
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        난포액에 함유되어 있는 steroids와 sterol이 수정에 참여하는 정자의 주화성에 미치는 영향을 밝히기 위하여, progesterone, estradiol 17 beta 및 cholesterol이 sucrose 층으로부터 정자의 swim-up 분리에 미치는 영향을 조사하였던 바 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. Progesterone은 정자의 이동과 운동성을 억제하였으나 수정능획득한 정자를 유인하였으며, 특히 50g/ml 수준의 progestero
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        정자의 무분별한 이동을 충분히 억제하면서 운동성을 저해하지 않는 sucrose 층으로부터의 swim-up 분리체계를 구축하기 위하여, 정자의 이동에 장애가 될 수 있는 sucrose 층에 첨가되는 sucrose수준과 정자의 이동과 운동을 극대화시킬 수 있는 배양시간 및 sucrose 이중층의 형태를 조사하였던 바, 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 10mM의 sucrose 층은 정자의 swim-up 이동을 억제하였다. 2. Sucrose 층을 이용하지
        1992.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Glass wool filtration and swim-up method resulted in inreasing to 58.3% and 62.7% of the progressive motility in frozen-thawed boar sperm, compared to 34.2% in the untreated sperm. Glass wool filtration tended to be more successful than swim-up method for the survival sfter incubation of 38.5 for 3h. Sperm recovered by both the swim-up method and the glass wool filtration method were tested in an in vitro fertilization to determine which of the two techniques would yield sperm with high fertilizing capacity. The results indicated that there was a significantly(p
        2003.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The high incidence of polyspermic fertilization is one of the major causes lowering the overall efficiency of porcine IVF. The common procedure for IVF involves the co-culture of both gametes in the medium drop, which increases sperm concentration and incidence of polyspermy. Therefore, the present study was carried out to increase the efficiency of porcine IVF by reducing polyspermy using a modified swim-up method. This method modifies conventional swim-up washing by placing oocytes directly at the time of washing. Sperm pellet was prepared in the tube and mature oocytes were placed on cell strainer with pore size (Falcon 2350) at the top of the tube. After insemination, the oocytes were stained for examination. Also, the developmental potential of fertilized embryos was measured to evaluate for the feasibility of this method. While having similar penetration rates in both methods (), there was a significant reduction of polyspermy in modified swim-up method () compare to the control ( (p<0.05). Subsequent culture showed higher rate of blastocyst formation in modified swim-up method (20.440.99%) than the control () (P<0.05), even though there was no significant difference. These results suggest that, by controlling the number of spermatozoa reaching the oocytes, porcine oocytes might be protected from polyspermy in vitro. Also, the developmental potential of the fertilized embryos using this method could be improved by increasing the pool of spermatozoa with better quality. Further optimization of the procedure required to implicate this method in routine porcine IVF.