
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 116

        2015.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 중국 길림성의 인삼재배기술현황과 토양이화학성 등을 조사분석함으로써 FTA 대응 중국삼과 국제경쟁력을 확 보하고 국내인삼산업발전에 기초정보를 제공하기 위하여 수행 하였다. 1. 지역별 인삼재배 형태는 대부분 임야를 개간하여 재배되 었고 평지 재배는 미미하였다. 이식재배가 직파재배보다 많으 며 밀식재배 하였고 종자는 주로 중국재래종을 구입하여 재배 하였고 자가채종도 40% 이상을 점유하였다. 2. 지역별 해가림 시설은 일정한 설치 방향이 없었고 대부 분 아치형 형태로 설치하였으며 한국과 달리 두둑폭이 180 ~ 200cm 로 광폭재배를 하였고, 차광자재는 흑색차광망+ 청색비닐을 사용하였다. 3. 인삼재배농가의 토양이화학성을 분석한 결과, 길림성 북 부(연변자치주)와 남부지역 모두 토성은 양토 ~미사질양토였 으며 pH는 5.2 ~ 5.5범위로 강산성을 보였고 유기물 함량이 매 우 높은 토양이었다. 4. 특히, 인삼재배토양(표토)의 EC가 0.97 ~ 1.11 dS/m로 높 아 인삼생육기 염류피해가, 치환성양이온 중 Ca함량이 8.4 ~ 12.3 cmol+/kg로 높아 양분불균형 피해가 우려되었다.
        2013.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구에서는 다양한 분야의 수요예측에서 사용되고 있는 시계열모형을 이용하여 일반여객의 장래 수 요추정 방안 제시를 그 목적으로 한다. 분석은 일반여객(새마을, 무궁화)을 대상으로 수행 되었으며, 2004년 4월부터 2013년 1월까지의 시계열 자료를 이용하여 2014년 12월까지 예측을 수행하였다. 기존 연구의 수요예측 과정은 예측 유형별(열차종별 총량, 열차종별·노선별 총량 등)로 각각의 시계열 모형을 추정하여 예측을 수행하였으나, 본 연구에서는 그림 1.에서와 같이 주중일평균/주말일평균 단위로 자료를 구축하여 분석을 수행함으로써, 특송기간에 의한 오차 및 철도 수요 특유의 주중/주말 분산 오차를 줄일 수 있었다. 또한, 개선된 수요예측과정은 과거 직전 연도(2012년)의 실측값에 근거하여 역간 수송특성(승차 및 하차 비율 등)을 산정한 후 월별 역간 수송량을 예측하는 방식을 채택함으로서, 일반여객이 갖는 많은 양의 O/D개수로 인해 예측이 어렵던 기존연구의 역간 수송량 예측에 대한 한계점을 극복하였다. 시계열 모형의 추정은 그림 1.에서와 같이 구축된 자료를 통해 그림2.와 같이 판별, 추정, 진단, 예측의 4단계를 거쳐 추정된다. 본 연구에서는 열차별·노선별로 각각의 시계열 자료의 변동 및 특성에 따라 ARIMA모형, SARIMA모형, 개입 SARIMA모형을 이용하여 분석을 수행하였다. 수송수요의 적정성을 검토하기 위하여 2013년 2월부터 4월까지의 실제 관측된 데이터와 시계열 모형을 통해 예측된 예측치를 RMSE, U-TEST, MAPE를 이용하여 비교하였으며, 적정성을 확인하였다. 예측 결과, 새마을 열차의 경우 총 승차인원은 2013년 935만인/년, 2014년 962만인/년으로 예상되며 무궁화 열차의 경우 2013년 6,838만인/년, 2014년 7,242만인/년으로 예상된다. 