
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 13

        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study applied regression analysis to evaluate the impact of hourly average congestion calculated by bumper model in the congested area of each passage of each port on the peak time congestion, to suggest the model formula that can predict the peak time congestion. This study conducted regression analysis of hourly average congestion and peak time congestion based on the AIS survey study of 20 ports in Korea. As a result of analysis, it was found that the hourly average congestion has a significant impact on the peak time congestion and the prediction model formula was derived. This formula(Cp = 4.457Ca + 29.202) can be used to calculate the peak time congestion based on the predicted hourly average congestion.
        2014.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In industrial facilities sites, the conventional method determining the earthquake magnitude (M) using earthquake ground-motion records is generally not applicable due to the poor quality of data. Therefore, a new methodology is proposed for determining the earthquake magnitude in real-time based on the amplitude measures of the ground-motion acceleration mostly from S-wave packets with the higher signal-to-ratios, given the Vs30 of the site. The amplitude measures include the bracketed cumulative parameters and peak ground acceleration (As). The cumulative parameter is either CAV (Cumulative Absolute Velocity) with 100 SPS (sampling per second) or BSPGA (Bracketed Summation of the PGAs) with 1 SPS. The arithmetic equations to determine the earthquake magnitude are derived from the CAV(BSPGA)-As-M relations. For the application to broad ranges of earthquake magnitude and distance, the multiple relations of CAV(BSPGA)-As-M are derived based on worldwide earthquake records and successfully used to determine the earthquake magnitude with a standard deviation of ±0.6M.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        볼록총채벌레는 제주도 감귤에서 경미한 피해만 보고되다가 2007년부터 다발생하여 그 피해가 갈수록 심각해지고 있다. 본 연구는 적산온도를 이용하여 볼록총채벌레 각 발생세대의 발생최성기를 예측할 수 있는 모형을 개발하고자 수행하였다. 볼록총채벌레 성충 발생세대수를 독립변수(x)로 취급하고 세대별 발생최성기의 적산온도를 종속변수(y)로 취급하여 직선 회귀식을 추정하였다. 감귤원에서 유살된 자료와 녹차 또는 키위과원에서 얻은 자료를 기반으로 각각 감귤기반모형(y = 310.9x + 69.0, r2=0.99) 녹차기반모형(y = 285.7x + 84.1, r2=0.99)을 개발하였다. 각 모형의 예측값과 독립된 포장 실측자료와의 잔차자승합을 토대로 모형의 적합성을 평가하였으며, 녹차기반모형의 적합력이 좋았다. 본 예측모형을 통한 계산값과 실측치의 불일치에 대한 원인과 모형의 포장 활용도에 대하여 고찰하였다.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the differentiation of proprioception, invertor and evertor muscle strength, and time to peak torque at a velocity of 300 °/sec of the ankle joint in people with or without functional ankle instability (FAI). Nineteen subjects with a history of ankle sprain participated. All subjects were divided into FAI group (n1=9, Cumberland ankle instability tool (CAIT)≤24) and a control group (n2=10) based on their CAIT scores. Isokinetic dynamometer was used to measure the sense of active joint position of the ankle at mid-range and end-range of an inversion motion and invertor as well as the evertor muscle strength and time to peak torque at 300 °/s. The FAI group showed a statistically reduction in invertor and evertor muscle strength and time to peak torque when compared to the control group (p<.05). Muscle strength and time to peak torque of the invertor and evertor, as well as the sense of active joint position at end-range were also lower in the FAI group than in the control (p<.05). Correlations between CAIT score and position sense at end-range (r=-.577) and invertor muscle strength (r=.554) were statistically significant (p<.05). Individuals with FAI showed reduction in invertor and evertor muscle strength and recruitment time as well as in proprioception of the ankle joint. Thus, proprioception and invertor and evertor muscle strength of the ankle joint at fast angular velocity may be investigated when examining and planning care for individuals with FAI.