본 연구는 갑상샘 초음파에서 K-TIRADS 분류와 K-TIRADS 분류에 따른 Different risk group의 조합을 이용한 방법이 양성과 악성 결절의 감별진단에 유용한지를 평가하였다. 갑상샘 초음파를 시행한 210명을 대상으로 하였으며, 세침흡인세포검사 결과를 바탕으로 후향적인 분석을 하였다. 갑상샘 결절의 양성과 악성에 따른 K-TIRADS와 Different risk group의 점수체계의 차이 분석은 카이제곱 검정을 하였다. ROC 곡선 분석을 통해 악성 결절의 예측을 위한 K-TIRADS 점수와 Different risk group의 최적 cut off 값을 결정하였다. 양성과 악성 결절 군의 분류에 따른 K-TIRADS와 Different risk group의 차이검증 결과에서 각각 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다(p=.001). ROC 곡선 분석에서 양성과 악성 결절의 예측을 위한 K-TIRADS에 따른 점수분류에서는 AUC 0.786, Cut-off value> 2를 나타내었으며, Different risk group에서는 AUC 0.640, Cut-off value> 2로 결정되었다(p=.001). 갑상샘 초음파에서 결절을 발견했을 때 양성과 악성 갑상샘 결절을 감별하는 데 도움을 주는 K-TIRADS에 따른 분류체계가 Different risk group에 따른 분류체계보다 갑상샘 결절의 감별진단에 도움을 줄 것으로 생각하며 K-TIRADS에 따른 분류체계를 적용하면, 불필요한 세포 검사를 줄일 수 있고, 악성 결절의 조기발견에 도움이 될 것으로 생각된다.
Monitored anesthesia care (MAC) has been described as a specific anesthesia service for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures performed under local anesthesia along with sedation and analgesia, titrated to a level preserving spontaneous breathing and airway reflexes. Radio-frequency ablation (RFA) is a kind of methods to remove benign thyroid nodules (BTNs) by inducing the irreversible injuries with the use of an ultrasound-guided RF electrode placed inside the nodules. A 37 years old, 157 cm, 81 kg woman underwent RFA of BTNs under MAC. We present with a case report where laryngospasm under MAC was resolved by the use of positive pressure ventilation without any complications.
본 연구는 갑상샘 탄성초음파에서 탄성도 점수와 변형비를 이용한 방법이 양성과 악성결절의 감별진단 에 유용한지를 평가하였다. 탄성초음파를 시행한 597명을 대상으로 하였으며, 세침흡인세포검사 결과를 바 탕으로 후향적인 분석을 하였다. 갑상샘 결절의 양성과 악성에 따른 5단계의 탄성도 점수와 변형비의 차이 분석은 카이제곱검정과 Mann-Whitney U test를 실시하였다. ROC 곡선분석을 통해 악성결절의 예측을 위한 탄성도 점수와 변형비의 최적의 cut off 값을 결정하였다. 양성과 악성결절 군의 분류에 따른 탄성도 점수의 동질성 비교와 변형비의 차이검증 결과에서 각각 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였으며(p=0.000), ROC 곡선 분석에서 양성과 악성결절의 예측을 위한 탄성도 점수와 변형비의 AUC 0.842, 0.700, cut-off 값 3, 2.49로 결정되었다(p=0.001). 따라서 탄성도 점수와 변형비는 갑상샘 결절의 감별진단에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다.
This study was undertaken to evaluate the association between the appearance of hypodense hepatic nodules on dynamic CT images and acute alcoholic hepatitis in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. Sixty-two patients (male:female=57:5, mean age=51.4±10.9 years) with alcoholic cirrhosis were included. Patients were divided into 3 groups; group A (nodules, n=23), group B (fatty liver < 40 Hounsfield unit (HU) without nodules, n=18), and group C (control, n=21). Liver nodules in Group A had characteristic low density during pre- and all post-contrast phases versus liver parenchyma and fewer or complete resolution of nodules on follow up CT after alcohol withdrawal. Densities (HU) of nodules and hepatic parenchyma, ascites scores, and laboratory values were analyzed. Mean densities of hepatic parenchyma in groups A and B were significantly lower than in the control group. Serum bilirubin, AST (aspartate transaminase), ALT (alanine transaminase), PT (prothrombin time), and ascites scores were significantly higher in group A than in the other two groups. As numbers of liver nodules increased nodules’ attenuation decreased. Mean serum AST and ALT were higher in patients with many nodules than in patients with few nodules. Hypodense hepatic nodules in alcoholic steatohepatitis in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis are probably benign nodules resulting from focal steatosis or hepatocellular necrosis rather than metastases.
