
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The moisture contained in conventionally extracted red crab shell samples was lower than than in samples extracted using high pressure. In contrast, ash content increased as the extraction time increased and displayed no significant variation in high pressure extraction. Extraction time was influential, with lower lightness (L-value) being obtained in samples extracted at high pressure as compared to traditional extraction. However, large variation in a- and b-values resulted from traditional extraction. For both traditional and high pressure extraction increases in pH, salinity and saccharide content were noted with increasing extraction time, but these parameters did not vary substantially in red crab shell extracted at high pressure. The mineral content in samples extracted by high pressure was higher than in traditionally extracted samples. The mineral content increased with time, with marginally higher contents of essential amino acids and flavor enhancing amino acids noted following high pressure extraction. The contents of the flavor enhancing amino acids increased from 30?60 min, thereafter decreasing. Assessment of consumer acceptance revealed that, while traditionally manufactured red crab sauce was popular, sauce manufactured using a 60 min high pressure extraction was preferred. Extending the high pressure extraction time to 75 min produced a less sensory acceptable product, due to higher mineral and protein levels.