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        검색결과 3

        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the rapid growth of Podcast listening volume in the past two years (SoundOn, 2021), more and more research is also devoted to podcasts. Previous literature investigating podcasts mainly focused on the motivation of podcast listeners. This study aims to find out the voice characteristics of the producer and the psychological needs of the listener that affect listening intention, including speech rate, voice pitch, voice gender, and especially the mediating effect of affiliation needs and epistemic curiosity between proximity and listening intention. This study collects data from 3 experiments. We construct our stimuli from a script for a book introduction.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lee, Hyemin. 2014. Drama of Resistance, Resistance of Drama: Linguistic Practices, Discourses, and Identities in a South Korean Political Podcast Naneun Ggomsuda. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 22(2), 111-134. This paper attempts to demonstrate how speakers' identities are shaped, negotiated, and performed through linguistic practices in a South Korean political podcast called, Naneun Ggomsuda. Focusing on the linkage between linguistic practices and identity performances, I employ two meaningful metaphors embedded in Naneun Ggomsuda, ‘resistant’ and ‘theatrical,’ and explore intersections among these metaphors and linguistic practices, discursive features, and speakers' identities. Within the resistant and theatrical fields of discourse, speakers actively apply speaking strategies to achieve their goals, which include their identity making process strongly interconnected to their resistant and theatrical linguistic practices. Two kinds of identities, resistant identity and theatrical identity, are the focus, and these identities are not only shaped and performed through speakers' linguistic interactions, but also collided and negotiated by both speakers and audiences in and out of the talk show. While many previous studies have focused on Naneun Ggomsuda as an ‘alternative media,’ this paper reveals that Naneun Ggomsuda can actually be a fruitful venue for the academic investigation of linguistic practices and identity making processes. (171)