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        검색결과 6

        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        After a comprehensive analysis of the meaning of chao (抄) and chaoshou (抄手) as well as depicting the extended series, it can be seen that no later than the tenth century, chao [抄(钞)] which means “picking by fingers” was extended to mean “arched hands salutation” and became the word chaoshou1 (抄手1). At least in the 1260s, the meaning of chao (抄) was infected by cha5 (叉5), and chao (抄) produced chuigong (垂拱, two-handed fork caged in the sleeve) meaning. At least in the first half of the 15th century, the meaning of chaoshou (抄手) was infected by chashou6 (叉手6), and chaoshou (抄手) produced the meaning of “hands crossed over the arms in front of the chest”; Between the 16th and 19th centuries, due to its prominent image characteristics, chaoshou3 (抄手3), which means “hands crossed over the arms in front of the chest”, had metonymic extended into a flour made food chaoshou4 (抄手4). The transmission path of the chaoshou4 (抄手4): Sichuan, Chongqing (do not distinguish which is the cradle) > Yunnan, Guizhou, Shaanxi, Hubei (do not distinguish the order). Under the dominant role of the implicit meaning of the chaoshou2 (抄手2), as the homomorphic word of the root word chaoshou4 (抄手4), maichaoshou4 (賣抄手4) reassembled: the meaning of maichaoshou4 (賣抄手4) evolved from “selling flour made food chaoshou (抄手)” into maichaoshou2 (賣抄手2, having nothing to do), resulting in the local characteristic maichaoshou2 (賣抄手2). As a phenomenon of word meaning development with backtracking characteristics, the emergence of maichaoshou2 (賣抄手2) deserves attention.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the conceptual spaces of the diachronic semantic evolution of “Paste” semantic verbs are constructed through the diachronic literature surveys. In the history of Chinese language, the verb with the meaning of “Paste” was rarely used in literature before the Tang Dynasty, and it was not until the modern Chinese period that it gradually increased. In terms of activity, from the dominance of “膠” in ancient Chinese to the emergence of “貼” in medieval Chinese, and until modern Chinese, a situation where the three words “貼” “糊” and “粘 (黏)” went hand in hand was formed. The pattern of “粘” “帖”, and “膠” as marginal members greatly influenced the use of “Paste” semantic verbs in modern Chinese, and this pattern was generally continued in modern Chinese, At the same time, there are some differences in the use of words between WeiJin Dynasty
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In actual language corpus, there exists a phenomenon of semantic dislocation between “Du1 (度1)” and “Du2 (度2)”. The sense of “Du1 (度1)” is mainly a noun, but it also has a verb sense of “according to rules”. On the other hand, “Du2 (度2)” is mainly a verb, but it has a noun sense, which is a military term. Based on domain restriction analysis, this paper analyzes the syntactic position, semantic evolution and domain restriction changes of the dislocated semantics, and examines the semantic evolution process of the two. It is found that when the verbal noun “Du (度)” undergoes a part-of-speech change, it is often influenced by external factors of language, leading to a sudden mutation in domain restriction. However, when “Du (度)” is only subject to internal language mechanisms, its part-of-speech does not change, and it only extends new meanings within the domain field and transitional domain field. Therefore, the study of domain restriction has practical significance in the classification of Chinese verbs and nouns.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the conceptual spaces of the diachronic semantic evolution of “gen” are constructed through the diachronic literature surveys, then the cross-dialect/language semantic maps are drawn as a tool to examine the rationality of the diachronic evolution. “Gen (跟)” is an action verb with the meaning of “following (跟隨)”, in Chinese history the dominant words with the semantic field of “following” have experienced the diachronic evolution of “cong (從)”, “sui (隨)” and “gen (跟)”. The development of these three words not only follows the law of parallel grammaticalization, but also each has its own feature. From the comparison diachronic and cross-dialect /language semantic map of the “following (跟隨)” meaning, it can be seen that, non-cognate words with family characteristics may also have the same semantic evolution. Some phenomena in the synchronic regional semantic maps that violate the “semantic map connectivity hypothesis”, may not be due to the complete lack of connection between the two nodes, but due to the choice of semantics of a specific symbolic form in the diachronic development.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research focused on the verb ‘Yu’, investigates from a synchronic and diachronic perspective, analyzes the characteristics of the basic meaning represented by the meanings of ‘give’ and ‘socialize with sb’. and the development and changes of semantics, and demonstrates them through diagrams. And also analyzeds the semantic relationship between the semantic items of the verb ‘Yu’. Through the investigation of the semantic relationship, we can give an explanation tha why the meaning of ‘Yu’ in the meaning of ‘together’ can be explained to ‘help’, ‘give’, ‘applaud’ and ‘socialize with sb.’ We think the result breaks through the limitations of previous research. This research also pays attention to the expansion of the semantic function of the verb ‘Yu’, especially the ‘introduce tool’ function and the “passive” function. Regarding the function of ‘introduce tool’, this article refers to the formula of “COMITATIVE tool case INSTRUMENT” in linguistic typology, and sorts out the meaning of ‘Yu’ from ‘accompany’ to ‘attachment’ and then to ‘utilization’, and at last develop to the ‘introduce tool’ function. Regarding the “passive” function, after specific analysis, the conclusion is that the “passive” function of ‘Yu’ comes from two development paths, one is induced by the meaning of ‘give’, and the other is induced by the meaning of ‘accompany’. The common point of the ‘passive’ function is that they have experienced ‘causative’ in the previous stage of passivity. The difference is that the ‘causative’ of the former approach comes from ‘give’, but the source of the latter way comes from ‘accompany’.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Based on corpus linguistics, synchronic and diachronic linguistics, lexicology, pragmatics, sociolinguistics and other theoretical knowledge, this paper makes a dynamic and in-depth study of the “Gou” popular neologisms. Under the guidance of corpus linguistics, this paper makes a statistical analysis of the word family of “Gou”, summarizes the growth of the number of members of the word group, the high frequency use of the word family, the syllable structure of the members of the word family, etc., and shows the changing characteristics of the word group in various aspects. Using the methods of etymology investigation and dynamic tracking, this paper analyzes that the word family of “dog” is a process in which many new words of “xxgou” type are derived from the original use of “single dog”, and gradually expand to 128 members. Under the guidance of lexicology theory, by means of semantic analysis, this paper sums up four referential meanings of "Gou" from the referential meaning of [+ animal] to [+ human], and then, through generalization, it derives four referential meanings of [+ identity], [+ profession / profession / field], [+ state], [+ stress / tension], [+ preference], [+ behavior / thing], [+ aversion], [+ behavior / thing]. Under the guidance of pragmatics theory, this paper explores the word family of “Gou” and summarizes the characteristics of the morpheme “Gou” of the family of words with the characteristics of quasi affixation, trisyllabic structure of words and single part of speech of members of the word group.