멸강나방은 중국 내 개체군이 북쪽 지역으로 2차 이주를 할 때, 봄철 제트기류를 타고 국내로 유입되는 비래해 충이다. 집단으로 발생 시 벼, 옥수수, 수수 등 여러 작물에 큰 피해를 준다. 2020년과 2021년 북방접경 세 지역(백령 도, 연천, 고성)과 수원 지역에서 성페로몬트랩을 이용하여 멸강나방의 성충 발생 시기를 탐지하였다. 일반적으 로 수원지역은 4월 하순 혹은 5월 상순에 최초 유인되었으나 두 해 여러 지역에서 공통적으로 탐지되는 시기는 6월 초중순이었다. 미국 해양대기청(NOAA)에서 제공하는 역궤적 분석프로그램(HYSPLIT)을 이용하여 각 지 역에서 멸강나방이 포획된 날짜 별 지상 300, 500, 700, 1000 m의 36~72시간 역궤적 분석을 수행하였다. 이후 같은 시기에 중국 내 멸강나방이 분포할 가능성이 높은 지역(32~40 ºN)을 비래 근원지로 추정하였다. 2021년 수원과 백령도에서 공통적으로 산둥성(山东省)이 근원지로 추정되었다. 공통적으로 산둥성(山东省)과 장수성(江苏 省)이 주 비래지로 추정되었고, 추가적으로 백령도는 허베이성(河北省), 수원은 안후이성(安徽省), 허베이성(河 北省), 저장성(浙江省)도 가능성이 있는 지역으로 추정되었다.
The analysis of uranium migration is crucial for the accurate safety assessment of high-level radioactive waste (HLW) repository. Previous studies showed that the migration of the uranium can be affected by various physical and chemical processes, such as groundwater flow, heat transfer, sorption/ desorption and, precipitation/dissolution. Therefore, a coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Chemical (THC) model is required to accurately simulate the uranium migration near the HLW repository. In this study, COMSOL-PHREEQC coupled model was used to simulate the uranium migration. In the model, groundwater flow, heat transfer, and non-reactive solute transport were calculated by COMSOL, and geo-chemical reaction was calculated by PHREEQC. Sorption was primarily considered as geo-chemical reaction in the model, using the concept of two-site protolysis nonelctrostatic surface complexation and cation exchange (2 SP NE SC/CE). A modified operator splitting method was used to couple the results of COMSOL and PHREEQC. Three benchmarks were done to assess the accuracy of the model: 1) 1D transport and cation exchange model, 2) cesium transport in the column experiment done by Steefel et al. (2002), and 3) the batch sorption experiment done by Fernandes et al. (2012), and Bradbury and Baeyens (2009). Three benchmark results showed reliable matching with results from the previous studies. After the validation, uranium 1D transport simulation on arbitrary porewater condition was conducted. From the results, the evolution of the uranium front with sequentially saturating sites was observed. Due to the limitation of operator splitting method, time step effect was observed, which caused the uranium to sorbed at further sites then it should. For further study, 3 main tasks were proposed. First, precipitation/ dissolution will be added to the reaction part. Second, multiphase flow will be considered instead of single phase Darcy flow. Last, the effect of redox potential will be considered.
The chelating agent and cellulose generated during the operating and decommissioning of a NPP’s form organic complexing compounds. That is accelerate the migration of radionuclide and have a bad influence of LILW disposal site. In this study, the GoldSim (RT module) program was used for the effects of radionuclide migration by organic complex compounds as described above. A scenario was derived for evaluation, and a conceptual design (Concept Art) of the GoldSim model was performed. 1) Derivation of the scenario. For the scenario, we selected a groundwater flow scenario in which groundwater flows in and radionuclides flow out after a lapse of time after the operation of the LILW disposal site in Gyeongju is closed. The inflowing groundwater comes into contact with radioactive waste and the radionuclides dissolve. The dissolved nuclides move past the drum and out of the disposal vessel due to the advection phenomenon. Radionuclides spilled from the disposal vessel pass through the silo internal filler (crushed stone) and reach the engineering barrier concrete. Radionuclides from degraded concrete are scenarios that move along the flow of groundwater to the near and far. 2) Radionuclide migration concept design. The radionuclide movement section was largely designed with Inner (Inside the silo), Near and Far. (A) Inner (Inside the silo) This section is where radionuclides move from the radiation source to the engineering barrier (silo). The detailed migration path was designed to allow radioactive nuclides to flow out and move to waste drums, solidified matrix of indrum, disposal vessel fillers, disposal vessels, silo fillers (crushed stones), and engineered barriers (concrete). The LILW disposal site in Gyeongju has a total of 6 silos. Each of the 6 silos was modeled and designed in consideration of the structural information and positional impact. (B) Near & Far. In generally design, the near is form source term to engineered barrier and far is beyond the engineered barrier. In this study, the near and far designed by radionuclide in the section from the beyond the engineering barrier (silo) to the sea through the groundwater flow through the natural rock. Especially in the case of near, the design was made by applying the position of the natural rock sampling drill hole.