Benign thyroid nodule is a common disease. However, little is known about the natural course of it. The objective of the study was to evaluate the changes of ultrasonographic (US) findings and the fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology. During 2 years, most of them have been in a benign natural course. However, we should note that malignant US findings is strongly associated with papillary thryoid carcinoma, though FNA revealed benign. Among them, our results would suggest that taller than wide feature in US finding is associated with malignancy
This experiment was conducted to investigate the changes of growth and maturity and to clarify the function of supernodulating characters, excessive nodules and high biological nitrogen fixation rate (BNF), on maturity in response to different planting time in supernodulating soybean mutants. Two supernodulating soybean mutants, Sakukei4 and SS2-2, and their parent cultivars, Enrei and Shinpaldalkong2, were planted on May 24 and June 15, 2004. The degrees of the shortening of growth days by the planting time delay were 18 to 22 days in four cultivar, and there were no significant differences among the cultivars. However, four cultivars showed the different maturity properties. Sakukei4, mutated from Enrei, showed later maturity than that of Enrei, and 882-2, mutated from Shinpaldalkong2, showed earlier maturity than that of Shinpaldalkong2. The plant and nodule dry weights at R6 stage of Sakukei4 showed the smallest decrement and those of SS2-2 was showed the largest decrement by the delay of planting time. The photosynthetic rates of Sakukei4 during the late reproductive growth period were slowly decreased, however those of SS2-2 were steeply decreased in two planting time treatments. Overall, the growth of Sakukei4 was decreased slowly, however the growth of SS2-2 was decreased sharply according to the delay of planting time. The percentage of seed yield of Sakukei4 in June planting plot compared with May planting plot at R8 stage was 92~% , which was the lowest decreasing rate of yield among the cultivars, and in the case of SS2-2, it was in 76~% , the highest one. These results indicated that the responses of supernodulating mutants by the delay of planting time were very similar to the wild types. This means supernodulating characters in supernodulating soybean mutants might not affect to the maturity property. Additionally, the maturity property could be considered as an important characteristics to decide or to select on the developments of supernodulating soybean mutants, which have a low productivity by an excessive nodules, especially.
This experiment was conducted to clarify the functions of supernodulating characters on seed yield determination through the comparison of agricultural traits of supernodulating soybean mutants, Sakukei4, SS2-2, and their parent cultivars, Enrei and Shinpaldalkong2. The plant dry weights of supernodulating mutants, Sakukei4 and SS2-2, were 52~% and 61~% of their wild type parents at full seed stage (R6). However, the relative growth rate (RGR) from the pod set stage (R3) to R6 of Sakukei4 was 0.022 g/g/day and that of SS2-2 was 0.016 g/g/day, which were higher than those of their parents. Nodule number and dry weight were increased in two supernodulating mutants by the R6 stage. The nitrogen concentrations of leaf, petiole and stem of Sakukei4 were higher than those of Enrei. SS2-2 showed higher nitrogen concentration in petiole than Shinpaldalkong2 had. The positive correlations were appeared between nodule dry weight, plant dry weight and pod number, in two supernodulating mutants during the period from R3 to R6 stage. Although all of the yield components and seed yield were lower in two supernodulating mutants than their parents at the stage of full maturity (R8), the harvest index was higher in supernodulating mutants. The increasing rates of pod number to stem dry weight in two supernodulating mutants showed the higher than those of two their parents at R8 stage. In conclusion, the relative growth rates during the early to the middle reproductive growth period were higher in supernodulating mutants than the wild types. This could be resulted in an increase in pod number. The increase of relative growth rate was the result of the successive supplement of nitrogen source from biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) of nodules during the middle reproductive growth period in supernodulating mutants.
