
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2021.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When considering military operations that require rapid response time, forward supply operation of various type of ammunition is essential. Also, t is necessary to supply ammunition in a timely manner before an ammunition shortage situation occurs. In this study, we propose a mathematical model for allocation of ammunition to ammunition storehouse at the Ammunition Supply Post (ASP). The model has several objectives. First, it ensures that the frequent used ammunition is stored in a distributed manner at a high workability ammunition storehouses. Second, infrequent used ammunition is required to be stored intensively at a single storehouse as much as possible. Third, capacity of the storehouse and compatible storage restriction required to be obeyed. Lastly, criticality of ammunition should be considered to ensure safety distance. We propose an algorithm to find the pareto-based optimal solution using the mathematical model in a reasonable computation time. The computational results show that the suggested model and algorithm can solve the real operational scale of the allocation problem.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Most of cases in korea, distributed herbal medications are storaged in room temperature and it causes many insect pests during storage. Despite the fact, there is little research about storage conditions. Temperature and humidity in storehouse are highly related with pests’ overwintering, generation length and the number of occurrence in summer. Consequently, in this research, major pests’ overwintering was studied by reviewing facility condition, temperature and humidity in major regional storehouses. The results of this would help to develop how to manage pest occurrence in distributed herbal medications. Methods and Results : For this study, storage facilities was investigated at different regions including Gyeongdong Market in Seoul, the pharmaceutical company in Daegu and farmhouse in Youngcheon by monitering temperature, humidity, ventilator, air conditioning and heating on ground and underground places from June 2014 to July 2016. including Upon investigation, most of building using for storage had simple ventilators. Whereas in case of farmhouse, it is vulnerable to maintaining quality. Because most farmhouse had temporary buildings which are difficult to control temperature and humidity. In addition, among the other surveyed warehouses, Basement in the Gyeongdong Market had most favorable condition for pest overwintering. The lowest temperature of it was seldom below zero maintaining level of about 1.5℃ and average temperature was about 10℃ in underground warehouse during winter. And the ground warehouse of Daegu had similar patterns in temperature and humidity with that of Seoul in that being over 0℃ even in the winter. In Youngcheon, the temperature of farmhouse was below zero degree and the daily range of temperature and humidity was wide. It caused difficulty of overwintering of insect pests but possible to inhabit. Conclusion : According to a study by Han-Mo, Koo(1997), it was impossible to overwinter for Lasioderma serricorne F. which is dominant medicinal plants’ pest in north of the Chungcheong region’s warehouse due to low temperature. But in case of investigated warehouses, it was possible to overwinter because of the high temperature in office building or basement storage area. In order to make prediction of pest occurrence and comprehensive measures, it is urgent to take more investigation by regional groups and types of storage.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        정부의 미곡저장관리기술향상에 필요한 자료를 축적시키고자 벼의 저장기간이 미곡의 품질변화에 미치는 영향을 1987, 1988, 1989년산으로 2개 지역의 교탈 창고에 저장되었던 통일벼와 1989 및 1990년산 일반계로 2지역의 1급 창고에 저장되었던 벼에 대해 조사했고, 벼저장창고등급이 미곡의 품질변화에 미치는 영향을 1989년산 일반계로 3개지역의 특급, 1급 및 2급창고에 저장된 벼에 대해 조사하였으며, 1988년산 동진벼와 1989년산 동진벼를 각각 수확조제 1개월 후부터 4℃ , RH50%에 저온저장하고 이들을 1990년산 동진벼와 비교 조사하여 저온저장의 효과를 검토하는 한편 비교적 장기저장된 벼의 식미가 도정도를 달리하므로서 향상될 수 있는가를 알기 위해 1988년산 특급창고저장 일반계 벼, 1989년산 특급, 1급, 2급 창고저장 일반계벼에 대해 10분도와 12분도로 도정하여 비교하였다 공시곡들을 1991년 3월~4월간에 수집하여 서울대농대의 특급창고에 일시 보관 후 정보의 수분함량을 16%로 조절한 후 제현 및 도정하여 현미의 지방산도와 23인으로 구성된 전문식미검정반에 의한 밥맛평가를 하여 소비자수준에서의 저곡에 따른 품질변화에 대해 조사하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같이 요약된다. 1. 통일계벼는 일반계벼보다 장기저장에 있어서도 현미의 지방산도가 현저히 낮았고 밥맛의 변화가 크지 않았다 2. 통일계와 일반계벼 모두 저장기간이 길어질수록 현미의 지방산도가 약간씩 높아지고 밥맛이 종합평점, 맛, 외관 및 냄새에서 조금씩 나빠지는 경향이었으며, 특히 일반벼에서 1990년산과 1989년산간에 평균평점차이가 뚜렷해졌으나 통일계벼는 1987, 1988, 1989년산간에, 일반계벼는 1989년산과 1990년산간에 밥맛평가에서 통계적 유의차를 보이지 않았다 3. 정부양곡보관창고들 중 특급창고와 1급창고에 보관했던 일반계 벼간에는 3개조사지역 모두 현미지방산도와 밥맛평가면에서 유의적 차이가 없었으나 2급창고는 3개지역 모두에서 지방산도가 약간 높고 밥맛평점이 약간씩 낮았다. 4. 저온저장(4℃ , RH 50%)한 벼는 2년반 저장한 벼도 밥맛의 변화가 거의 없었다. 5. 1988년산 및 1989년산 일반계를 10분도와 12분도로 도정하였을 때 도정도에 따른 밥맛의 차이는 없었다.