
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 96

        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고에서는 최근 중국을 중심으로 추진되고 있는 한약재 ISO 국제표준화에 대한 대응을 위해 최신 등재 현황을 소개하고 주요 추진상의 문제점과 대응방안들을 점검해 보았다. 주요 내용을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 1. 국제표준화기구 전통의학 기술위원회(ISO TC249)는 2009년 설립이후 31개의 국가가 참여하여 한약재 국제표준화를 추진하고 있다. 한·중·일은 발의 문건은 90%이상을 차지하여 사실상 아시아의 전통의학 분야를 두고 경쟁하고 있으며 간사국인 중국은 약용작물의 종자 ·종묘에서부터 약재의 생산, 품질 그리고 침구, 의료기술 등에 이르기까지 전 한방분야에서 표준화를 주도하고 있다. 현재 진행되고 있는 약용작물 재배 및 한약재 품질 관련 안건만 약 50여건에 달해 향후 5년 내에 시장 거래량 상위품목들의 국제표준화 작업이 대부분 완료될 것으로 예상된다. 2. 현재 진행되고 있는 안건들은 한약재의 품질이나 품질평가에 관한 안건들이 대부분이다. 이 안건들이 국제표준으로 인정되면 세계 한약재 유통시장에는 새로운 질서와 우열기준이 생기고 유통 한약재의 시장가치 평가에 반영되어 각국 한약재 점유율 변동에도 영향을 줄 수 있다. 이들 안건들은 직접적인 재배생산 표준이 아닌 경우가 대부분이지만 성분이나 성상 등에 대한 표준을 담고 있으므로 대부분 재배생산과도 밀접한 관련이 있다. 만일 중국 중심의 표준화가 계속해서 심화된다면 장기적으로는 국내 생산농가에 부담을 줄 수도 있다. 그러므로 한약재 국제표준화 대응은 향후 국내 생산물이 표준규격을 달성할 수 있는 범위내로 기준을 유도하는 전략을 펴야 할 것이다. 이를 위해 국내 생산물의 특성을 파악하고 선반영 하려는 노력이 필요하다. 3. 한약재 표준화 대응은 중국의 추진안건이 많으므로 분야별 파급영향을 고려한 선별적인 대응이 필요하다. 종자·종묘 등 추가적인 제한 필요성이 낮은 분야보다는 향후 시장에서 한· 중 간 경쟁이 발생할 수 있는 분야에 집중하는 것이 중요하다 . 원산지 변조, 농약 잔류량·이산화황 과다검출 등의 이력이 있는 약재들은 해당 표준을 강화하고 재배환경의 영향을 받을 수 있는 도지약재들의 경우 성상이나 지표성분 등에 대한 국내약재의 특성을 최대한 반영할 필요성이 있다. 곰팡이나 해충관리 등은 아직 각국의 관리규정이나 저온저장 시설 등 현장 인프라 구축이 충분치 않은 점들도 고려되어야 한다. 아직 국제표준을 추진하기 위한 국내의 연구결과들이 충분치 않은 부분들이 많으므로 추가적인 연구와 지원이 필요할 것이다.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : In previous study, we reported Sclerotium rot caused by Sclerotium rolfsii in Ixeridium dentatum for the first time. This experiment was conducted to select highly effective pesticides against Sclerotium rot caused by S. rolfsii in I. dentatum. Methods and Results : The chemical efficacy and the injury test were carried out. A total of five pesticides were used for the experiment test. For the efficacy test, we investigated spore germination and mycelial growth inhibiting ability by each pesticides in vitro and disease inhibiting ability in the field. For the chemical injury, we investigated appearance of abnormalities on condition of reference amount and fold amount in the field. In vitro, three kinds of chemicals such as Fludioxonil suspension concentrate (SC), Tebuconazole suspension concentrate (SC), and Flutolanil emulsifiable concentrate (EC) showed complete spore germination inhibitory effect, However in two chemicals such as Pyraclostrobin water-dispersible granule (WG) and Pyribencarb suspension concentrate (SC), the mycelial growth inhibitory effect was partially recognized but the spore germination was not inhibited. In the field, we performed an artificial inoculation experiment using sclerotia. As a result four kinds of chemicals such as Fludioxonil SC, Tebuconazole SC, Flutolanil EC, and Pyraclostrobin WG showed control value of above 80% against Sclerotium rot caused by Sclerotium rolfsii except Pyribencarb SC. Also there was no chemical injury in reference amount and in fold amount respectively, compared to non treated control. Conclusion : From the above results, we selected four items of pesticides including Fludioxonil SC, Tebuconazole SC, Flutolanil EC, and Pyraclostrobin WG as effective chemicals against Sclerotium rot caused by Sclerotium rolfsii in Ixeridium dentatum.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : In the process of developing new disease-resistant cultivar of Rehmannia glutinosa, it is essential to screen plants based on resistance to their disease. But until now, we have relied on visual inspection for selection of disease-resistant cultivar. Therefore, this experiment was carried out to establish an efficient and reliable screening system and test the resistance to leaf spot disease in R. glutinosa cultivars developed until now. Methods and Results : We have tested 11 R. glutinosa cultivars developed so far. Rootstock of R. glutinosa were sown in 20 × 20 ㎝ plastic square port and grown in green house at 25 ± 5℃ for four months and then cutting leaves were inoculated with Phoma sp. HCRD 17103 by spraying spore suspention of fungus at concentration of 1 × 107 spore/㎖. The inoculated leaves were incubated in a dew chamber at 25℃ for 48h and then transferred to glass house (25 ± 5℃, RH 80% ≥ ). After 3 - 5 days when the most susceptible cultivar had lesion area over 40%, disease severity of the cultivars was investigated on a scale of 0 - 9 (0 = healthy, 1 = 0 - 1%, 3 = 1.1 - 10%, 5 = 10.1 - 20%, 7 = 20.1 - 40%, 9 = 40.1% over). The degree of resistance was determined according to the disease index (0 and 1 = resistant, 3 = moderately resistant, 5, 7 and 9 = susceptible). As a result of experiments according to the above criteria, the disease index of cultivar Gogang, Dagang, Segang, Yeongang, Wongang, and Dahwang was 1, cultivar Togang, Daegyung, Jiwhang 1 and Goryeo was 3, cultivar Hwanggang was 9, respectively. Conclusion : From the above results, six cultivars such as Gogang, Dagang, Segang, Yeongang, Wongang, and Dahwang were resistant, four cultivar such as Togang, Daegyung, Jiwhang 1 and Goryeo were moderately resistant, and only one cultivar Hwanggang was susceptible to the leaf spot disease by Phoma sp. This experiment used only leaves and we plan to use whole plants in the future to see more accurate resistance response.