
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Korean government has been carrying out the marine ranch development project since 1998 with the purpose of responding to the decrease in coastal fishery resources and fishery income, preparing a systematic management system for the sustainable use of fishery resources and realizing advanced fisheries power by expanding and upgrading fisheries resource development projects. In addition, the government established the Korea Fisheries Resources Agency and promoted projects for the protection and management of fishery resources by increasing basic productivity by artificially creating marine forests in areas where whitening events occur. Since the project of building marine ranches and marine forests requires immense government financial support, it is important to estimate the economic value and thoroughly evaluate the feasibility of the project. In this paper, the project of non-market economic value of the development of marine ranches and the development of marine forests was estimated. CVM (Contingent Valuation Method) was applied as a methodology for benefits estimation. Prior to the analysis, a one-on-one interview survey was conducted with participation of 512 residents and 514 residents respectively for the project of creating a marine ranch and developing a marine forest. A DBDC (Double-Bounded Dichotumous Choice) model was applied in the WTP (Willingness To Pay) analysis model and the socioeconomic variables of the surveyor, such as sex, age, education and income, were reflected in the model. The economic benefits from the two projects, namely, building of marine ranches and developing marine forests were estimated to be equal to 4,608 won and 7,772 won per household per year, respectively. According to the results of the survey, it seems that respondents think that marine forests are more valuable than marine ranches. This is as a result of ordinary citizens’ thought that the marine ranches are more cost-effective than the marine forests. The benefits estimated through this study can be used for analysis of economic feasibility prior to carrying out the project of building marine ranches and developing marine forests, and are considered to be the valuable for policy-making purposes and finding social and economic consensus.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The properties of sediment collected from seabed surface to 6cm depth on the four positions were analyzed to investigate turbulence of marine sediments by shrimp beam trawl. Types of sediments in the investigation area were (g)mS (slightly gravely muddy sand) and gmS (gravely muddy sand) showing high sand content, and (g)sM (slightly gravely sandy mud), gsM (gravely sandy mud) as well. It is estimated that position is more crucial factor than seasonal difference for the granularity variation of sediment in each investigation area. Finding the positional characteristics of sediment granularity was difficult before removing shells and organic matter. However, the average granularity is getting larger by going out from inland sea to open sea once those were removed. The granularity of marine sediment got narrow after processing in the fishing area for shrimp beam trawl but there was no big difference for granularity size before and after processing in the non-fishing area. This might be attributed to crushed shell particles going up and down again on the surface in the fishing area. To demonstrate the hypothesis mentioned above, the sediments driven by shrimp beam trawl need to be collected and analyzed.