본 연구의 경우 시계열 모형을 이용하여 일반여객의 단기 수요예측만을 수행하였으나, 철도의 수송수 단으로서의 경쟁력 확보 방안 마련과 시설투자 계획 및 새로운 노선의 개발계획 등의 의사결정을 위해서는 중기 예측이 필요하며, 타 수송수단과 수단점유율 예측의 연구가 선행되어야 보다 더 정도 높은 단기 예측이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        RAPD 마커를 이용하여 인삼 품종 및 육성계통의 유전적 다양성 및 유연관계를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 총 130개의 primer 중 polymorphism을 나타내는 70개의primer를 선발하였고, 그 중 재현성이 있으면서 polymorphism이 높은 25개의 primer를 선발하였다. 증폭된 DNA 단편의수는 189개이고, PCR 산물은 100 ~ 2,800 bp 범위로 증폭되었다. 2. 각 primer에 의해 증폭된 DNA 단편의 수는 3개 ~ 17개로 다양하였으며, primer 한 개당 평균 7.6개의 DNA 단편이증폭되었다. OPD19 primer를 이용한 유전분석 결과, 총 5개의 유전양상이 나타났는데, 약 500 ~ 1,300 bp의 증폭산물에서품종 및 계통 간 유전적 다형성을 나타냈다. 3. 선발된 primer별 대립인자는 최소 1.33에서 최대 2.00의 범위였고, 평균 1.709이었다. primer별 유전적 다양성은 OPD15가 가장 높았고, OPF2가 가장 낮은 값을 나타내었다. 본 연구에서 분석에 이용된 25개의 RAPD primer 중에서 D15, D19, B5, A19등은 인삼 품종과 계통에서 비교적 높은 수의 대립단편과 높은 유전적 다양성 값을 나타내는 primer였다. 4. 유사도 계수 0.98을 기준으로 24개의 품종 및 계통을 대상으로 군집분석을 수행한 결과, 미국에서 수집 육성된 G04116과 국내 품종인 천풍, 연풍 그리고 국내 육성 계통인 G04009, G04026, G04069, G04084는 그룹을 형성하지 않았고, 17개의 품종 및 계통은 2그룹으로 분류되었다. I 그룹에는 고풍, 금풍과 12계통(85%), II 그룹에 3계통(15%)이 포함되었다.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        정부는 교통사고 사상자를 절반으로 줄이기 위하여 생활권 보행자 안전 확보를 위한 안전대책을 선정하여 추진 중에 있다. 주요 추진내용을 살펴보면 중앙선 침범 및 무단횡단 예방을 위해 도심형 중앙분리대 설치기준 마련이 포함되어 있어 기준마련을 위한 연구가 매우 시급한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 보행자 및 중앙선 침범 교통사고 분석, 도심형 중앙분리대에 대한 형식 및 성능기준, 최소 횡단구성 연구를 통한 설치 기준에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 그 결과 도시부 차량 불법유턴, 보행자 무단횡단 사고를 줄이고자 시선유도봉을 개조한 도심형 중앙분리대는 차량용 방호울타리의 강한 방호기능을 가질 수 없기 때문에 차량과의 충돌 후 파손되어 부재이탈이 발생하게 되면 2차 사고 등을 유발하게 되어 교통안전에 부(-)의 효과를 가져 올 수 