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was conducted to investigate the production competitiveness of medicinal crop. The results of this study were intended to be used as basic data for establishing the direction of R&D needed for domestic medicinal crop farming system. Methods and Results : For data analysis, frequency, percentage and average and Chi square (× 2) value were used. The survey showed that the cultivated crops of the respondents were medicinal crop. Firstly, there was a significant difference in farming disability by farming career. The 'cultivation method (60%, 42.1%)' was high in farming preparer and beginner (≤ 3 years), but the disability in 'cultivation method' decreased as the farming career was longer. Respondents who had more than 10 years of farming career complained of 'climate problem (24.0%)' followed by 'cultivation method (20.0%)' and 'pest control (20.0%)'. There was also a significant difference in the farming disability by medicinal crops farming career. The 'cultivation method (50.0%)' was the highest of the farmers who had 1 year of medicinal crops farming career, however the respondents with more than 4-ears of career complained of 'climate problems (27.3%)' and 'pest control (23.6%)', but 'cultivation method' was low as 18.2%. Secondly, there was a difference in sales disability by farming career, and cross-sectional analysis was statistically significant at × 2 = 41.320. The respondents who were preparer for farming had the biggest sales disability at 'shortage of market (44.4%)', and the rates decreased gradually as the farming career increased. Respondents more than 10-ears had the biggest sales disability as ‘uncertain market price (50.0%)’, and 'shortage of market' was low as 12.5%. Cross-sectional analysis of sales disability by medicinal crops farming career showed that × 2 was 49.705, which was statistically significant. Farmers with no career in cultivating medicinal crops had the biggest sales disability at 'shortage of market (40.0%)' and farmers with more than 4 years of career complained of 'uncertain market price (42.2%)'. Lastly, there was a statistically significant difference in cultivation performance by medicinal crops farming career. The respondents with a career of less than 1 year had the highest proportion at 'medium (48.5%)', but those with more than 4-ears of career had the highest rate of 'creation of profit (43.1%)'. Conclusion : As farming career and medicinal crops farming career increased, environmental factors such as climate and pest problems affected in cultivation stage significantly, further uncertain market price gave a large factor in sales stage.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Pinellia ternata is imported more than 95%, tuber is used as herb medicine according to The Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia (KHP). There is no cultivar of P. ternata in Korea, and it is cultivated using native species. This study was to select the strains according to the leaf type in order to develop the standard varieties of P. ternata and expand the import substitution effect and domestic production base. Methods and Results : This study was conducted by the Department of Korean Medicinal Resource Development, NIKOM. A total of 1,260 individuals of P. ternata were collected from Jeju Island, Jangheung County, and China, and classified into three lines according to the ratio of leaf length and width. The selected lines were sowed in the middle of April, 2018 and cultivated with a black polypropylene mesh with a direct sunlight radiation transmittance of 60% to reduce solar radiation. Investigation items were investigated by leaf type (lanceolate, long oval, elliptical shape), plant height, leaf length, leaf width and petiole length. Lanceolate (leaf length / leaf width ratio, over 6) were selected for 157 individuals, average leaf length / leaf width ratio, plant hight and petiole length were 7.9, 17.3 ㎝ and 7.1 ㎝, respectively. long oval (leaf length / leaf width ratio, 6.0 to 2.0) were selected 118 individuals, average leaf length / leaf width ratio, plant hight and petiole length were 3.4, 12.3 ㎝ and 5.5 ㎝, respectively. In addition, 91 individuals were selected for elliptical shape (leaf length / leaf width ratio, less than 2), average leaf length / leaf width ratio, plant hight and petiole length were 1.7, 10.6 ㎝ and 4.6 ㎝, respectively. According to leaf type analysis, the growth characteristics of lanceolate were the best and the growth characteristics of oval were the lowest. Conclusion : These results can be used as basic data for the breeding of standard varieties of P. ternata, and further studies such as analysis of gene relatedness and major component will be conducted in the future.