This study aimed to develop a comprehensive validation methodology for an Infra-guidance system, which is an infrastructure-based service aimed at enhancing the safety of autonomous driving. The proposed method includes quantitative techniques for validating both the Infra-guidance algorithm module and the guidance message module using each optimal indicator. In addition, a promising method is suggested to validate the entire system by applying a multicriteria decision methodology. The relative weight for the algorithm module was higher than relative weight for the message module. Moreover, the relative weight of the latency for the message module was slightly higher than weight of the packet error rate. The proposed methodology is applicable for validating the performance of infrastructure-based services for enhancing connected autonomous driving based on the comprehensive quantification of various factors and indicators.
This study proposes a method to evaluate the publicity of real-time, demand-responsive, autonomous public-transportation systems. By analyzing real-time data collected based on publicity evaluation indicators suggested in previous research studies, this study seeks to establish a system that objectively assesses the publicity of public transportation. Thus, the introduction of autonomous public transportation systems is expected to contribute to solving problems in underserved transportation areas and enable more sophisticated public transportation operations. We reviewed evaluation indicators proposed in previous studies. Based on this review, publicity evaluation indicators were derived and specific criteria were selected to assess systematically the publicity of autonomous public transportation. An AHP analysis was conducted to assess the relative importance of each indicator by analyzing the importance of the selected indicators. Additionally, to score the indicators, minimum and maximum target values were established, and a method for assigning scores to each indicator was examined. The most important factor in the publicity evaluation of autonomous demand-responsive transport (DRT) was the “success rate of allocation to weak public transportation service areas,” with a significance level p of 0.204. This was analyzed as a key evaluation criterion because of the importance of service provision in areas with low-public-transportation accessibility. Subsequently, “Accessing distance to a virtual station” (p = 0.145) was evaluated as an important factor representing the convenience of the service. “Waiting time after allocation” (p = 0.134) also appeared as an important evaluation factor, as reducing waiting time considerably affected service quality. Conversely, “compliance rate of velocity” yielded the lowest significance (p = 0.017), as speed compliance was typically guaranteed owing to autonomous driving technology. This study proposed a specific evaluation method based on publicity indicators to provide a strategic direction for improving services and enhancing the publicity of autonomous DRT systems. These results can serve as a foundational resource for improving transportation services in underserved areas and for enhancing the overall quality of public transportation services. However, the study’s limitation was its inability to use real-time autonomous public transportation data, relying instead on I-MoD data from Incheon. This limitation constrained the ability to establish universal benchmarks because data from various municipalities were not included. Future research should collect and analyze data from diverse regions to establish more reliable evaluation indicators.
PURPOSES : This study is to develop an comprehensive validation methodology for autonomous mobility-on-demand system with level 4 automated driving system. METHODS : The proposed method includes the quantitative techniques for validating both automated driving system and center system using each optimal indicators. In addition, a novel method for validating the whole system applying multi-criteria decision methodology is suggested. RESULTS : The relative weights for the vehicle system was higher than the center systems. Moreover, the relative weights of failure rate for validating the vehicle system was the highest, in addition to, a relative weight for accuracy of dynamic routing algorithm within center system was the highest. CONCLUSIONS : The proposed methodology will be applicable to validate the autonomous mobility on demand system quantitatively considering the relative weights for each systems.
PURPOSES : Recently, increasing number of local governments are introducing on-demand public transportation service in real time to improve the management efficiency of public transportation. In preparation for the autonomous driving era, the “autonomous public transportation mobility on-demand service in real time” is being developed in the public transportation sector to introduce on-demand public transportation. For this service to become the public transportation of the future, it must receive publicity. Therefore, in this study, indicators were selected to evaluate the publicity of the autonomous public transportation mobility on-demand service in real time, and a survey was conducted among the general public to examine the validity of the indicators.
METHODS : To secure the publicity of on-demand public transportation in real time, the goal of the service was first set. Second, the keywords of the service were analyzed to define the publicity requirements of this service. Based on the analyzed keywords and definition of publicity, service indicator types were classified, and the indicators were defined by type. A user satisfaction survey was conducted on the final selected indicators to improve the degree of completion of indicator development. The user survey was conducted by presenting selected publicity indicators to respondents responding on a five-point scale to determine whether each indicator could satisfactorily evaluate publicity.
RESULTS : When examining various previous research cases and the contents required for autonomous public transportation mobility on-demand service in real time, the required items of publicity indicators were found to be “safety” in terms of “autonomous driving” and “convenience” in terms of “demand response.” Publicity indicators were developed according to these three items. Thirty-one indicators were developed, and a satisfaction survey was conducted on the general public for each indicator. In the survey, most of the indicators scored 3.5 points or higher, indicating that the indicators were generally well defined. Users gave the highest score to “fairness” among the three items, and “reasonable fairness” was found to be a necessary item as a publicity indicator.
