
한중경제문화연구 Korea-China Economic & Cultural Review 韓中經濟文化硏

이 간행물 논문 검색


vol. 6 (2016년 2월) 13

2016.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study intended to apprehend preference factors in the automobile purchase decision of Korean consumers. This study in particular apprehended an optimal combination of automobile selection attributes through preference attribute analysis, such as brand type, fuel type, brand personality, engine displacement, and other characteristics among automobile selection attributes. This study also intended to suggest a combination of automobile selection attributes that Korean prefer by presenting a preference analysis of demographic characteristics attributes of the respondents using a conjoint analysis method. Korean consumers at large preferred imported semi medium sized hybrid automobiles with excellent performance, appearance and distribution network accessibility. That is, they preferred global brand automobiles with excellent performance.
2016.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Since independence, the Korea government has actively promoted war reparations to overcome the economic difficulties and get the political support. War reparations, namely compensation to support the economic development of South Korea, have many side effects to obstruct the development of Korea's economy, since it is an unfair compensation and is also Japan's strategic measure to control Korean economy. Although the introduction of war reparations provided the necessary funds for the development of Korean economy to a certain extent, it made Korea economy rely on the Japanese economy for the coverage of the reparations was limited. These characteristics brought negative impact to development of Korea economy later on. Thus, the war reparations is an important case to understand the course of development of Korea economy and economic relationship between Japan and Korea, even the economy strategy of Japan in that times.
2016.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
중국 정부의 해외투자 장려정책에 따라 중국은 투자유치와 투자수출의 이중적인 국가가 되었다. 그러나 활발한 국제투자에서 중국의 기업 또는 투자자들은 투자유치국의 은닉한 간접수용의 규정조치 로 인하여 예상치 못한 손해를 많이 입고 있다. 이는 투자자의 재산권과 투자유치국의 정당한 규제권 사이에 적절한 균형점을 찾아 명확한 간접수용 기준을 제시한다면, 예상치 못한 투자분쟁의 발생을 줄여 투자자의 이익을 보호할 수 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 중국의 국내법에 간접수용관련 규정뿐 만 아니라 기체결된 BIT상의 간접수용 규정에 대해서도 살펴보고 국제투자중재(ICSID)에 기소된 중국 정부 또는 투자자가 간접수용과 관련된 사례의 특징 및 시사점을 검토하였다. 이러한 분석을 통하여 중국이 간접수용관련 분쟁에 대응하는 특징 및 시사점을 도출하고 이에 대한 해결방안을 제시하였으 며, 이를 토대로 한국 정부가 향후 중국과 투자관련 협정을 체결할 때 간접수용과 관련하여 주의하여 야 할 점과 중국에서 투자하고자 할 한국 기업 또는 투자자가 주의하여야 할 사항에 대해서도 확인하 였다.
2016.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
중국의 인터넷과 스마트폰 보급률이 높아지고, 중국 전자상거래시장의 규모가 지속적으로 커짐에 따라 중국 O2O(Online to Offline)시장은 연 30%이상의 고속 성장을 통해 중국전자상거래의 일부분에 서 빠르게 국민 경제의 일부분 전환 되었다. 또한 그 관련 산업 규모와 활용도가 커지고 있다. 특히 2015년 3월 3일~15일까지 열린 한국의 국회격인양회(两会)에서 리커창총리의 발언과 2015년 7월 국 무원에서 '인터넷플러스 적극 추진에 관한 행동 지도의견' 즉, “인터넷 플러스(互联网+) ”발표를 통해서 향후 3년~10년간 인터넷플러스 발전 목표를 제시 하였다. 특히 2015년까지는 네트워크•스마트 •서비스화를 촉진하고 융합 인터넷플러스 산업생태계를 완비하여 중국 경제사회발전의 중요한 원동력 이 되도록 준비하는 것이다. 이로서 중국은 민간 기업 뿐만 아니라 정부에서도 관심을 가지고 정부, 기업, 가계에 실용적으로 응용될 수 있는 인터넷 O2O시장에 적극적 이다. 본 연구를 통해 중국의 O2O 서비스의 가장 효율적인 영업 전략은 상품 및 서비스 할인 혜택으로 보인다. 중국 내에서 공동 구매 는 소비자의 접근성이 가장 높은 영업 전략으로 소비자는 공동 구매 홈페이지를 통해 각 종 할인 혜 택을 비교와 선택을 하는 것으로 나타났다.
2016.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
본 논문은 최근 증가하고 있는 유학생, 특히 중국인 유학생들의 교수-학습 활동 과정 중 학문목적 한국어능력 향상을 위한 연구에 목적이 있다. 한국에 소재한 3개 대학의 중국인 유학생(남 133명, 여 150명)을 대상으로 학업, 학문목적 한국어에 대해 느끼는 어려움, 대학진학 전 한국어 학습 경험 과 한국어능력시험 등급이 대학생활에 미치는 정도와, 학문목적 한국어 교수-학습 활동에 어떤 영향 을 미치는지를 조사하였다. 설문조사는 2015년 3월 21일에서 6월23일까지 3개 월간에 걸쳐 실시되었 다. 대상자의 선발은 각 대학교 유학생회를 통해서 각 대학에 중국유학생을 대상으로 하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS WIN 20.0 프로그램을 이용하여 분석하였다. 본 결과연구는 학문목적을 가진 학습자들이 언어적으로나 학문적으로 인식하고 있는 어려움의 해소와 문어능력의 향상, 대학생활 중 학문적 활동 을 원활히 수행할 수 있도록 한 걸음 더 나아가기 위한 시사점을 논의하고, 연구 한계점을 제시하였 다.
2016.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The concept of “wuwei(non-action)” is rather familiar to the humankind. It underlies in all freedom, individuality and creativity. By practicing “wuwei”, each individual with his unique style can live a fulfilling life in harmony. From “wuwei”, the society and the corporate have developed its own culture and custom, and in large, each country in this globalized world was able to attain its own unique culture and traditions. However the world these days is filled wars and conflicts, competition and arrogation, superiority and discrimination, stubbornness and self-righteousness, and lamentably the true meaning of “wuwei” has been dismissed. Artificial interference and excessive and coercive actions have become prevalent and have provoked wars and conflicts around the world, caused natural disasters, sprouted materialism and depreciated human values leading to suicides and many other disastrous side effects. As we are all aware, “wuwei“, the core idea of Lao-Zhuangzi, can be defined as the non-action of unnecessary and excessive things and not as an act of idleness that neglects what needs to be done. Unfortunately this definition often generates confusion that with wuwei as a life-goal one can follow the natural way of living by not doing anything and enjoy life. However this kind of confusion is what makes human feel powerless and fall into nihilism, which is what Zhuangzi is also very strongly against. Therefore in this paper the genuine meaning of Zhuangzi‘s “wuwei” will be determined and its implications will be discussed. Then the true act of “wuwei” in the modern world will be revisited. As a result we may be able to comprehend the teaching of Zhuangzi that the act of human beings does not align with the Chinese character “治: to discipline and control” but rather with the character“ 德: moral and virtue“: a wisdom that we, in this present-day, should pay close attention to.