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 이에 주행안전성 측면을 고려해 볼 때 도심형 중앙분리대를 설치할 경우 중앙분리대 폭 1.0m 이상을 확보해야만 시설물 파손이나 차로 이탈을 방지할 수 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 단, 부득이 도로 폭이 좁아 용지확보가 곤란한 경우 0.5m 이상 노면표시만 설치한 경우에 한해 도심형 중앙분리대의 설치를 할 수 있다. 또한 현재 중앙선 위에 시선유도봉이나 도심형 중앙분리대를 설치하는 것은 운전자 실수에 의한 중앙선 침범을 유발할 가능성이 높고 이로 인해 시설물 파손의 가능성이 높아 중앙선 위에는 표지병 이외의 시설물 설치를 금하는 것이 바람직하다.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 신호교차로 교통사고예측모형 구축 과정 중 일반적으로 제한된 변수의 선정 및 모형의 구축에만 주로 초점이 맞추어진 기존 방법론의 문제점을 개선하고, 자료조사 및 수집 과정에서 발생하는 자료의 불확실한 상태를 인정하면서 자료의 불확실성을 최소화하여 이용할 수 있는 방법론을 개발하는데 연구의 주안점을 두었다. 퍼지추론이론과 신경망이론을 이용한 모형을 구축하였고, 마지막으로 구축된 퍼지추론이론 모형 및 신경망이론 모형과 기존 회귀모형인 포아송 회귀모형간의 통계적인 검증과 실제 Data를 이용한 모형의 적정성을 검토하였다. 모형의 통계적인 검증시 기존모형에 비해 퍼지추론모형과 신경망이론모형이 더 설명력이 높은 것으로 나타났고, 검증에서도 퍼지추론이론과 신경망이론이 적절한 것으로 나타났으며 기존모형보다 사고건수를 예측하는 설명력이 높은 것으로 입증되었다. 본 연구에서 개발된 모형은 계획 및 운영단계에서 신호교차로의 안전성을 측정하는데 활용될 수 있으며, 궁극적으로는 신호교차로에서 교통사고를 줄이는데 기여할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 도로의 증가와 더불어 급속히 증가하고 있는 터널에서 차량이 터널에 진입할 때의 속도편차를 분석하여 터널입구부의 안전성을 증진할 수 있는 방안에 대하여 연구하였다. 터널의 존재는 운전자에게 그 자체만으로서 단순한 오르막 경사보다 더 큰 속도 감소를 유발하며, 터널 입구부에서 발생하는 차량 충돌사고는 다른 도로구간에서 발생하는 사고와 비교해 볼 때 피해가 더 크다. 따라서 사고로 인한 피해를 경감시키기 위해 터널 입구부에 PE방호벽이나 가드레일 등의 안전시설을 설치하고 있지만, 운전자에게 이것은 또 다른 장애물로 인식될 수 있다. 터널 입구부에 설치되어 있는 안전시설물의 형태는 크게 PE방호벽, 가드레일, PE 드럼 등이 있으나, 본 연구에서는 고속도로터널 입구에 일반적으로 가장 많이 설치되어 있는PE방호벽과 운전자에게 장애물로 인식될 수 있는 이러한 안전시설물이 설치되어 있지 않은 경우로 크게 구분하였다. 또한 터널 내부로 진입 할 때 갓길을 포함 우측방여유폭의 차이가 큰 경우와 작은 경우로 구분하였다. 4가지 형태의 터널 입구부에서의 차량속도와 일반도로구간에서의 YDS(차량검지체계)로 수집된 속도의 차이를 분석에 사용하였다. 통계적 검증을 통하여 안전시설물 설치 형태와 우측방여유폭의 차이에 따른 각 Case별 유의성을 검토하여 터널 입구부 안전성 증진을 위한 대안을 제시하고자 한다.