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are many pollutants emitted into the air. Some of these pollutants have a malodor. Unlike other pollutants, people are able to detect and feel discomfort when this type of pollutant becomes high peak concentration instantaneously. In this sense, the peak concentration has an important meaning in the odor management and modeling. In previous odor modeling, the peak concentration was calculated by correcting the one-hour average concentration using the correlation equation. This study was carried out to find appropriate method to predict the peak concentration using meteorological input data of high time resolution in the odor modeling. It show that the peak concentration could be directly calculated from the dispersion modeling without using the correction equation when fine time scales such as 1 min or less time intervals are used as the meteorological input.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 기상학적 및 수문학적 가뭄지수를 이용하여 가뭄사상의 첨두 심도 발생시점과 가뭄발생 기간에 대한 연구를 수행하였다. 연구를 수행하기 위해 사용한 가뭄지수로 기상학적 가뭄지수는 표준강수지수(Standardized Precipitation Index, SPI)를 사용하였으며, 수문학적 가뭄지수로는 하천가뭄지수(Streamflow Drought Index, SDI)와 표준하천유량지수(Standardized Streamflow Index, SSI)를 이용하였다. 연구 대상지역은 농촌과 도시가 공존하는 청미천 유역을 선택하였으며, 평가기간은 1985년 1월부터 2017년 6월까지 32.5년을 평가하였다 하천유량은 SWAT 모형을 이용하여 산정하였다. 수집한 데이터를 이용하여 가뭄지수를 산정한 후에 시계열을 토대로 가뭄의 특성을 분석하였다. 그 결과 수문학적 가뭄은 기상학적 가뭄이 발생한 후에 발생하는 것을 확인할 수 있다. SDI가 SSI보다 SPI와의 첨두 발생시점, 가뭄 시작일의 차이와 평균 가뭄기간이 더 크게 나지만, 가뭄지수의 심도를 비교해보면 일반적으로 SSI가 SDI 보다 심각한 심도를 나타내고 있다. 그러므로 가뭄의 특성을 확인하기 위해서는 기상학적, 수문학적 가뭄지수 등 다양한 가뭄지수를 검토해야 한다.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 농업용 저수지의 저수율, 선행토양함수조건(AMC) 및 Huff 시간분포가 첨두유출량에 미치는 영향을 몬테칼로 시뮬레이션을 통해 분석하였다. 저수지 저수율, 선행토양함수조건 및 Huff 시간분포의 적용에 따라 4가지 경우에 대해 첨두홍수량을 산정하고 비교한 결과, 50~300년 빈도의 첨두홍수량은 저수율 100% 또는 AMCIII로 일괄 적용했을 때 각 조건의 발생확률을 고려한 첨두홍수량에 비해 20~30% 크게 산정되었다. Huff 3분위를 일괄 적용했을 때의 첨두홍수량은 발생확률을 고려한 Huff 분위 적용에 비해 5% 크게 산정되어, AMC와 저수지 저수율에 비해 첨두홍수량에 미치는 영향이 적었다.
        2009.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Although renewable power is regarded a way to active response to climate change, the stability of whole power system could be a serious problem in the future due to its uncertainties such as indispatchableness and intermittency. From this perspective, the peak time impact of stochastic wind power generation is estimated using simulation method up to year 2030 based on the 3rd master plan for the promotion of new and renewable energy on peak time. Result shows that the highest probability of wind power impact on peak time power supply could be up to 4.41% in 2030. The impact of wind power generation on overall power mix is also analyzed up to 2030 using SCM model. The impact seems smaller than expectation, however, the estimated investment cost to make up such lack of power generation in terms of LNG power generation facilities is shown to be a significant burden to existing power companies.
        1990.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of change of force and response time to peak force on the forcee variability. The subjects were six male students in the department of physical education at seoul national university. They pulled the immobale handle at the three change of force(30, 60, 90%) and three response time conditions(100, 300, 500ms) . A three by three(change of force by response time to peak force) factorial analysis of variance with repeated measures used to dertermine whether or not the effect on the force variability was significant (P< .0l) . The results obtained from the data analysis were follows First, there was significant difference of change of force in the force variability. Second, there was have no significant difference of response time to peak force in the force variability. Third, there was have no significant difference of the relation change of force and response time to peak force variabiliyty.