Insects and animals can recognize surrounding environments by detecting thousands of chemical odorants. Olfaction is a complicated process that begins in the olfactory epithelium with the specific binding of volatile odorant molecules to dedicated olfactory receptors (ORs). OR proteins are encoded by the largest gene superfamily in the mammalian genome. We report here the whole genome analysis of the olfactory receptor genes of S. scrofa using conserved OR gene specific motifs and known OR protein sequences from diverse species. We identified 1,301 OR related sequences from the S. scrofa genome including 1,113 functional OR genes and 188 pseudogenes. OR genes were located in 46 different regions on 16 pig chromosomes. We classified the ORs into 17 families, three Class I and 14 Class II families, and further grouped them into 349 subfamilies. We also identified inter- and intra-chromosomal duplications of OR genes residing on 11 chromosomes. A significant number of pig OR genes (n=212) showed less than 60% amino acid sequence similarity to known OR genes of other species. We also performed a similar analysis on the cattle OR subgenome and identified 1,071 OR related sequences. We show that S. scrofa has one of the largest OR repertoires, suggesting an expansion of OR genes in the swine genome. Considering available information from literature, it seems that OR systems between mammals and insects possess high similarity in their action mechanisms and rapid evolutionary changes due to differences in living environments.
In this study, odors in N industrial complex in Incheon city were measured by using air dilution olfactory method, odor sensor and instrumental analysis method. Three industry categories which are plating industry, equipment manufacturing industry and petrochemical manufacturing industry were classified and the correlation of data was evaluated based on the measurement result. The correlation coefficient between the air dilution olfactory method and the odor sensor device utilizing method in 69 points was 0.562. The correlation coefficients in the classified industry categories were observed 0.889 in the plating industry, 0.723 in the equipment manufacturing industry and 0.832 in the petrochemicals manufacturing industry. It shows that when the correlation coefficient is over 0.75, they have a strong correlation. In this result, we could identify the ease of availability of the correlation using industry classification.
본 연구의 목적은 후각 자극에 의한 감성의 변화를 주관적 검사와 동시에 시행한 심전도에서 추출한 HRV parameter와의 상관관계를 보고자 함이다. 후각 자극은 0.6% orange와 2.5% valeric acid를 일정 flow와 일정 농도를 코 점막에 건조를 방지하기 위해 수증기로 포화시킨 향자극기로 주었다. 향의 주관적 검사에서 오렌지향은 친숙하고 쾌하다고 하였으며, valeric acid의 경우 불쾌하고 성가시고 친숙하지 않는 감성을 표시하였다. 이러한 쾌하고 불쾌한 향자극에 대한 HRV 분의 활동이 우세하였음을 확인하였다. 결론적으로 HRV 스펙트럼 분석이 감성의 변화를 객관적인 지표로 나타내는데 유용한 정보로서의 가능성을 제시히고자 하였다.