
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The damage to non-structural elements in buildings has been increasing due to earthquakes. In Korea, post-installed anchors produced overseas have been mainly used for seismic anchorage of non-structural components to structures. Recently, a new cast-in-place concrete insert anchor installed in concrete without drilling has been developed in Korea. In this paper, an experimental study was conducted to evaluate the tensile and shear strengths of the newly developed anchor under monotonic load. The failure modes of the tension specimens were divided into concrete breakout failure and steel failure, and all shear specimens showed steel failure. In both tension and shear, the maximum loads of specimens were greater than the nominal strengths predicted by the concrete design code (KDS 14 20 54). As a result, it is expected that the current code can also be used to calculate the strength of the developed cast-in anchor.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tensile load tests were conducted on High-Shear Ring Anchors (HRAs) after shear load had been applied to the HRAs, which had been developed to reduce the number of the anchors. Test variables include the embedment length of the rod and the width of the specimens and a total of 12 specimens were tested. Test results show that the HRAs pulled out due to bond failure or steel failure occurred in case that the HRAs were installed to the members with 300mm or greater width and the embedment length of 160mm (the actual embedment of rod is 140mm) or deeper. Except 4 HRAs showing steel failure of rod, the minimum and average of test-to-prediction by ACI 318-14 ratios are 1.18 and 1.79, respectively. The tensile strength of HRAs, after shear load was applied to the HRAs, can be safely evaluated by the minimum among the concrete breakout strength and bond strength with the actual embedment length of the rod.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A tensile failure criterion that can minimize the mesh-dependency of simulation results on the basis of the fracture energy concept is introduced, and conventional plasticity based damage models for concrete such as CSC model and HJC model, which are generally used for the blast analyses of concrete structures, are compared with orthotropic model in blast test to verify the proposed criterion. The numerical prediction of the time-displacement relations in mid span of the beam during blast loading are compared with experimental results. Analytical results show that the numerical error is substantially reduced and the accuracy of numerical results is improved by applying a unique failure strain value determined according to the proposed criterion.
        2017.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The effect of loading on chloride penetration into concrete is evaluated in this study. It is found that the chloride pene- tration rates for OPC concrete and blast furnace slag BFS concrete under the tensile stress were increased by 29% and 77%, respectively. The diffusion coefficient of FA and BFS concrete was lower than that of conventional concrete without BFS, no loads and stress states. Under tensile stress, the diffusion coefficient for FA and BFS, plain concrete showed higher values with increasing stress. The influence of specific surface area on the diffusion coefficient was investigated. As a result, the larger the specific surface areas of BFS are the lower diffusion coefficients. This tendency was more pronounced under the high stress conditions. The chloride penetration depth was distributed uni- formly when no stress was applied. However, in the case of tensile loading, the diffusion depth was not distributed uni- formly, and showed prominent characteristics. This result indicates that analysis using average values of chloride pene- tration depth is not proper under load conditions.