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The study is investigated the development of high-quality standard variety, character of gene resources, growth and yield production to collecting varieties in Agastache rugosa O. Kuntze containing antioxidant agriculturally. Methods and Results : Character of gene resources investigated collecting 16 varieties (Jeonnam Naju 1, 2, 3 (NJ), Gwangyang 1, 2 (GY), Sooncheon 4 (SC), Boseong 1, 2 (BS), Yeosu (YS), Jangheung (JH), Jindo (JD), Gyeongnam Hamyang (HY), Gyeongbuk Bonghwa (BH), Chungbuk Eumseong (ES), Cheongju (CJ), Gangwon Cheolwon (CW). Method of cultivation were conducted under sowing dates of plant a seedling were April 24. Transplanting with Agastache rugosa O.K. seeds in June 27 by growing pot seedling for 60 days in 2017. Fertilization application were standard application (N-P-K-Compost applied at 12-16-10-600 ㎏․10a−1). N-K applied at 60% of basal fertilizer, 40% of top dressing were two times (N-K) application. Planting density were spaced 30 ㎝ apart in rows 20 ㎝ apart with with non-woven fabric mulching cultivation. Plot design randomized block 3 repetition. Conclusion : Endemic characteristics of gene resources to collecting variety in leaf color (light green), leaf pliable (softness) appeared 8 lineage, leaf color (deep green), the contrary leaf pliable (roughness) showed 8 lineage. Flower color bloomed in light purple 8 lineage flower deep purple color come into 8 lineage. Also, the period of maturity ripened Sept. 27 - 31. on 8 lineage (BS2, GY1, JD, HY etc.). 3 lineage (YS, CJ, CW) attained to maturity on Oct. 14 - 16. Growth of aerial part increased on long length, large width of leaf, heavy dried weight of leaf and weight of seeds 10 lineage SC4, GY1, 2, NJ2, 3, BS1, 2, CJ, ES, BH etc. but short length, small width of leaf, declined in light dried weight of leaf and weight of seeds 2 lineage YS, CW.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Medicinal crops the importance of good agricultural practice (GAP) cultivation is increasing, but the number of GAP-certified farms is decreasing because of the decrease and undeveloped application of medicinal crops. In the case of Artemisia capillaris Thunb., GAP cultivation is difficult because there is no registered application agricultural pesticides. The insect pests that occur mainly in apples are Aphis gossypii. Especially, if the high temperature is continued as in this year, the incidence rate increases rapidly, which greatly affects the growth delay. Therefore, this study was conducted to select the application agricultural pesticides of A. gossypii for the stable production of GAP in A. capillaris. Methods and Results : Three-years-old (Jangsu, Jinan) A. capillaris were used as test materials. The treated medicines (2,000-fold dilution) were acetamiprid wet table powder (WP), clothianidin suspension concentrate (SC), imidacloprid WP and thiacloprid SC. To investigate the phytotoxicity, 2 times of medicine (1,000-fold dilution) was treated. The medicinal effect was confirmed at 3 and 7 days after the treatment of the medicinal stuff, and the phytotoxicity was investigated from symptoms appearing in the stem and leaf. As a result of treatment, in Jinan area, the treatment rate was more than 80% in all treatment chemicals on the 3 day after treatment, but on the 7 day, acetamiprid WP and clothianidin SC remained more than 80%. In the jangsu area, only the imidacloprid WP was less than 80% on the 3 day of treatment, but on the 7 day, acetamiprid WP and imidacloprid WP were maintained more than 80%. In particular, thiacloprid SC had a high control rate of 93% on the 3 day, but as the fell rapidly to 32% on the 7 day, It is considered that the persistence of medicinal effect is low. Conclusion : The results of medicines treatment for A. gossypii control showed that the control efficacy was higher than 80% until the 3 day of treatment, but the efficacy decreased at 7 day. The medicines with high control rate were acetamiprid WP, and the control rate was maintained more than 80% from 3 day to 7 day. Therefore, appropriate conclusions were obtained for the applied medicine.