PURPOSES : Recently, increasing number of local governments are introducing on-demand public transportation service in real time to improve the management efficiency of public transportation. In preparation for the autonomous driving era, the “autonomous public transportation mobility on-demand service in real time” is being developed in the public transportation sector to introduce on-demand public transportation. For this service to become the public transportation of the future, it must receive publicity. Therefore, in this study, indicators were selected to evaluate the publicity of the autonomous public transportation mobility on-demand service in real time, and a survey was conducted among the general public to examine the validity of the indicators.
METHODS : To secure the publicity of on-demand public transportation in real time, the goal of the service was first set. Second, the keywords of the service were analyzed to define the publicity requirements of this service. Based on the analyzed keywords and definition of publicity, service indicator types were classified, and the indicators were defined by type. A user satisfaction survey was conducted on the final selected indicators to improve the degree of completion of indicator development. The user survey was conducted by presenting selected publicity indicators to respondents responding on a five-point scale to determine whether each indicator could satisfactorily evaluate publicity.
RESULTS : When examining various previous research cases and the contents required for autonomous public transportation mobility on-demand service in real time, the required items of publicity indicators were found to be “safety” in terms of “autonomous driving” and “convenience” in terms of “demand response.” Publicity indicators were developed according to these three items. Thirty-one indicators were developed, and a satisfaction survey was conducted on the general public for each indicator. In the survey, most of the indicators scored 3.5 points or higher, indicating that the indicators were generally well defined. Users gave the highest score to “fairness” among the three items, and “reasonable fairness” was found to be a necessary item as a publicity indicator.
CONCLUSIONS : In this study, evaluation indicators were selected to secure the publicity of autonomous public transportation mobility on-demand service in real time, and a satisfaction survey was conducted for each indicator. Most of the indicators showed a score of 3.5 or higher, indicating that they were generally well defined. However, this study has a limitation in that it surveys the general population. In future, experts should be included in the survey to increase the degree of completeness of the public indicators.
PURPOSES : In this study, we attempted to derive the optimal operation plan for urban public transportation routes by verifying changes in demand for use according to factors affecting public transportation.
METHODS : First, the factors affecting changes in demand for public transportation were drawn. Second, the appropriate areas to be analyzed and their main routes were selected. Third, the basic data required for estimating public transportation traffic demand were collected through transportation card data. Fourth, basic networks and routes in TOVA were established for public transportation assignment. Finally, through traffic assignment, changes in usage demand owing to factors affecting bus routes were verified, and the optical operation plan was derived.
RESULTS : Among the three routes selected for analysis, the rearranged B2 route increased by 662 from 6,142 to 6,804 per day, with the largest increase in daily demand. In addition, the number of stops increased with the access time, but there was no change in the average congestion. CONCLUSIONS : Through this study, it is believed that in can be used as the basic data on how to improve bus routes in local governments from the perspective of operators by analyzing the effectiveness of rearranging routes and drawing optimal operation measures.
최근 대중교통지향형개발(TOD)이 활발해지며, 역세권의 환경 변화를 통하여 국내의 대중교통 이용 증진을 시키기 위해서는 TOD 통합계획요소를 종합적으로 고려한 역세권 유형과 이용수요에 관한 실증분석이 전제되어야 향후 계획수립시 활용이 가능 할 것이다. 본 연구는 서울시 역세권을 대상으로 다양한 TOD 영향요인을 파악하고, 대중교통 이용수요와 연관성을 규명하기 위한 실증분석을 진행하였다. TOD의 대표적 요소인 Density, Diversity, Accessibility에 대한 자료를 수집하고, 요인분석과 회귀모형을 구축하였다. 분석결과 (1) 요인분석을 토대로 7개 영향요인이 도출되었으며, Factor 1(Diversity/토지이용복합도 (LUM)), Factor 2(Density/개발밀도수준), Factor 3(Accessibility/대중교통시설공급수준), Factor 4(Design/가로설계수준), Factor 5(Green/연계교통시설(보행자, 자전거), Factor 6(Design/지하철시설규모), Factor 7(Accessibility/대중교통운영수준)로 유형화되었다. (2) 요인-회귀분석 결과를 토대로 역세권 승하차 인원에 긍정적(+) 영향을 미치는 주요 요인은 Factor 1(Diversity : 토지이용복합도(LUM) 요인), Factor 3(Accessibility : 대중교통시설공급수준), Factor 2(Density : 개발밀도수준), Factor 5(Design/연계교통시설(보행자, 자전거), Factor 6(지하철시설규모)로 나타났다. 다음으로 역세권의 승하차 인원에 부정적(-) 영향은 Factor 7(Accessibility/대중교통운영수준)로 나타났으며, 가장 높은 영향력을 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 지하철과 버스의 배차간격이 증가할 경우 이용수요가 감소하기 때문이다.