        1995.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is concerned with developing a heuristic algorithm for solving a class of ninlinear integer programs(NLIP). Exact algrithm for solving a NLIP either may not exist, or may take an unrealistically large amount of computing time. This study develops a new heuristic, the Excursion Algorithm(EA), for solving a class of NLIP's. It turns out that excursions over a bounded feasible and/or infeasible region is effective in alleviation the risks of being trapped at a lical optimum. The developed EA is applied to the redundancy optimization problems for improving the system safety, and is compared with other existing heuristic methods. We also include simulated annealing(SA) method in the comparision experiment due to ist populatrity for solving complex combinatorial problems. Computational results indicate that the proposed EA performs consistently better than the other in terms of solution quality, with moderate increase in computing time. Therefore, the proposed EA is believed to be an attractive alternative to other heuristic methods.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: Atractylodes radix is a well-known medicinal crop having many physiological effects. This study was conducted to select useful Atractylodes japonica × Atractylodes macrocephala (AJM) cultivars by comparing anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory efficacies. Methods and Results: Seven extracts from AJM cultivars were used to treat lipopolysacchride (LPS)-treated BV2 cells, and the effects on cell viability and inhibition on reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) production were analyzed. In vitro scavenging activities of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and peroxynitrite (NOO−) radicals were also investigated. Contents of total phenol, atractylenolide I, and atractylenolide III in the AJM extracts were measured using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or spectrophotometry. The experiments show that none of the seven extracts was cytotoxic above 89.2% at 20 - 250㎍/㎖. Extracts of Gowon, Dawon, Sangchul, and Huchul inhibited ROS generation in a dose-dependent manner, and Sangchul extract showed the highest inhibition on ROS production. All the AJM extracts showed effective inhibitory activity after on NO release in the LPS-treated BV2 cells, and Sangchul extract showed the highest activity. Sangchul extract had the most potent scavenging activities for NOO− and had some DPPH radical scavenging effect. Sangchul extract also had the highest content at total phenol and atractylenolide I content. Atractylenolide III was not detected in the AJM extracts. Conclusions: The results suggested that Sangchul was the most useful anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory resource among the AJM cultivars.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng seeds are one of short-lived seeds species which loose their viability easily in the condition of conventional storage. Cryopreservation using liquid nitrogen (LN) has been recommended as a alternative storage for this kind of germplasm short lived or dessiccation-sensitive. This study was performed to find out whether cryopreservation could assure initial viability not only for seeds with high germination rate but also for seeds with low germination rate (in aging process). Methods and Results : In this work, 3 cultivars of dehisced ginseng seeds were artificial aged in the condition of 40℃, 95% RH during 6 hours with 3 hours-interval. The germination rate of ginseng seeds was decreased to the range of 71 - 94% of initial viability by artificial aging treatment. After 24 hours of vapor-LN exposure on both of artificial aged and non treated seeds as a cryopreservation, germination rate for each cultivar was decreased with the range of 76 - 95% of initial viability. While the decreasing patterns of germination rate for each cultivar showed similar curves between before and after vapor-LN exposure, the aging effects could be slightly little by cryopreservation for 3 cultivars of ginseng seeds. Conclusion : From the above results, we may suggest that cryopreservation could be recommened for storage tool of dehisced ginseng seeds even with low viability also and expected to make slower seed aging process during preservation period through further study.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Korean ginseng require 3 - 4 years to produce mature seeds from their mother plants. Therfore, it takes over 20 years to genetic fixation by artificial crossing of 8 generation. Anther culture is a useful method for obtaining homozygotes in only one generation. However, there is not much research on ginseng yet. In this study, we investigated the callus induction of anther depending on the type and concentration of the plant growth regulators in Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer. Methods and Results : Flower buds of P. ginseng were cold pretreated at 2 days before the anthers were plated on the induction medium. The flower buds were immersed in 70% ethanol for 30 sec min, washed two times with sterile distilled water, surface-sterilized in 2% sodium hypochlorite solution for 20 