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Cirsium japonicum is a perennial medicinal crop, characterized by the fact that it does not bloom in the first year. Therefore, annual C. japonicum leaves and roots are used as medicinal materials, and biennial do not harvest for seed gathering. In addition, thistle has a very low germination rate, which means that it takes a lot of seed in planting. In order to solve these problems, we conduct to determine the optimum maturity stage and the location of the inflorescence in C. japonicum. Methods and Results : The test material was a biennial C. japonicum. The harvesting time was sampled at intervals of 10 days (7 treatments) from the beginning of June to the beginning of August, and the location of the inflorescence was sampled from 1 to 3 inflorescence, 4 to 6 inflorescence, and 7 to 9 inflorescence. The buds collected for seed selection were dried for 10 days and used as germination test seeds. Seeds to investigated germination rate were soaked in 70% alcohol for 10 minutes and then washed with distilled water. Then, 20 seeds were arranged in a petri-dish, After standing at 25℃ for 7 days, germinated seeds were counted. As a result of the germination rate, at the beginning of June, the germination rate of seeds collected from 1 to 3 inflorescence was the highest at 35%. In the middle of June, it decreased by 2 times to 3.8%, and the germination rate tended to decrease as location of the inflorescence was lowered. In late June, it decreased to 1 - 2%, and most seeds collected after July did not germinate. The decrease of germination rate according to the harvesting time and the location of the inflorescence, it is considered that sufficient nutrients are delivered in the early stage but the number of immature seeds is decreased as the amount of nutrients is decreased. Conclusion : Appropriate sampling methods for the production of high quality seed in C. japonicum, the germination rate could be maximized by sampling from 1 to 3 inflorescence at the beginning of June. but, sufficient nutrient supply is required to increase the ripened seeds. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate further research on the additional fertilizer technology.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Medicinal crop seeds have low homogeneity and quality of seeds and seedlings because they are self-seeded or produced in farmhouses. Therefore, it is necessary to develop systematic technology for establishment and distribution of seed production technology for stable production of domestic medicinal crops. Methods and Results : The test Agastache rugosa O. K. Kuntze. variety was Jeonnam local variety (Naju species) and was carried out in 2017. The research was divided into two types; seed yield test according to seeding time and seed yield test according to fertilization method. Sowing of the seed yield test according to the seeding time was sown on the seedling tray 4 times from 20 th March to 20 th May at intervals of 20 days, and after the nursery, they were transplanting. The fertilization gave the standard fertilization (N-P-K-compost applied at 12-16-10-600 ㎏/10a) amount before implantation. Sowing of the seed yield test according to fertilization method was sowing in the middle of April. The seedlings were grown for 60 days and then transplanted in the middle of June. Four different fertilization methods were applied and cultivated. Planting density of both tests were spaced 30 ㎝ apart in rows 20 ㎝ apart with non-woven fabric mulching cultivation. The plot design was a randomized block 3 repetitions. Seed yields at the seeding time were the highest at 67 ㎏/10a in sowing on March 20, and the yields decreased as the seeding time passed. Seed yield according to fertilization method was the highest at 75 ㎏/10a in 25% increase control and lowest at 46 ㎏/10a in 50% diminish control. Conclusion : From the above results, we may suggest that the seedlings should be cultivated in the middle of March and cultivated by increasing the fertilization rate by 50%.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Cnidium officinale M. is a medicinal plant used a lot of herbal and functional food ingredients. Recently, the area of cultivation has been increased due to the increase in domestic demand. By the way, this plant is very vulnerable to high temperature, and recently it is difficult to cultivate due to abnormal high temperature and so on. Therefore, in this study, in order to effectively reduce the high temperature of the field, we investigated the degree of temperature reduction and the growth condition of the plant after installed mulching, irrigation and the fog facilities. Methods and Results : In order to reduce the temperature of C. officinale M. cultivation field, the black and white double vinyl mulching, drip irrigation and fog spray treatment were applied and the results were as follows. The survey was conducted at about 2:00 pm on a clear day in August, and the temperature was about 33℃ at the time of measurement. In the case of only black vinyl mulching without watering, the soil temperature was 43.5℃, the