Sinorhizobium sp. strain MUS10 forms nitrogen-fixing stem nodules on Sesbania rostrata, a tropical green manure crop. In this study, the ultrastructural events associated with the formation of stem nodules were investigated. Sinorhizobium sp. strain MUS10 entered the host tissue through cracks created by the emerging adventitious root primordia and multiplied within the intercellular spaces. During early phases of infection, host cells adjacent to invading bacteria revealed cellular damage that is typical of hypersensitive reactions, while the cells at the inner cortex exhibited meristematic activity. Infection threads were numerous in S-day-old nodules and often were associated with the host cell wall. In several cases, more than one infection thread was found in individual cells. The junction at which the host cell walls converged was often enlarged due to fusion of intracellular branches of infection threads resulting in large infection pockets. The infection threads were made up of a homogeneous, amorphous matrix that enclosed the bacteria. Several finger-like projections were seen radiating from these enlarged infection threads and were delineated from the host cytoplasm by the plasma membrane. As in Azorhizobium caulinodans induced root nodules, the release of Sinorhizobia from the infection threads into the plant cells appears to be mediated by 'infection droplets'. A 15-dayold Sesbania stem nodule revealed typical ultrastructure features of a determinate nodule, containing several bacterioids within symbiosomes.
북동태평양 C-C지역의 우리나라 광구에서 산출되는 망간단괴의 내부조직을 크게 주상조직 층상대, 첨상조직 층상대, 첨상조직 괴상대, 첨상조직 다공질대 및 괴상조직 괴상대로 구분하였다. 주상조직 층상대에서는 버나다이트(vernadite)가 가장 우세하게 산출되며, 첨상조직 층상대에서는 부서라이크(buserite)가 함께 산출된다. 첨상조직 괴상대는 부서라이트의 산출이 두드러지며, 부분적으로 토도로카이트(todorokite)가 수반된다. 첨상조직 다공질대는 첨상체 또는 구상체로 이루어지며 부분적으로 괴상조직으로 교대되는데 주로 토도로카이트와 부서라이트로 구성되어 있다. 괴상조직을 갖는 괴상대에서는 토도로카이트와 버네사이트(birnessite)가 부서라이트와 함께 산출된다. 각 조직대별로 미세조직을 이루는 엽리들에 대해 전자현미분석을 실시하였다. 엽리의 화학조성을 구성하는 요인은 상관계수 군집분석에 의해 Mn-K의 Mn군, Cu-Ni-Zn-Mg(Ca-Na)의 Cu-Ni-Mg군 Fe-Co-Ti(Ca-P)의 Fe군과 Si-Al의 Si군 등 네 개군으로 구분된다. 각 조직대는 세 개 또는 네 개의 군으로 구성되며 이들 각군은 단괴에서 산출되는 광물과 밀접한 관계를 가진다. Mn군은 토도로카이트, Cu-Ni-Mg군은 부서라이트, Fe군은 함코발트수산화철광물, 그리고 Si군은 규산염광물에서 주로 기인하는 것으로 생각된다. 엽리의 화학조성은 이들 광물의 조합과 구성광물의 화학조성에 따라 지배되고 한 조직대내에서도 여러종류의 조합을 보이는데 이는 각 조직대의 엽리들의 성인과 밀접한 관련이 있는 것으로 생각된다.
옥천층군의 상부 이질암에 속하는 구룡산층내의 함흑연질셰일층준에서 흑연단괴가 산출된다. 이들 중 덕평과 조곡지역에서 산출되는 흑연질단괴는 두 지역 모두 장경 2cm 이하의 타원체가 주이며, 조곡지역의 단괴가 덕평지역의 단괴에 비하여 더욱 신장되어 있다. 덕평지역에서는 단괴가 초기 속성기간 중에 생성된 것임을 지시해 주는 조직이 단괴와 모암의 접촉부에서 관찰되는 반면 조곡지역에서는 이러한 조직이 관찰되지 않는다. 덕평지역 단괴의 주구성 광물은흑연, 인회석, 석영, 운모이고 조곡지역 단괴의 구성광물은 흑연, 석영, 운모이다. 덕평 및 조곡지역에서 산출되는 단괴내의 총탄소함량은 각각 40%, 5% 내외의 값을 갖는다. 덕평 및 조곡지역의 탄질물의 d002는 동인한 3.356~3.360a의 범위의 값을 가진다. 이는 고진화된 흑연의 저면간격에 해당되는 것으로, 두 지역의 변성상이 동일함을 의미한다.