차광도포제 처리는 시설하우스 내부의 고온 제어를 위한 유용한 관리 방법 중 하나로 이용되고 있다. 우리나 라 포도과원에 설치된 비가림 시설은 강우를 방지하여 병 발생을 예방하는 독특한 시설로 여름철 고온 피해를 받을 가능성이 높다. 본 시험에서는 포도 비가림 시설 아래의 과도한 고온을 회피하기 위해 차광도포제의 농도를 달리하여 비가림 비닐 외부에 처리하였다. 그 결과 35% 차광도포제 처리는 비가림 비닐 아래의 PPFD (광합성 광양자 자속 밀도)의 45%를 감소시켰다. 또한 35% 차광도포제 처리는 무처리 대비 과방부위 온도를 2oC를 낮추는 결과를 나타냈다. 차광도포제 처리는 포도 비가림 시설에서 유의하게 온도를 낮추는 효과가 확인되었지만 주변 온도보다 낮은 온도로 제어 할 수는 없었다. 자연적으로 제거되는 35% 차광도포제 처리는 우리 나라의 포도 비가림 시설내의 여름철 과도한 열 손상과 과일 품질 저하를 방지하는 방법으로 활용할 수 있다.
본시험은 포도 캠벨얼리의 광폭 비가림 설치 효과를 평가하기 위해 실시되었다. 광폭비가림은 비가림의 폭이 기존의 표준 비가림보다 30 cm 넓게 구성되어 있다. 비가림처리는 모두 대기온도보다 2~3oC 높게 나타났고 광 폭비가림하에서 일 평균온도는 0.5~1oC 정도표준 비가림 보다 높게 나타났다. 상대습도는 대기습도보다 15~20% 낮게 나타났으며 연차간 차이를 보였다. Pseudocecospora vitis 에 의해 발생하는 포도 갈색무늬병의 발생은 2012 년에는 광폭비가림이 표준비가림 보다 55.6% 적게 나타 났고 2013년에는 17.2% 적게 나타났다. 포도는 2년에 걸쳐 수확하였고 당함량, 산함량, 과립중, 과립크기 등 과실품질을 측정하였다. 그 결과 2012년에는 처리간 차이가 명확하지 않았으나 2013년에는 광폭비가림이 당함량이 0.4o Bx 높았고 산함량은 0.8% 낮은 결과를 나타내었다. 이는 광폭 비가림의 적용이 갈색무늬병의 발생 정도를 낮추고, 과실품질에 영향을 미치는 것을 시사한다.
Background : Acreage of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse to prevent anthrax is being gradually increased according to growing importance of safe Boxthorn production. But When Boxthorn is grown in the hot season in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse, Fertility decreases. The fertilization rate tends to be different according to cultivated variety and ventilation type of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse. Therefore it is necessary to identify cause and look for a solution. Methods and Results : In the experiment, ‘Cheongun’ cultivar was grown in the rain-shelter plastic greenhouses for the tests. Environment of rain-shelter plastic greenhouses, fertilization rate and density of flower visiting insect were investigated according to ventilation type. Pollen germination and pollen tube elongation on stigma were investigated according to temperature. In mid-July, the temperature on a clear day rose to 45℃ in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse of side vents. Pollen germination and pollen tube elongation on stigma were normal for 3 hours on 30, 35℃. Fertilization rate was somewhat reduced on 40℃ but Pollen germination and pollen tube elongation was good. On 45℃, fertilization rate was very poor and There was no pollen germination. Density of flower visiting insect in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse of roof and side vents was higher than that in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse of side vents. The fertilization rate on high temperature did not show any difference regardless of ventilation type. The rate of artificial cross-fertilization and airborne fertilization were high in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse of roof and side vents. It was necessary to improve airborne fertilization rate because airborne fertilization rate was significantly lower than artificial cross-fertilization regardless of ventilation type. Conclusion : When it was cultivated in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse, the reasons for the lowering of the fertilization rate were as follows. Density of flower visiting insect was low. Boxthorn, which was insect pollination crop, was needed sufficient flower visiting insect on flowering period. But it was insufficiency especially in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse of side vents. Another reason was decrease in pollen germination and pollen tube elongation. Pollen germination was suppressed in the high temperature.
Background : Acreage of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse to prevent anthrax is being gradually increased according to growing importance of safe Boxthorn production. But When Boxthorn is grown in the hot season in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse, quantity of Boxthorn decreases. therefore the research was carried out to investigate Fertilization mode. Methods and Results : Chungwoon was very strong self-incompatibility. Chengyangjaerae, Chengyang18 and CBP11542-206 was self-compatibility. Artificial fertilization rate was slightly higher in roof and side vents than in side vents of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse in hot season. Pollen sterility due to high temperature is not critical because artificial fertilization rate was high in side vents of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse in hot season. Airborne fertilization rate was significantly lower in all varieties. Open fertilization rate was higher in roof and side vents than in side vents of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse Conclusion : Roof and side vents was good in compared to side vents in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse of Boxthorn because of high Airborne and open fertilization rate. Self-compatibility varieties were better than self-incompatibility varieties in rain- shelter plastic greenhouse because of high open fertilization rate.