surface temperature was 61.4℃, and the mortality rate of the C. officinale M. was 98.0%. The temperature of soil and surface were lowered to 33.1℃ and 38.6℃, respectively, when treated with black vinyl mulching and drip irrigation and fog spraying. In the case of black and white double vinyl mulching, the effect of temperature reduction was better. The soil surface temperature of the non-irrigation treatment was 37.9℃, the surface temperature was 48.5℃ and the mortality rate was decreased to 6.7%. In case of combined drip irrigation and fog spraying, soil temperature was reduced to 31.5℃, surface temperature was 35.8℃, and mortality rate was 0%. Conclusion : As a result of this study, the temperature of soil and surface dropped by up to 12. 0℃ and 25.6℃, respectively, when combined with black and white double vinyl mulching and drip irrigation and fog spray treatment. The mortality rate declined from 89.0% to 0%. Therefore, Therefore, if the results of this study are applied to the cultivation of C. officinale M., it is expected that the production stability will be improved.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Saliva miltiorrhiza is a perennial medicinal crop of Lamiaceae and has been reported to have various functionalities such as improvement of cardiovascular function and antihypertensive. However, domestic cultivation technique in Korea has not been established yet. Seed production system is required to increase propagation efficiency and to establish breeding basis for stable production. This experiment was carried out to determine the optimal date of the S. miltiorrhiza. Methods and Results : S. miltiorrhiza was seeded in April of 2017 and 2018. The seeds were harvested at 5-day intervals based on the flowering period of 2018. Number of peduncles, flowers, and seeds were investigated at each period. And germination rate was also investigated. The optimum seed harvest time was estimated by relationship between the seed production and days after flowering period (DAF) or cumulative temperature. The flowering rate and amount of seed of 2-years plant was higher than 1-year plant. As DAF increased, number of flowers, fertility rate, and the amount of seeds increased. At 20 DAF, 1-year, and 2-years plant respectively produced 2.2 g and 25.2 g of seed. Seed production (SP) and DAF or accumulated temperature (AT) had a quadratic relation, SP (g) = -0.1052DAF2 + 3.7396DAF - 12.347 (R2 = 0.828) and SP (g) = -0.0002AC2 + 0.1727AC - 9.146 (R2 = 0.853). The maximum amount of seed was estimated to be 20.9 g at 17.8 DAF or 21.3 g at 353℃. The seed germination rate was increased until 20 DAF with 62.0%. The amount of seed and germination rate were decreased at 25 DAF. Conclusion : The seeds of S. miltiorrhiza can be produced the highest amount with high viability on the 18th day after flowering period in 2-years after planting.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Senna tora L. is an herbaceous annual foetid herb. There were many components s uch as emodine, chrysophanol, aloe-emodine, physcion, rhein, chrysophanic acid, obtusin, aurantio-obtusin, anthraquinone compounds. The seeds and leaves are used to treat skin disease and its see ds can be utilized as a laxative, as well as to good for the eyes. This experiment was focused on the storage characteristics for searching better condition. That's why it is very useful for making oriental medicine. It is needed for Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification. It is one of ce rtification condition. Many medicinal plants have almost no their storage condition for GAP. Methods and Results : There are two kinds of treatment for storage test. One is temperature. The other is time period. The temperature treatments are room temperature and 4℃. Time of storage periods are four parts. The first time period for storage is zero month. The Second is until three month. and the third is until six month. The fourth is until nine month. We used polyethylene for packing materials. We investigated moisture, ash, bacteria, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, mold and chromaticity by them. The value of moisture and ash are under standard of permission as 7.8 and 5.1 respectively. There were almost no significance about test microorganism in the storage temperature condition. There were statistical significance on the bacteria and mold without Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus according to storage period. In terms of stroage temperature and period interaction, there was statistical significance on the Escherichia coli. In addition, the mycotoxin (aflatoxin) was analyzed for nine month storage Senna tora L. The total aflatoxin value were 3.307 ppb and 3.334 ppb in storage temperature and period respectively Conclusion : About the characteristics of Senna tora L. in accordance with the storage treatments, there were differences along with time period of storage about the bacteria and mold. There was no aflatoxin until nine month storage.