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        검색결과 4,346

        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        IMO에서는 자율운항선박의 자율화등급을 제1단계부터 제4단계까지 분류하 였고, 등급이 올라감에 따라 선박조종의 주체는 선원, 원격운항자, 인공지능으 로 바뀐다. 한편, 현행 해상법에서는 선박충돌사고가 발생했을 때, 직접적인 선 박충돌의 행위자는 선원이지만 그 책임은 과실과 관계없이 선원을 고용한 선박 소유자가 진다. 그런데, 선원과 원격운항자는 법인격을 가진 사람이지만 인공지능은 사람도 아니고 선박소유자의 피용자도 아니다. 따라서 내적요소인 인공 지능과 외적요소인 선박이 결합된 완전자율운항선박의 충돌사고에서는 손해배 상책임을 선박소유자에게 이전시킬 수 없을 뿐만 아니라 직접적인 선박조종을 실행하여 사고를 일으킨 인공지능에게 피해자는 손해배상책임을 물을 수도 없다. 이러한 이유로 완전자율운항선박 충돌사고에서 손해배상책임을 어떻게 적용 할 것인가를 다각적으로 검토하였다. 그 방안으로 인공지능에 대한 법인격 부 여, 제조물책임, 공작물책임, 위험책임주의가 검토되었고, 그 중에서 위험책임 주의가 가장 적합한 것으로 보인다.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국의 민주화운동인 4·19혁명, 5·18광주민주화운동 등은 법률에 따라 정신 계승과 선양이 이루어지고 있다. 1987년의 6월항쟁은 한국 민주화 운동의 대단원임에도 이에 대한 정신 계승과 선양을 위한 법·제도적인 근거가 없다. 본 연구는 6월항쟁에 대한 정신 계승과 선양에 사례를 검 토하여 그 한계를 극복하고자 한다. 6월항쟁에 대한 정신 계승과 선양은 교육과정, 민주화단체 등을 통해 이루어지고 있다. 첫째, 교육과정에서 6 월항쟁의 정신 계승은 6월항쟁 30주년 계기수업의 방식으로 도입되었다. 초등교육과정은 5학년의 도덕 과목과 6학년의 사회 과목에서 이루어졌 고, 중등교육과정은 역사 과목에서 읽기수업과 이야기수업으로 이루어졌 으며, 고등교육과정에서는 한국사 과목에서 강의방식과 토론방식으로 이 루어졌다. 둘째, 민주화운동단체들의 6월항쟁에 대한 정신 계승은 2020 년부터 6월항쟁 기념일을 포함해 1주일을 기념행사 기간으로 설정하여 전국적으로 기념식, 학술토론회, 음악회, 사진전 등 다양한 행사를 진행 하고 있다. 셋째, 6월항쟁의 선양은 관련 법률의 미제정으로 한계가 있 음에도 활용할 수 있는 선양 시설을 통해 부분적으로 이루어지고 있다. 결국 6월항쟁의 정신 계승과 선양을 위해서는 다른 민주화운동과의 형평 성에 근거하여 6월항쟁을 위한 법률 제정이 시급하다고 본다.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        스페인은 1992 CLC와 1992 FC 체약국임에도 불구하고, 스페인 대법원은 협 약과 국내법을 혼용하는 방법을 통해 선주의 책임제한권을 부인하는 한편 P&I 보험자가 보험계약상의 담보한도까지 항변권 없이 보상해야 한다고 판결하였 다. 이는 선주의 책임제한권이 배제되는 경우에도 책임보험자는 선주책임한도 액까지만 보상책임이 있다는 1992 CLC의 명시적 규정을 무력화한 판결이다. 스페인이 1992 CLC와 1992 FC 체약국임에도 불구하고 협약과 달리 판결하 고 이의 집행을 추진하는 것에 대해 많은 P&I보험자들은 물론 ICS와 같은 선주단체에서도 선주책임제한 제도의 붕괴를 우려하고 있다. 스페인 대법원 판결이 나온 직후 IMO에서는 선주책임제한 규정의 통일해석 결의안을 채택하였다. 통일해석 결의안은 1992 CLC나 1976 LLMC를 기초할 때 에 선주책임한도액의 인상 대가로 선주책임제한이 사실상 조각되지 않도록 의 도하였다는 점을 인정하여 채택한 것이다. 이 결의안은 선주책임제한 배제사유 의 해석이 국가에 따라 또는 지역에 따라 편의적으로 해석되지 않게 하여 선주 책임제한 제도의 붕괴를 막으려는 조치로 다행스러운 일이다. 향후 이 IMO 통 일해석 결의안이 의도한 대로 해석되도록 P&I보험자와 선주 및 이들을 상대로 손해배상을 청구할 당사자들과 각국의 법원이 함께 노력해야 한다. 왜냐하면, 선주책임제한 제도 없이는 특히, 유류오염손해와 관련한 선주책임제한 제도 없 이는 선박활동이나 무역이 온전히 유지될 수 없고 무역 없이는 현대사회도 지 금처럼 지속될 수 없기 때문이다. 스페인 정부가 협약에서 정한 금액보다 훨씬 많은 금액을 회수하기 위해 사고발생 20년이 지난 지금도 P&I Club을 상대로 소송을 계속하고 있는 것 자체가 협약의 통일적인 해석기준과 지침이 국제적으로 절실히 필요함의 방 증이다. 한편, 이 사건에서 영국의 London P&I Club은 보험계약규정상의 조합원선 지급원칙을 통해 스페인 정부의 직접청구를 방어 중인데, 만일 Korea P&I Club을 상대로 직접청구를 시도한다면 우리나라 법원은 이를 승인할 것인 가? 우리나라가 1992 CLC 체약국인데 이 협약을 무력화한 스페인 대법원의 판결은 외국판결의 승인요건 제외사유인 “우리나라의 선량한 풍속이나 사회 질서에 어긋난” 판결에 해당하기 때문에 우리 법원이 이의 집행을 승인하지 않아야 할 것이다. “선주의 고의 또는 무모한 행위”를 근거로 선주책임제한이 배제되는 경우, 보험보상 역시 “피보험자의 고의적 불법행위”를 근거로 보험자 면책에 해당 될 수 있으므로 선주의 책임제한을 배제하려는 시도는 무조건 추진될 일은 아니다.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To construct and operate nuclear power plants (NPPs), it is mandatory to submit a radiation environmental impact assessment report in accordance with Article 10 and Article 20 of the Nuclear Safety Act. Additionally, in compliance with Article 136 of the Enforcement Regulations of the same law, KHNP (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power) annually assesses radiation environmental effects and publishes the results for operating NPPs. Furthermore, since the legalization of emission plans submission in 2015, KHNP has been submitting emission plans for individual NPPs, starting with the Shin-Hanul 1 and 2 units in 2018. These emission plans specify the emission quantities that meet the dose criteria specified by the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission. Before 2002, KHNP used programs developed in the United States, such as GASPAR and LADTAP, for nearby radiation environmental impact assessments. Since then, KHNP has been using K-DOSE60, developed internally. K-DOSE60 incorporates environmental transport analysis models in line with U.S. regulatory guidance Regulatory Guide 1.109 and dose assessment models reflecting ICRP-60 recommendations. K-DOSE60 is a stand-alone program installed on individual user PCs, making it difficult to manage comprehensively when program revisions are needed. Additionally, during