopted X-ray as main ray source, and the more aged the medical imaging systems, the greater the effects of electro-magnetic waves(10.6±15.93v/m for 5 years or more, 6.14±5.60v/m for 5 years or less). The effects of electromagnetic waves on medical imaging systems or facilities were not much when the notification of ministry of knowledge economy is considered, but in the overall perspective considering all the equipments and facility of the medical organization, such effects were significant. It is determined that sustainable safety managements of electric field and magnetic field must be done during process from medical imaging system installation to maintenance to rule out such factors.
진단방사선 영상을 획득하기 위해 이용되는 X-ray는 연속적인 에너지 분포를 가지지만 저에너지 광자의 경우에는 영상 형성 보다는 환자피폭에 더 많은 기여를 하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 이러한 저에너지 광자를 제거하기 위해 임상에서는 알루미늄 필터를 적용하고 있으나 이는 빔 경화 현상으로 인한 영상 품질에 악 영향을 미칠 가능성이 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 알루미늄 필터에 의한 산란 선량이 의료 영상의 품질에 미치는 영향에 대하여 고찰하고자 하였다. 또한, 영상의 대조도 저하를 정량적으로 표현하기 위해 상대 표준 편차 및 산란 열화 인자를 평가 지표로서 활용하였다. 연구 결과, 70 kVp 이상의 전압에서 진단 영상을 확보 시 NCRP에 의해 권장되는 2.5 mmAl를 기준에서 전방산란율 분석 결과 0.69 %, 산란 열화 인자 분석 결과는 0.005, NNPS 분석 결과 3.59 mm2의 변화가 나타났다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 알루미늄 필터의 두께가 증가함에 따라 발생하는 산란 선량이 의료 영상의 품질을 저하시키는 것을 정량적으로 검증하 였다.