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Schizonepeta tenuifolia Kitagawa is a herbaceous plant affiliated to labiate. It ha s many oil components which has antimicrobial activity for health with limonene, menthone, p ulegone, piperitenone, schizonepetoside A, schizonepetoside C, spatulenol. The planting area of which is comparatively small than other medicine crop as 5 ha area and 15MT in the nation. This experiment was focused on the storage characteristics for searching better condition. It is very useful for making oriental medicine. It is needed for Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification. It is one of certification condition for farmers. Many medicinal plants have almos t been no their storage condition for GAP. Methods and Results : This experiment was carried out to conform optimal condition for S. tenuifolia Kitagawa. There were two kinds of treatment for storage test. One is temperature. The other is time period. The temperature treatments are room temperature and 4℃. The storage periods are divided into four times. Their times continued three month until nine month. There used polyethylene for packing materials. This experiment was investigated to storage condition about moisture, ash, bacteria, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, mold and chromaticity. The contents value of moisture and ash are under standard of permission as 9.7 and 6.2 respectively. There were almost no significance about test microorganism in the storage temperature condition. There was statistical significance on the bacteria according to storage period. In terms of stroage temperature and period interaction, there was statistical significance on the Staphylococcus aureus and mold. Conclusion : The effect of storage treatments on S. tenuifolia Kitagawa mainly focused to time period treatment and time period-temperature interaction treatments, there were differences along with time period of storage about the bacteria and interaction with storage temperature and period about Staphylococcus aureus and mold.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : There are studies on the planting distance, sowing periods, and over wintering method of Saururus chinesis, but lesson the necessary soil moisture content for rhizome growth. This study examines the effects of soil moisture content on the growth of Saururus chinesis. Method and Results : The radicles of Saururus chinesis were harvested in the beginning of March and cut into three joints. The planting densities were determined as 40 ㎝ × 10 ㎝, 40 ㎝ × 20 ㎝ and 40 ㎝ × 30 ㎝, and the soil moisture content was adjusted through continuous flooding treatment, wetting (0 ~ -10 kPa), and field moisture capacity (-20 ~ -50 kPa). As a result of investigating the ground growth of Saururus chinesis, the growth through continuous flooding was best with the planting distance of 40 ㎝ × 20 ㎝ that yielded a plant height of 7.4 ㎝, stem diameter of 5.2 ㎜, and leaf number of 5.5. The growth through field capacity (-20 ~ -50 kPa) was poorest at the planting distance of 40 ㎝ ×10 ㎝. The transpiration rate, indicating the breathing of leaves, was highest at 1.4 s ㎝-1 through continuous flooding at 40 ㎝ × 30 ㎝, and decreased to 0.5 s ㎝-1 with the field capacity of (-20 ~ -50 kPa) 40 ㎝ × 20 ㎝. The investigation on the leaves showed that the leaf weight was heaviest at 23.1 g/plant through continuous flooding of 40 ㎝ × 30 ㎝ that also showed a wider leaf area and rich chlorophyll. At continuous flooding of 40 × 10 ㎝, the leaf weight was as light as 9.5 g/plant, showing no consistency among treatments. The investigation on the underground growth showed the best results through continuous flooding with a planting distance of 40 × 10 ㎝ where the root length was 50.7 ㎝, root diameter 6.7 ㎜, and fresh root weight of 45.3 g/plant, which decreased to 24.4 g/plant with field capacity (-20 ~ -50 kPa). The investigation on the polyphenol content as a functional component showed the richest content in the leaf of the plant at 752.5 ㎎/100g through continuous flooding, and lowest at 661.0 ㎎/100g with field capacity. With the field capacity (-20 ~ -50 kPa) it was the highest at 262.0 ㎎/100g. Conclusion : It was the most advantageous for mass Saururus chinensis radical production with continuous flooding treatment for soil moisture and a planting distance of 40 × 10 ㎝.