Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy is applied to BaSrFBr:Eu film which is used for the phosphore layer,and afterwards the reliability and self-consistency of source corrections in the positron lifetime spectroscopy is investigated usinga 22Na positron emitter covered by thin foils. The positron lifetime showed no significant change through the various protonirradiation energies. It is unusual that the measurements of the defects indicate that most of the defects were likely to have beengenerated by X-ray radiation. This may have resulted from the Bragg peaks of the proton characteristics. The Bragg peak doesnot affect the defect signals enough to distinguish the lifetimes and intensities in a material that is includes multi-grains. Thelifetime (τ1) associated with positron annihilations in the Ba, Br, and Eu of the sample was about 250ps, and due to theannihilations at F-centers or defects from the irradiated protons in sample, the lifetime (τ2) was about 500ps.
유채(Brassica napus L.) '내한', '탐미', '한라' 등 3품종의 종자에 양성자 및 감마선을 0~2,000 Gy로 처리하여 조숙, 단간, 다수성 등 농경상 유용형질을 갖고 기름함량과 지방산 중 올레인산 함량이 높은 바이오디젤용 품종을 육성하고자 본 연구를 실시하였다. M5세대까지 세대를 진전시키고 특성조사를 실시하여 고정성이 높고 농경형질이 우수한 조숙 단간 1 계통, 조숙 1계통, 단간 2계통과 대화 1계통, 엽록소변이 1계통을 선발하
양성자와 감마선 조사한 추파형 유채 M2 세대의 화뢰의 소포자 배발생에 대해 조사하였다. 세 가지 유채품종 '한라', '내한'과 '탐미' 유채종자를 각각 400 Gy와 600 Gy의 양성자와 감마선으로 전처리 하였다. 일부 종의 양성자와 감마선 조사구에서 배발생이 증가되었고 대조구보다 높았다. 품종별로는 '내한'유채가 배발생 빈도가 가장 높았고 '탐미' 유채가 가장 낮았다. 드물게 배상체로부터 바로 소식물체가 형성되었고 대부분은 비정상적으로 multilobe가 형성되었다. 배상체로부터 식물체가 성공적으로 재분화 되었고 화분에 순화되었다
Effects of proton beam irradiation on seed germination and growth pattern of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. BY-4; N. plumbaginifolia) and rice (Oryasativa L.) plants were estimated to develop the efficient conditions of irradiation. Seed germination rate was decreased by increasing the proton beam the current and the beam irradiation time in both tobacco and rice seeds. The beam irradiation conditions showing 50% germination were over 60 sec at 10 nA, approximately 5 sec at 100 nA and at 500 nA beam current in tobacco seeds. And the conditions of 50% germination were 60 sec at 10 nA, and 100 nA and 30 sec at 500nA in rice (cv. Dongjin 1) seeds. The growth of irradiated plants was decreased, but significant difference in morphological changes was not observed by the proton beam treatment. The proton beam is able to use as a mutagen, but some of the factors including beam size and beam detector-system must be established for efficient usage of the beam.