A hypertonic solution of sorbitol was used to precondition Douglas-fir and Western hemlock plug seedlings to improve desiccation resistance. Seedlings were preconditioned by soaking their root balls in water, -0.75 or -1.50 MPa sorbitol solution for 22 hr, and then exposed to desiccation conditions for 8 days. During the desiccation period, a transpirational water loss was significantly reduced by the sorbitol preconditioning, with its effect positively depending on concentration. This preconditioning-induced reduction in water loss was mainly caused by the decline in needle stomatal conductance. Sorbitol-induced stomatal control was more closely associated with reduction in plant water potential, rather than increase in abscisic acid concentrations. After rehydration of stressed-plants, most of the preconditioned seedlings with sorbitol were survived, while only 35% of Douglas-fir and 28% of Western hemlock seedlings treated with water were alive. The post-growth was significantly greater in the preconditioned seedlings than only water-treated seedlings. These results suggested that the earlier stomatal control with sorbitol-facilitated preconditioning could play a role in improving desiccation resistance of evergreen woody plants at transplanting in the field where water supply is limited or dry conditions are prevailing.
동해의 심층수 형성은 크게 대륙주변부 대류와 외양대류에 의한 것으로 알려져 있다. Vladivostok 연안과 subpolar front사이에서 겨울철에 발생하는 심층수의 형성은 외양대류에 의한 가능성이 높은 것으로 설명되고 있으며, 침니 현상이 이러한 결과를 됫받침 하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 외양대류에 의한 심층수 형성과정의 초기단계 즉 침니 현상의 전 단계에 나타나는 현상을 포텐셜 와도, 지형류, 수온, 염분, 용존산소의 분포로부터 확인하였다. 포텐셜와도의 분포에서 나타난 와동류는 Vladivostok 연안과 subpolar front 사이에 위치하며, 와동류의 분포 위치는 겨울철 심층수 형성 가능성이 높은 해역과 잘 일치한다. 특히 대륙의 지형적인 특성으로 인한 바람장의 변화는 본 연구에서 나타난 시계반대방향의 와동류가 형성될 수 있음을 보여주며, 그 결과로 나타나는 dome 구조의 밀도 분포는 외양대류의 초기 단계에서 나타나는 현상을 잘 보여준다.
This study was conducted to improve and supplement the system of cryopreservation for adventitious bulbs induced by tissue cultured bulb-scales of lily (Lilium spp.) cvs. ‘Milky way’. The explants, bulblets and bulb-scale-bulblets, were treated to low temperature (4℃) for 7 days prior to the pre-culture. The adventitious bulbs were pre-cultured in Murashige and Skoog (MS) liquid medium supplemented with sucrose (0.3 and 0.7M). The pre-cultured adventitious bulbs were treated to loading solution (LS1 or LS2, C4 or C6) containing 35% of PVS3 (LS1, C4) or 40% of PVS3 (LS2, C6) for 40 min and exposed to dehydration solution (PVS3, B1) containing 50% glycerol and 50% sucrose for 60 min at 25℃. The adventitious bulbs were moved onto droplets containing 3 μl PVS3 on sterilized aluminum foils, and then soaked into liquid nitrogen (LN) for 60 min. The result of highest regrowth rate as 65.7% was obtained in cold treatment (4℃), osmoprotected with LS1 solution, and cultured in PCM3 medium by using bulb-scale-bulblet for cryopreservation. This result shows that droplet-vitrification could be used as a promising method for long-term storage of lily genetic resource.