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was conducted to investigate the seedling, growth, and yield characteristics of 1-year-old Polygala tenuifolia by cultivation of different regions. Methods and Results : After growing the seedlings for 2 months in the greenhouse, they were planted at different altitudes including: 100 m or less (Cheongju), 250 m (negative), 300 m (Jecheon), and 500 m (Pyeongchang) in the first week of May. The flowering period, fertilization period, fruit weight, growth, and yield were recorded and investigated in that period. Results of analyzing the physicochemical properties of the soils revealed that the pH of the soil was close to neutrality of 6.7 - 7.3 at 100 m, 250 m, and 500 m altitudes and an acidity of pH 5.7 at 300 m altitude. The average temperature for different time periods and altitudes are the following: 3.8℃ from June to October during the harvesting season, 21.8℃ at 100 m altitude in the end of June, 10.8℃ at 500 m altitude in the middle of harvest period, and 2.7℃ higher at 100 m altitude than 500 m altitude. The difference in the number of rooting (between 11 and 12/㎡) and the rate of rooting (82 - 92%) was not significant. The plant length was 25 - 26.5 ㎝ at 300 m and 500 m altitude. The largest number of branch was at 1.8 with 250 m altitude and largest stalk diameter at 500 m altitude at 6.0 ㎜. Leaf length and leaf width were the same per area, but the branches were the largest at 500 m at 17.9. Dry weight of 12.7 g was heaviest at 500 m altitude implying that the higher the altitude, the higher the dry weight will be. Moreover, in the 500 m altitude, root length of 29.2 ㎝ was the longest, root diameter was 5.9 ㎜, and the dry root weight of 7.9 g was the heaviest. However, the number of supporting root was 4.9 - 7.3 which was not statistically significant. The optimal yield per 10 a was 94 ㎏ at 500 m altitude. This was very high compared to yield of 28 ㎏ at 100 m altitude. The seed weight per 10 a was 1.5 ㎏ and 2.3 ㎏ at 100 m and 300 m altitude, respectively. The highest content of Teuifolin contained in the root was 124.07 ppm at 500 m altitude. Conclusion : Results showed that 1-year-old P. tenuifolia had optimal growth, higher yield and better vital component content at altitude of 500 m.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : During 2016 to 2017, Bacterial Rot symptom has been observed on Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. in Yeongju-si, Mungyeong-si, Jecheon-si and Eumseong-gun. This experiment was carried out to identify pathogenic bacteria that has not been reported up to now from A. macrocephala and to test pathogenicity of isolated bacteria against A. macrocephala. Methods and Results : Nine types of representative bacteria strains depending on colony size and color were isolated from surface disinfested symptomatic tissue that was macerated and streaked onto lysogeny broth (LB) medium with agar. Fungi were not recovered from any tissue that was surface disinfested and placed into acidified potato dextrose agar. Only one strain cause dark brown leaf rot symptom on A. macrocephala leaves soaked in bacterial suspensions. Potted A. macrocephala plants were used to test for pathogenicity. Inoculum was prepared by suspending the bacteria in sterile distilled water (SDW) for a final concentration of approximately 105 CFU/㎖. Suspensions were sprayed until runoff onto three replicate plants. Control plants were sprayed with SDW until runoff. Plants maintained in a dew chamber with 100% relative humidity at 30℃. After 3 days, leaf rot lesions developed on all inoculated plants; lesions later turned dark brown and appeared similar to symptoms observed in the field. Plants treated with water developed no symptoms. Same bacteria re-isolated onto LB from symptomatic tissues. Conclusion : On the basis of 16S rRNA sequence analysis, the strain isolated from A. macrocephala was identified as Pseudomonas viridiflava. Biological assay method using Potted plants confirmed the pathogenicity of Pseudomonas viridiflava. This is the first report of bacterial rot caused by Pseudomonas viridiflava on A. macrocephala.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was performed to investigate change in OnjisaponinB contents of Polygala tenuifolia depending on drying methods. Methods and Results : For this study, 5-years-old Polygala tenuifolia local cultivars from RDA(Eumseong) were used. Before starting to drying, root was shade-dried for 3 days and separated with the lead. Next, two types of drying methods conducted; natural drying and hot air drying. Hot air drying was controlled at 40℃, 50℃, 60℃ and 70℃ and checked with every 3 hours. Dried root from market was used as control group. The water content of raw root was about 52.04%. When it started to dry, the contents of it significantly decreased. The dried roots from market were 6.25 - 6.84%. To be under 7% of water contents, 6 hours of drying was enough in natural drying methods and 40℃, 50℃hot air drying methods. In case of 60℃, 70℃ hot air drying methods, it took under 3 hours. The OnjisaponinB contents of raw root was 0.53%. The dried root from market had 0.74% of onjisaponinB. During the drying, the contents of OnjisaponinB changed depending on the drying methods. Hot air drying method had more effect on OnjisaponinB contents than natural drying method. Conclusion : From the above results, we may suggest that natural drying methods was enough to drop the water content of Polygala tenuifolia. Because during pre-treatment steps including shade-drying and separating lead, much of water contents already decreased and became easy to lose water. However to get more OnjisaponinB, hot air drying methods can beneficial than natural drying methods.