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        검색결과 38

        2021.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We study galaxies undergoing ram pressure stripping in the Virgo cluster to examine whether we can identify any discernible trend in their star formation activity. We fi rst use 48 galaxies undergoing different stages of stripping based on Hi morphology, Hi de ficiency, and relative extent to the stellar disk, from the VIVA survey. We then employ a new scheme for galaxy classi fication which combines Hi mass fractions and locations in projected phase space, resulting in a new sample of 365 galaxies. We utilize a variety of star formation tracers, which include g - r, WISE [3.4]-[12] colors, and starburstiness that are de fined by stellar mass and star formation rates to compare the star formation activity of galaxies at different stripping stages. We find no clear evidence for enhancement in the integrated star formation activity of galaxies undergoing early to active stripping. We are instead able to capture the overall quenching of star formation activity with increasing degree of ram pressure stripping, in agreement with previous studies. Our results suggest that if there is any ram pressure stripping induced enhancement, it is at best locally modest, and galaxies undergoing enhancement make up a small fraction of the total sample. Our results also indicate that it is possible to trace galaxies at different stages of stripping with the combination of Hi gas content and location in projected phase space, which can be extended to other galaxy clusters that lack high-resolution Hi imaging.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Galaxies can be "pre-processed" in the low-density outskirts by ambient medium in the filaments or tidal interactions with other galaxies while falling into the cluster. In order to probe how early on and by which mechanisms galaxies can be affected before they enter high-density cluster environments, we are carry- ing out an atomic hydrogen (H i) imaging study of a sample of galaxies selected from three filamentary structures around the Virgo cluster. Our sample consists of 14 late-type galaxies, which are potentially interacting with their surroundings. The Hi observations have been done using the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope, the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, and the Jansky Very Large Array with column density sensitivity of ≈ 3-5 X 1019 cm-2 in 3σ per channel, which is low enough to detect faint Hi features in the outer disks of galaxies. In this work, we present the Hi data of two galaxies that were observed with GMRT. We examine the Hi morphology and kinematics to find the evidence for gas-gas and/or tidal interactions, and discuss which mechanism(s) could be responsible for pre-processing in these cases.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        By probing nuclear regions and the overall properties of AGN hosts as a function of their environments, we aim to observationally examine how AGN activities are related to their surroundings. We have selected a representative sample of AGN hosts in the Virgo cluster. The selected galaxies are located in a range of density regions showing various morphologies in 1.4 GHz continuum emission. High-resolution obser- vations with the Korean VLBI Network (KVN) allow us to access the inner region of the AGN without suffering from dust extinction and synchrotron self-absorption. Since a number of our targets are too weak to be detected at K-band (22 GHz) within their coherence time, we applied phase referencing to calibrate fast atmospheric phase uctuations.
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