min, then rinsed five times with sterile distilled water. The anthers were placed on Petri dishes containting fifteen different concentrations and combinations of 2,4-D, NAA, BAP and KT. Callus induction was significantly influenced by the type and combination of plant growth regulators. The highest callus induction rate was observed in GR5 medium at 79.2%. The 2,4-D mediums had significantly higher callus induction than the NAA medium, and 2,4-D 1 ㎎/ℓ have a higher callus induction rate than the other concentrations. The increase of callus induction rate was not observed by the addition of cytokinin, but the callus induction rate was gradually decreased as the BAP concentration was increased. There was no difference in callus induction rate between BAP and KT. Conclusion : The important factor for inducing callus of ginseng anther was the addition of 2,4-D, and no effect of cytokinin addition could be found.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Mutagenesis is one of the most powerful method for genetic variation, however there is little research history in P. ginseng. The seeds and vegetative tissues are materials commonly used for mutagenesis, but there is a problem that chimeras known as sectoral differences can occur and unintentional poor selection can occur owing to the influence of the growth environment. The combination of in vitro culture and mutagenesis can eliminate the effects of the environmental factors. Methods and Results : Gamma irradiation was carried out using a 60Co irradiator (3000Ci, Nordion Inc., Ottawa, Canada) of the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup, Korea. The explants containing the somatic embryos were treated with 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 Gy. Gamma-rays affected the somatic embryos produced in vitro depending on the dose. The survival rate of somatic embryo was significantly influenced by gamma irradiation. Also, the development of the embryo was changed by gamma irradiation depending on each dose. When somatic embryos were transferred to the medium supplemented with GA3, they started to germinate but were affected significantly by gamma irradiation dose. When germinated shoots were transferred to 1/2 SH medium to induce rooting, as the concentration of gamma ray treatment increased, the rooting gradually decreased. Conclusion : Considering the overall survival rate, germination rate, embryo development, and rooting rate, the optimal dose of gamma rays to be used with somatic embryo is estimated to be between 60 Gy and 80 Gy.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer is an important medicinal herb and their major pharmacologically active components are ginsenosides. Many studies have reported that various ginsenosides are effective in the treatment of human diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular and alzheimer’s disease. However, it is difficult to create new desirable variation such as increased ginsenosides. Since the frequency of spontaneous mutations is rare naturally and difficult to apply to plant breeding, artificial mutation inductions are necessary to obtain noble genetic resources having desirable traits. Methods and Results : Gamma irradiation was carried out using a 60Co irradiator (3000Ci, Nordion Inc., Ottawa, Canada) of the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup, Korea. One-year-old ginsengs were treated at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 Gy. The emergence rate was significantly decreased with increasing gamma doses. When irradiated at more than 80 Gy, it did not emerge at all. Survival rate was also significantly influenced by gamma-ray dose. The maximum survival rate were recorded in control. The survival rate of 20 Gy was 22.0% and only 1.0% survived when 40 Gy dose was treated. There was no survival when irradiated at more than 60 Gy. Gamma irradiation also affected the phenotype of emerged plants. The growth of plants derived from irradiated one-year-old ginsengs was decreased and the leaves became variegated or curled. Also, rusty roots resulting from physiological disorders were observed and the rhizomes, which is a kind of dormant bud, were destroyed completely. Conclusion : Based on these results, we estimated the optimal dose for mutation induction by gamma-ray treatment of one-year-old ginseng is to be less than 20 Gy.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The conventional ginseng breeding is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Furthermore, it is difficult to create new desirable variation such as resistant to various stresses and increased ginsenosides. Therefore, creating variants remains a serious challenge of ginseng breeding. Methods and Results : Gamma irradiation was carried out using a 60Co irradiator (3000Ci, Nordion Inc., Ottawa, Canada) of the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup, Korea. The dehiscent seeds were treated 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150, 200 and 400 Gy. The seed germination was greatly influenced by gamma-ray treatment. It was found that the germination rate decreased significantly when treated at 60 Gy or more. The maximum survival rate was achieved at 20 Gy but there was no significant difference from control. Following exposure to 40 Gy or more, survival rate was declined compared to the control. Gamma irradiation affected not only the germination and survival rate but also the growth of plants germinated from seeds. As gamma irradiation dose increased, the size of the plant decreased sharply and it also had a negative effect on root development. Conclusion : Considering the extent of reduction in the germination and survival rates, as well as growth reduction, the optimal dose of gamma-ray for inducing mutation in ginseng dehiscent seeds was estimated at approximately 40 Gy, because the germination rate observed at 40 Gy was similar to that of the observed in the control, while the survival rate was 50% of the control.