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis F.) is one of the most widely used raw materials for food and pharmaceuticals, and is currently the No. 1 imported medicinal plant in Korea. Efforts to settle licorice cultivation in Korea have been carried out for hundreds of years but have not succeeded, and many people suspect that the reason is due to the inadequate cultivation environment. However, even until recently, most licorice has been procured by wild harvesting, so studies on licorice cultivation technique and cultivation environment have not been conducted much in the world. This experiment was conducted to investigate the germination characteristics of licorice by temperature and salt concentration in order to find the optimal cultivation environment conditions of licorice. Methods and Results : The germination rate of licorice seeds was high 77.5 - 90.5% at 10 - 3 6℃, but it started to drop from 66.5 - 68.0% at 38 - 40℃ and it decreased sharply from 9.0 - 15.0% at 42 - 46℃. No longer germinated at temperatures above 48℃. The average number of days of germination was 12.3 days at 10℃, 5.7 days at 20℃, 3.5 days at 30℃ and 4.1 days at 40℃. The germination start date was 2 to 4 days in the 18℃ - 46℃ range. The average germination rate was the highest at 32℃. The germination time of 40% was 2 - 4 days at 18 - 46℃. The germination of more than 80% took 3 - 5 days at 20 - 40℃, 6 - 8 days at 14 - 1 8℃ and 10 days at 10 - 12℃. Licorice was able to germinate even in the presence of salt. Seed germination rate was 78.5 - 85.5% at 0 - 1% salt concentration and 63% at 1.5% and 18% at 2.0%. In addition, 8.5% seeds germinated successfully even at 3.0% salt concentration. Conclusion : Licorice has been known as a low temperature crop, but germination was possible in a wide range of temperature and salt concentration. Especially, the germination characteristic was higher in the high temperature range of 30 - 36℃, which corresponds to the domestic summer temperature. Therefore, the results of this study are expected to be useful reference for exploring suitable cultivation area in Korea.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This experiment was conducted to improve the farm income by decreasing the rate of corrosion and increasing the emergence rate by selecting the proper storage method of the medicinal crop seed root. Methods and Result : Ten kinds of medicinal crop seed roots of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fischer, Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge, Codonopsis lanceolata, Platycodon grandiflorum, Atractylodes japonica, Angelica acutiloba, Adenophora triphylla, Rehmannia glutinosa, Angelica gigas and Cnidium officinale were used as test materials. In experiment 1, storage experiments were carried out using four treatments: untreated (dry in advance), untreated, filler (dry in advance) and filler. Drying in advance was carried for 2 days in dark place and the filler was vermiculite. For storage, in styrofoam box, seed roots were laid down in 3 replicates of 10 sets, stored in – 1℃ warehouse. The storage temperature was set as long as each seed root was not frozen investigating freezing point, supercooling point. As a result, the rate of corrosion was significantly lower in the 4th treatments (filler), such as A. japonica (30%) and A. gigas (10%), compared with untreated one. Therefore, in experiment 2, six treatments were carried out using filler. There were 6 treatments: filler disinfectant (dry in advance), filler disinfectant, filler biochar (dry in advance), filler biochar, filler disinfectant biochar (dry in advance) and filler disinfectant biochar. The disinfectant was used by metalaxyl-M at a concentration of 0.4 g/ℓ, and a biochar was used at a volume ratio of 50% (v/v). As a result, the rate of corrosion was significantly lower in the 6th treatment (filler disinfectant biochar), such as S. miltiorrhiza (13.3%) and C. lanceolata (6.7%). Conclusion : In storing medicinal crop root, it is better to store using fillers. It was shown that a mixture of filler and disinfectant biochar reduced the rate of corrosion.
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