CONCLUSIONS : In this study, evaluation indicators were selected to secure the publicity of autonomous public transportation mobility on-demand service in real time, and a satisfaction survey was conducted for each indicator. Most of the indicators showed a score of 3.5 or higher, indicating that they were generally well defined. However, this study has a limitation in that it surveys the general population. In future, experts should be included in the survey to increase the degree of completeness of the public indicators.
PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the road design elements affecting the lateral driving safety under high-speed driving conditions with a speed limit of 140 km/h and to derive useful implications to design of safer roads.
METHODS : A full-scale driving simulator was used to evaluate the various design scenarios. Different regression techniques and a random forest method were adopted to conduct comprehensive comparisons among the simulation scenarios. The relationships between the safety indicators, including the frequency of the lane departures and the standard deviation of the lateral acceleration, and the design elements were explored in terms of lateral driving safety. RESULTS : The length of the combined alignment was found to be a significant factor affecting the lateral driving safety based on the analysis of the frequency of lane departures. Regarding the standard deviation of the lateral acceleration, it was identified that the length of the horizontal curve, the length of the bridge, and the right-side superelevation must be considered significant factors associated with driving safety while designing the road under high-speed driving conditions.
CONCLUSIONS : Based on the findings of this study, a set of recommendations for designing roads was proposed. For example, the proper length of the combined alignment and the horizontal curve should be determined to prevent crashes due to hazardous lateral driving events because the installation of sufficient superelevation in the bridge section would be limited under high-speed driving conditions. In addition, applying a larger horizontal curve radius with longitudinal grooving is a promising approach to tackle risky driving conditions.
PURPOSES : Effective speed management is necessary for preventing traffic crashes on the road. Speed hump is known as an effective tool for managing speed. Unlike existing studies which are mainly focused on humps for vehicles, this study proposed a novel method to determine design parameters for bicycle speed humps based on a multi-criteria decision making process. METHODS : Three objectives including the effectiveness of speed reduction, bicycle safety, and user's comfortability were incorporated into the proposed evaluation framework for determining design parameters. A multi-criteria value function was also derived and utilized as a part of the proposed method. RESULTS : Extensive simulations and statistical tests show that an integrated bike-box way is identified as the best in terms of operational efficiency and safety. CONCLUSIONS : It is expected that the outcomes of this study can be a valuable precursor for developing design guidelines for bicycle road and facility.
본 연구에서는 하이패스 차로의 속도감소를 유도하기 위한 적절한 노면표시를 도출하기 위하여 감성공학적 분석방법을 활용하여 연구를 수행하였다. 현재 고속도로 영업소에서는 감속유도를 위하여 하이패스 차로에 갈매기 노면표시를 설치하여 운영하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 하이패스 차로의 감속유도를 위하여 갈매기 노면표시 및 Peripheral Transverse Bar(PT bar)에 대한 효과평가를 실시하고, 두 가지 노면표시를 조합하여 6가지 시나리오를 도출하였다. 도출된 시나리오에 대하여 이용자의 Perception 측정 및 분석을 통한 노면표시 설계 시 Human Factor를 반영할 수 있는 방법론을 제시하였다. 분석결과 빗살무늬의 PT bar 및 60˚ 각도의 갈매기 노면표시의 조합시나리오가 가장 적절한 노면표시로 선정되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 하이패스 차량들의 통과속도를 감소시켜 고속도로의 안전성을 높일 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
단창형의 Geiger-Muller 계수관을 이용한 표면오염검사에서 베타선을 측정하기 위해 외부로 노출된 디텍터를 보호하는 방법으로 랩을 사용하고 있는데 이 방법이 측정계수율과 교정인자에 미치는 영향을 분석하고 방사선작업종사자에게 과도한 랩의 사용은 베타선의 측정값에 영향을 줄 수 있음을 인지시켜주고자 하였다. 실험방법은 3 KBq, 1.5 KBq, 0.3 KBq의 에너지가 다른 베타선을 이용하여 랩 두께에 따른 베타선 측정계수율과 교정인자의 변화를 비교ㆍ분석하였다. 실험 대상으로는 2012년 3월 한국인정기구 (KOLAS) 인증을 받은 교정센터에서 보유한 단창형의 Geiger-Muller 계수관을 대상으로 하였으며, Cl-36(Chlorine)과 Sr-90(Strontium)을 베타선 방사선원으로 사용하였다. 측정계수율은 랩 두께가 증가할수록 감소함을 확인 할 수 있었고 교정인자는 랩 두께가 증가할수록 증가하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 측정계수율의 감소와 교정인자의 변화는 기기지시값의 정확도를 감소시킬 수 있지만 디텍터의 오염 및 손상 또한 베타선 측정에서 중요한 영향을 주기 때문에 어느 정도 두께의 랩을 사용함이 가장 효과적인지 알아볼 필요성이 있다. 측정계수율과 교정인자의 낮은 변화율을 보여주는 두께의 랩을 사용한다면 디텍터를 보호하면서 베타선의 측정값에도 영향을 최소한으로 줄 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.