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Recently, the shortage of first planted ginseng field has increased direct seeding cultivation in paddy. Therefore, the demand for the development of ginseng varieties suitable for direct seeding cultivation in paddy has increased. So the aim of this study was selection ginseng varieties and germplasms suitable for direct seeding cultivation in paddy. Methods and Results : We used 13 varieties and 191 lines of Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) in this study. Ginseng Seeds were harvested at the end of July 2013, sown in mid-November, and were grown for four years in paddy. In 2017, the survey was conducted on 27 items of growth characteristics in accordance with the standards for survey of ginseng variety, and the degree of diseases and physiological disorders. Among ginseng varieties, the growth of Gopoong, Sunwon and Gwumjin were excellent. However, the incidence of physiological disorder was low in Gumpoong and Geumsun. Among the genetic sources, the growth of 7 ginseng lines, such as G04092, G04098, M05015, G07053, G10069 and G10093, were excellent. However, the incidence of physiological disorder was low in 10 lines of ginseng, such as G04020, G04061, G04081, G04092, G05054, G07052, G07053, G10069 and G10093. Conclusion : This result suggests that 5 varieties and 10 lines of ginseng showed outstanding growths in paddy. In the future, we will review the characteristics of root and the content of ginsenosides of ginseng variety and elite lines.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : One generation of ginseng is four years, so it takes a long time to breed. So far, a total of 18 ginseng varieties have been developed under pure line selection. However the pure line selection can reach the limit, because ginseng’s gene pool is very small. A solution to this is the need for cross breeding. Therefore, this study carries out cross breeding for the introduction of excellent character and expansion of variation and check the F1 generation. Methods and Results : As plant materials, Chunpoong, Yunpoong, Gumpoong, Chungsun and Cheonryang were used in this study. In order to cultivate the F1 of ginseng, we cross-bred ginseng varieties from mid-May to late May 2013 and harvested seeds from late July. Ginseng seeds were sown on November 15 and cultivated in 2014 for one year in the field and then transplanted into the main field in 2015. In 2017, the survey was conducted on 27 items of growth characteristics in accordance with the standards for survey of ginseng variety, such as length of leaf, length of stem and width leaf, and the degree of diseases and physiological disorders. In a combination of cross-breeding in domestic ginseng varieties, the germination time and growth characteristics of F1 were not much different from the parent plants, but the incidence of disease was reduced. Conclusion : According to this study, there was a tendency for expressing dominant figures in the crossbreeding between ginseng varieties. In the future, we will review the characteristics of root and the content of ginsenosides of F1.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Recently, there is an urgent demand for development of new varieties with enhanced resistance to various biotic/abiotic stresses. One generation of ginseng is four years, so it takes a long time to breed. To increase the efficiency of the ginseng breeding and save time and effort, it is necessary to build a ginseng core collection. This study examined the major growth characteristics of genetic sources for the establishment of core collection. Methods and Results : As plant materials, 187 ginseng lines collected in 2003 were used in this study. Ginseng Seeds were harvested at the end of July 2014, sown in mid-November, and cultivated in 2015 for one year in the field and then transplanted into the main field in 2016. All phenotypes including agronomic characteristics, seed yield, and physiological response to biotic/abiotic stresses were investigated according to the ginseng GAP and UPOV guidelines. The stem colors of the collected ginseng germplasm were classified as the five classes; light green, green, light purple, purple and dark purple, but most of them were purple or dark purple. The locations of distribution of anthocyanin coloration in stem were classified into the four classes; proximal end, proximal end and petiole part, the entire stem and the stem with purple not revealed, but most of them were petiole part or the entire stem. The shapes of leaflet were classified the four classes; the long elliptic, elliptic, slender type, and spatulate type. Most of surveyed lines were elliptic type. When the leaflet of ginseng was laterally cut, the shape was classified into the three types; concave type, plane type and convex type. Most of surveyed lines were red berry color. Conclusion : The genetic pool of ginseng is known to be narrow. The results of this study showed similar characteristics among the ginseng fields collected. In the future, we will carry out the survey about quantitative characteristics and correlations of ginseng genetic resources for establishment of Korean ginseng core collection.