
한국동물생명공학회지 (구 한국수정란이식학회지) KCI 등재 Journal of Animal Reproduciton and Biotechnology

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol. 7 No. 2 (1992년 11월) 8

1992.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Effects of caffeine, heparin and caffeine-heparin treatments for in vitro capacitation of Korean Native Cattle sperm on acrosorne reaction and viability were studied using the methods of Wells-Awa and Dual stain. The results were summerized as follows: 1. The acrosome reaction of sperm when treated with caffeine after 0 to 4 hrs of preincubation were 11.0~75.7% for Wells-Awa stain, and 14.3~75.55% for Dual stain. True acrosome reaction of sperm for Dual stain was 3.0~29.2%. The viability of sperm was 62. 2~27.2%. 2. The acrosome reaction of sperm when treated with heparin after 0 to 4 hrs of preincubation were 17.0~81.2% for Wells-Awa, and 14.3~75.5% for Dual Stain. True acrosome reaction of sperm for Dual stain was 1.5~26.6%. The viability of sperm was 58.6~35. 8%. 3. The acrosome reaction of sperm when treated with caffeine-heparin after 0 to 4 hrs of preincubation were 13.0~83.2% for Wells Awa, and 11.0~78.5% for Dual stain. True acrosome reaction of for Dual stain was 5.1~26.3%. The viability of sperm was 60.5~30.1%.
1992.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Cryopreservation of mouse embryos biopsied at 4-cell stage was investigated by ultrarapid freezing. Four-cell embryos were obtained from ICR mice on 55h after hCG injection. Zona pellucida of the embryos were partially dissected with a cutting pipet, and then single blastomeres were biopsied from the embryos followed by incubation in + and +-free M16 medium for 30min. Biopsied embryos cultured for lh or 15h were frozen by ultrarapid freezing method using 3M DMSO or 5M glycerol as a cryoprotectant, respectively. The developmental rate of biopsied embryos after ultrarapid freezing and thawing to blastocysts was 81 % in the group of biopsied embryos cultured for lb and 98% in the group of biopsied embryos cultured for 15h, respectively. When biopsied embryos after ultrarapid freezing and thawing were transferred to the uteri of pseudopregnant recipients, normal live young were born. These results suggest that this freezing method can efficiently cryopreserve biopsied mouse embryos.
1992.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This research was conducted to investigate the interrelationship among methods of injection of PMSG-hCG to the number of ovulated eggs, percentage of matured oocytes and in vitro fertilization using out-bred ICR mice. The results obtained are as follows, 1) The optimurn dose was 5 IU for both PMSG and hCG, while the number of ovulated eggs was 428, percentage of M II was 73% and in vitro fertilization rate was 81 %. 2) The optimum injection interval of PMSG-hCG was 48 hours, while the number of ovulated eggs was 48 8, percentage of M II was 80% and in vitro fertilization rate was 81%. 3) The optimum time for collecting eggs was between 16 and 18 hours after hCG injection, while the numbers of ovulated eggs were 448, 427 and 437 in 14,16 and 18 hours after hCG injection respectively, and percentages of M II were 79 and 81 %, and in vitro fertilization rates were 81 and 80% in 16 and 18 hours after hCG injection, respectively. 4) The repeat of superovulation decreased with the number of ovulated eggs, percentage of M II and in vitro fertilization rate, than in control. But it was recovered by increasing the repeat interval.
1992.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
돼지난포란의 안정된 체외배양 체계를 위하여 도살장에서 재취된 난소로부터 난포 및 난자난구세포체의 혀태적인 선정기준을 설정하고 이의 이론적 배경을 확립하였다. 난소를 난포상태 및 분포나 황체 존재 여부에 따라 A,B 및 C 의 세 가지 형태로 분류하고 각 type의 난소에서 직경 3-5mm인 난포로부터 난포란을 회수하였다. 회수된 난포란을 난구세포 부착상태에 따라 Good, Fair 및 Poor 의 세 가지 형태로 분류하여 각각을 호르몬이 첨가된 M16+
1992.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This experiment was carried out to study the behavior of the estrus cycle in sows shortened uterine horns and to see whether the embryos could be recovered nonsurgically. The uteri of sows(n=4) were surgically shortened. It took about 3 hours to surgically remove the middle section of both uterine horns. The lengths of the shortened uterine horns were 18.7 to 29.5cm. After treatment, two sows exhibited natural estrus and the intevals from surgery to estrus were 8 days and 15 days, respectively. But the sows were not successful on synchronization and superovulation with PMSG and PGF. In the resurgery for confirmative examination, the sows had 6 and 7 corpus lutelin in ovaries, respectively. One sow had a small adhesion between the infundibulum and ovary, and the other sow had unilateral uterine obstruction at the sutured position and purulent materials in the uterus.
1992.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
미성숙 래트의 외경정맥에 카테타를 장착하고, 다음날 (28일령) 대조군에는 4IU, 다배란 처치 군에는 20IU의 PMSG를 피하주사하였다. 각 실험동물은 혈중의 LH농도 변화를 측정하기 위하여 PMSG 투여 직전 (0시간), 투여후 12시간, 그 이후 6시간 간격으로 혈액을 채취하고 72시간에 희생시켰다. 그 결과 다배란 용량의 PMSG 투여는 먼저 배란반응 및 난소중량을 대조군에 비하여 각각 4,7배 및 2.1배나 현저하게 (P<0.05) 증가시켰다
1992.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The nudear changes of bovine oocytes during 24 hrs. of culture for mejotic maturation were examined. Bovine oocytes were collected from small(<2 mm), medium(2~6 mm) and large(>6mm) follicles and classified into three grades by their morphological characteristics. A total of 242 oocytes collected were obtained:from 184 small, 157 medium and 1 large follicles, respectively and were classified into 95 grade I, 155 grade H and 92 grade III oocytes. All the bovine oocytes collected and graded were washed with a basal medium and incubated in groups of 10 for 24 hrs in 5% and 39. The basal medium used was composed of TCM-199 supplemented with sodium bicarbonate, sodium pyruvate, streptomycin, penicillin G and 10% FCS. The oocytes were cultured in drops of 50,l basal medium supplemented with 35g /ml FSH, 10g /ml LH and 1g /ml estradiol-17. The oocytes were fixed and examined on their chromosomal status by 1% acetorcein staining in the interval of 3 hrs. Most of the grade I oocytes developed to germinal vesicule stage at 0 to 3 hrs., germinal vesicle breakdown at 6 hrs., metaphase I at 9 to 15 hrs., anaphase I and telophase I at 18 hrs., and metaphase II and the first polar body at 24 hrs. after culture for meiotic maturation. However, it was found that compared to grade I oocytes, grade H and W oocytes reached earlier to germinal vesicle breakdown and most of them developed earlier to M II stage at 21 hrs. after culture.
1992.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Glass wool filtration and swim-up method resulted in inreasing to 58.3% and 62.7% of the progressive motility in frozen-thawed boar sperm, compared to 34.2% in the untreated sperm. Glass wool filtration tended to be more successful than swim-up method for the survival sfter incubation of 38.5 for 3h. Sperm recovered by both the swim-up method and the glass wool filtration method were tested in an in vitro fertilization to determine which of the two techniques would yield sperm with high fertilizing capacity. The results indicated that there was a significantly(p