Royal jelly (RJ) is exclusive food that is secreted from the hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands of worker honeybees, and it is well known to be a necessary for the growth of the queen honeybee Although fresh royal jelly have been demonstrated to enhance wound healing, the wound healing effects of water soluble royal jelly (WSRJ) have not been elucidated. We investigated whether WSRJ promotes the migration, attachment, and proliferation of human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) during in vitro wound healing. HDFs were treated with 1-5ug/ml WSRJ and RJ for up to 24hr following wound formation. Cell migration was assessed by measuring recovery from wound margin, while cell attachment and proliferation were determined by MTT assay. By observing the numbers of cell attached, we confirmed that not only WSRJ but also RJ did not affect on the initial cell adhesion. WSRJ (5 ug/ml) enhanced cell migration rate approximately 84.3% in HDFs at 24hr, whereas RJ (5 ug/ml) increased cell migration rate 71.3% in HDFs at 24hr, which is similar to cell migration rate of WSRJ 1 ug/ml (73.7%). In cell proliferation assays, WSRJ induced an increase in the number of HDFs, compared with control and RJ. In conclusion, WSRJ promotes cell migration with increased cell proliferation in an in vitro wound healing model.
특정 구획으로 유입된 오염물질이 해당 구획 내부에 순간적으로 균일하게 분포한다는 구획모델에 대한 기본가정의 한계로 인해, 전통적인 단일구획모델로는 불포화대에서 오염물질의 이동현상을 적절하게 예측할 수 없다. 한편 물리적으로 동일한 불포화대를 여러 개의 구획으로 구분한 다중구획모델링 기법은 실제 불포화대에서의 오염물질 이동 지연효과를 적절하게 설명할 수 있으나, 지금까지 일반적인 해석해가 보고된 바 없으며 고려하는 구획의 개수가 증가할수록 모델링에 많은 시간이 소요되는 등의 한계가 있다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여, 이류가 지배적인 조건 하에서 불포화대의 오염물질 이동현상에 대한 다중구획모델을 수립하고 이를 해석적인 방법으로 계산할 수 있는 일반해를 유도한 후, 다중구획모델을 단일구획모델로 근사할 수 있는 수학적 제약조건을 도출하였다. 단순화된 근사방법론의 유효성은 가상적인 조건 하에서 간단한 수치해석적 방법을 통해 검증하였다. 물리적으로 동일한 특성을 갖는 불포화대를 단일 구획으로 가정할 경우, 불포화대로부터 포화대로 유입되는 오염물질의 전이율은 상수가 아닌 시간 종속적인 명목전이율로 표현할 수 있음을 증명하였다. 또한 명목전이율은 불포화대 구획간 전이율에 민감하며 오염층으로부터의 전이율에 대한 민감도는 미미한 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구에서 개발된 단순화된 근사방법론은 많은 시간이 요구되는 다중구획 모델링을 통하지 않고 불포화대 오염물질 이동현상을 신속하고 합리적으로 예측하기 위한 목적으로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
According to diverse studies in population migration, there has been a strong age-dependent population distribution in Korea. It is shown that a particular age-group tends to reside in a particular locale or community and the effect possesses usually statistical significance. We quantitatively address this issue: how certain division of age group resides in different region of the country, and investigate possible cause of this migration pattern for different age groups. In this study, population migration trend at age groups of 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s has been analyzed incorporating a spatial econometrics model that accounts for diverse statistical pitfalls such as spatial autocorrelation and spatial dependency. We found that migration trend for different age group corresponds to regional characteristics differently. The study concludes with some policy implications and suggests a need of further study.