
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2014.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        울릉도의 곤충상 조사결과, 뿔나방과 (나비목: 뿔나방상과)의 10종이 채집되었다. 그 중 Bagdadia gnomia Ponomaranko과 Bryotropa sp.의 2종은 우리나라에서 처음으로 기록되었으며, 채집이 어려운 Dichomeris anisacuminata Li & Zheng도 함께 조사되었다. 이들 종 동정에 필요한 성충과 생식기 사진을 함께 기재한다.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Rotylenchus arsenjevi are reported for the first time in Korea. The Korean species differs slightly by having a hemispherical lip region and a slightly shorter tail than the original description (c=38.2-68.7 vs 36-41). Male was founded firstly from Korea and described. Geocenamus adakensis were collected a second time from Korea at a different locality and habitat. The measurements were compared with original description and the firstly collected specimen in Korea.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The family Epermeniidae (Lepidoptera) is a small family with more than 100 described species in the world (Gaedike, 1996). It is divided into two subfamilies, Epermeniinae and Ochromolopinae (Dugdale et al., 1999). Although this family comprises species with variously shaped wings from broad to narrow lanceolate, it is characterized by stiff bristles on the whole surface of the hind tibia. Another character, one or more scale teeth on the dorsum of the forewing seems to be another apomorphy for the family. However, some species lack these teeth by secondary loss (Kuroko, 2006). The family has been poorly known from Korea to date. The first record of Epermeniidae in Korea was Epemenia strictella (Wocke), by Park (1983), on the basis of specimen collected in the Suwon, Province Gyeonggi. Since this report, no research has been conducted on this family in Korea. This study is based on the recent survey on the Microlepidoptera by Korea National Arboretum(KNA) to clarify the fauna of microlepidoptera of Korea. In this study, we report two species of the family Epermeniidae, Phaulernis chasanica and Ochromolopis sp., for the first time from Korea along with illustraton of adults.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The family Heliozelidae belonging to Incurvarioidea, which is relatively primitive group, includes very small-sized moths with forewing length of 3-9mm, comprising 12 genera and about 106 species in the world (Heppner, 1991). It has a worldwide distribution mainly in the Nearctic and Australian regions. In Asia, thirteen species belonging to three genera of the family were reported from Japan, but almost it has not been known from Korea. Just one species, Antispila purpulella Kuroko, was recorded by Lee & Byun (2007). The family are leaf-miners through the larval stage and include several pests of fruit trees, such as grapes and apple. Larvae of Coptodisca splendoriferella (Clemens, 1859) mine into twigs of apple trees in America (Needham et al., 1928). In Japan, Antispila uenoi Kuroko, 1987 is known as a pest of grapes (Ueno, 1987). At least 13 plant families including Vitaceae, Cornaceae and Fagaceae have been reported as host plants of Heliozelidae (Davis, 1999). In this study, two unknown species, Heliozela castanella Kuroko, and H. limbata Lee et al., of the family Heliozelidae was reported based on the material collected from Prov. Gyeongnam and Gyeonggi.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        밤나방과에 속하는 Eupsilia boursini Sugi, Valeria tricristata Draudt, Othosia satoi Sugi 등 3종이 한국에서 처음으로 보고된다. 새로이 밝혀진 미기록 3종에 대해 성충의 외부형태적 특징과 암수생식기를 간략한 기술과 함께 도해하였다.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        창선충목에 속하는 4 신종 및 2 미기록종을 기술, 도시하였다. Discolaimium gyeongiens n. sp. (경기짤룩창선충)은 체장인 1.6~1.7mm이고, c=37~41, 창침은 19~21이고, 구순부는 넓고, 전직장은 매우 짧은 것이 특징이다. Aporcelaimellus donghwaens n. sp. (동화육각창선충)은 체장이 2.8~2.9mm이고, c=4.0~4.5, 창침은 19~20이고, 창침확장부는 짧고, 식도장간변 판이 있고, 꼬리는 원추형인 것이 특징이다. Labronema korandus n. sp. (코란두수창선충)은 체장이 2.2~2.3mm이고, c=68~81, 창침은 27~28이고, 교접자는 61이고, 구순부는 연속되었고, 음문은 원형이고, 꼬리는 원통형이다. Zalophidera longus n. sp. (둥근순검선충)은 체장이 4.1~4.4mm으로 길고, c=107~130, 구침은 80~93으로 길고, 구침확장부가 큰 것이 특징이다. Discolaimoides bulbiferous (다산넓은창선충)과 Diphtherophora communis(칠곡둥근창선충)은 우리 나라에서는 처음으로 기록되었다.