2016.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Based on the financial report data from 2007 to 2014 reported by non-financial listing Corporations which listed on China's A shares, studying the impact the M&As' goodwill on the corporation performance and analyzing the regulation effects the acquirer’s property right played on the relationship between the goodwill and the company performance. We found that M&As' goodwill has significant effects on the performance of the combined party in current and lagged period, with no obvious correlation between the company's performance of the second, three or four and five period, but in the sixth period both have a significant negative correlation. Further studies have found that comparing with state-owned enterprises, the goodwill cost paid by the private listed enterprises has a bigger impact to improve the performance of the acquire.
2016.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
As the "Flying Geese Pattern"has collapsed in which Japan acted as the leader of East Asia, the "Headed Train Pattern" which has not only Japan’s pull in the front but also China’s push at the back also fails in the East Asian economic development. At present, China has the conditions to lead the economic development of East Asia and has an increasingly prominent pull effect on East Asian economy in many areas such as investment. The new role takes both opportunities and challenges for China.
2016.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Owing to the government’s positive policies and its own continuous development, China’s film industry has gained a significant progress and already occupied an important part of the domestic film market. However, under the new situation dominated by the Internet, the pace of reform of the film industry’s operation mode is comparatively so slow that the existing operating system cannot adapt to changes in the film market. By contrast, the film industry in South Korea has sprung up again in the entire Asian market after a deep recession. Thanks to the reconstruction of the South Korean film industry operating system as well as a series of supporting policies of Korean government, a new “South Korean Trend” is formed. This paper will analyze the demerits of the operation mode of the film industry in China and try to explore effective ways which is beneficial to the development of China’s film industry through comparing China’s and South Korea’s film industries’ current development and operation mode under the “New Media” environment driven by the Internet.
2016.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
As the amount payment system have been completed and put into the scale of operation, the China National Advanced Payment System (CNAPS) has achieved initial success, it is an important milestone for China's payment and settlement system in the development history . At present, the people's Bank of China Tianjin branch of modern payment system construction has made great progress, but because the system construction is not fully considered and access to other related systems, leading to some problems still exist in the system development. Therefore, through the development and implementation of the bank payment and settlement system, the use of network technology, information technology and integration technology to achieve the bank payment and settlement business, service, publicity, training, management, and applied in the whole jurisdiction, may realize the business innovation, improve the level of bank management.
2016.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
With the more frequent economic and cultural exchanges between China and South Korea, tourist arrivals to South Korea are also booming. The study on travel preference is significant to promote the tourist market and route design. This paper studies the group tourists from Jinan, Shandong province to South Korea, and analyzes their preferences on travel, motivation and consumption. It also studies whether the demographic variable has distinctive influences on travel preference. Finally it puts forwards the suggestions to improve the service and quality of group travellers to South Korea.
2016.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study discusses several issues which are very important in worldwide mergers and acquisitions, such as cultural differences, culture clashes, operating results and financial quality. A case of SAIC Motor's acquisition of Ssangyong Motor is examined. For this study, 20 financial ratios are used to calculate the financial quality of SAIC in the post-acquisition integration. The result shows that cultural differences possibly have a negative effect on post-acquisition integration and cultural clashes are the root cause of the financial quality plummet. The suggestions are also provided that top managers should pay much more attention to the negative effects of cultural clashes and strengthen cultural integration.