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study examines the main growth characteristics, physiological stress, or diseases damage for 3 and 4-years-old ginseng in the new lines cultivated in Gyeonggi for development of new lines of Ginseng. Methods and Results : Eumseong 13, 14 and 15, which are two-years-old seedling in the new line ginseng were transplanted in 7 lines × 9 rows (70 plants)/1.62㎡ in 2015 along with Gumpoong and Yeonpoong as the control lines while Eumseong 16 and 17 as well as Chunpoong as the control line were transplanted in the same way in 2016. The ginseng shading was installed with the front post of 170 ㎝ high and the rear post of 100 ㎝ high using the rear line while as the sun blocking material, the aluminum shade plate was used. As for the new growth lines of 3 and 4-years ginseng in the new growth line, the aerial parts of the ginseng and underground part of ginseng were examined. In addition, the physiological stress such as the leaf discoloration, rusty root and root rot as well as the resistance against the disease were examined. It was found out that as for the aerial parts of 3-years-old ginseng in test line, Eumseong 16 and 17 were better in the growth than the control lines were while in 4 years old ginseng, Eumseong 13 and 14 were better in the growth than Gumpoong as the control line was. As for the root weight of the 4-years-old ginseng for the underground part, there was no significant difference compared with control line while in 3-years-old ginseng, Eumseong 16 and 17 were heavier. The leaf discoloration did not happen to both 3 and 4-years-old ginseng. As for the root rot, 3-years-old Eumseong 16 and 17 suffered less root rot in the same way as for the control line. 4-years-old Eumseong 14 and 15 had less root rot in the same way as for the control line. 3-years-old Eumseong 16 and 17 have less rusty root in the same way as the control line while as for 4-years-old ginseng, Eumseong 13, 14 and 15 showed a lot of rusty roots in the same way as the control line. Conclusion : Finally, considering the growth characteristics, physiological stress and root rusty of the aerial parts and underground parts of the ginseng, we selected Eumseong 16 and 17 as the excellent lines for 3-years-old ginseng.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : For cultivation of varieties of ginseng, the pure line selection method, which is to select the best among those cultivated in farms for pedigree breeding, replicated yield trials and regional adaptation trials before registering as a new variety, is widely used. Although there are 25 registered varieties of ginseng in Korea, the quality of ginseng is declining together with the amount of harvest being decreased by 15 - 20% due to the heat injuries and diseases from the warming & abnormal climate. Thus, the needs for development of disaster-resistant varieties with better chances of surviving through high temperature, salts and disease are increasing. Therefore, this study is to cultivate disaster-resistant varieties among those selected for their disaster tolerance and salt tolerance through regional adaptation trials. Methods and Results : As a result of examining the growth characteristics of the selected 2-6-years-old varieties used in the study, among the 6-years-old crops, Eumseong 9 and Eumseong 10 showed superior growth in aboveground parts, Eumseong 10 showed superior growth in underground parts, among the 5-years-old crops, Eumseong 15 showed superior growth in both above and below aerial parts, and among the 4-years-old crops, Eumseong 9 and Eumseong 16 showed superior growth while the growth in the underground parts were satisfactory in the order of Eumseong 16 > Eumseong 10 > Eumseong 12 > Eumseong 9. Among the 3-years-old crops, the most superior growth in both above and below aerial parts was observed in Goryeo 2 with the weight of the underground part, in the 2-years-old crops, Eumseong 26 showed the most superior growth in both above-ground and underground parts. Conclusion : Based on the above results, Eumseong 10 among the 6-year-old crops, Eumseong 15 among the 5-years-old crops, Eumseong 9 & Eumseong 16 among the 4-years-old crops, Goryeo 2 among the 3-years-old crops and Eumseon 26 among the 2-years-old crops showed the most superior growth among the selected varieties. The growth characteristics of both above and below aerial parts in each year will continuously be monitored.
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