
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to elucidate the effects of mulching materials on the growth of potato and weed control at the experimental farm of Chungbuk National University from August 9 in 2008 to June 28 in 2009. Tested potato, cv. ‘Superior’, was grown under the different mulching materials such as pine tree leaf, oak tree leaf, rice straw, rice hull and sawdust, and control(non-mulching). We tested two times with autumn and spring culture season. The obtained results from this study were summarized as follows; There was significantly difference in plant height, stem length, leaf length, leaf weight and tuber weight in pine tree leaf mulching treatment in autumn season among the treatments. The dominant weeds were Echinochioa crus-galli var. fadmerntacca and Cyperus amvuricus in autumn culture season, while were Echinochioa crus-galli var. fadmerntacca and Digitaria sanguinalis in spring culture season. The appearance of weeds in all of mulching treatment was significant reduced compared to control. The soil moisture content was the highest in rice hull mulching treatment, and that of mulching treatments was significantly higher than control. The soil temperature of mulching treatments was lower than that of control by from 1.0℃ to 2.8℃ in autumn season and from 0.7℃ to 2.3℃ in spring season. The soil temperature was low in the order of pine tree leaf, rice straw, oak tree leaf, rice hull, sawdust, and control.