the preparation of emission plans and the licensing phase, improvements to KDOSE60’ s dose assessment methodology were identified. Furthermore, in 2022, regulatory guidelines regarding resident dose assessments were revised, leading to additional improvement requirements. Currently, E-DOSE60, being developed by KHNP, is a network-based program allowing for integrated configuration management within the KHNP network. E-DOSE60 is expected to be developed while incorporating the identified improvements from K-DOSE60, in response to emission plan licensing and regulatory guideline revisions. Key improvements include revisions to dose assessment methodologies for H-13 and C-14 following IAEA TRS-472, expansion of dose assessment points, and changes in socio-environmental factors. Furthermore, data such as site meteorological information and releases of radioactive substances in liquid and gaseous forms can be linked through a network, reducing the potential for human errors caused by manual data entry. Ultimately, E-DOSE60 is expected to optimize resident exposure dose assessment and enhance public trust in NPP operation.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As the acceptance criteria for low-intermediate-level radioactive waste cave disposal facilities of Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD) were revised, the requirements for characterization of whether radioactive waste contains hazardous substances have been strengthened. In addition, As the recent the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission Notice (Regulations on Delivery of Low- Medium-Level Radioactive Waste) scheduled to be revised, the management targets and standards for hazardous substances are scheduled to be specified and detailed. Accordingly, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) needs to prepare management methods and procedures for hazardous substances. In particular, in order to characterize the chemical requirements (explosiveness, ignitability, flammability, corrosiveness, and toxicity) contained in radioactive waste, it must be proven through documents or data that each item does not contain hazardous substances, and quality assurance for the overall process must be provided. In order to identify the characteristics of radioactive waste that will continue to be generated in the future, KAERI needs to introduce a management system for hazardous substances in radioactive waste and establish a quality assurance system. Currently, KAERI is thoroughly managing chelates (EDTA, NTA, etc.), but the detailed management procedures for hazardous substances related to chemical requirements in radioactive waste in the radiation management area specified above are insufficient. The KAERI’s Laboratory Safety Information Network has a total periodic regulatory review system in place for the purchase, movement, and disposal of chemical substances for each facility. However, there is no documents or data to prove that the hazardous substances held in the facility are not included in the radioactive waste, and there are no procedures for managing hazardous substances. Therefore, it is necessary to establish procedures for the management of hazardous substances, and we plan to prepare management procedures for hazardous substances so that chemical substances can be managed according to the procedures at each facility during preliminary inspection before receiving radioactive waste. The procedure provides definitions of terms and types of management targets for each characteristic of the chemical requirements specified above (explosiveness, ignition, flammability, corrosiveness, and toxicity). In addition, procedure also contains treatment methods of radioactive waste generated by using hazardous substances and management methods of in/out, quantity, history of that substances, etc. As the law is revised in the future, management will be carried out according to the relevant procedures. In this study, we aim to present the hazardous substance management procedures being established to determine whether radioactive waste contains hazardous substances in accordance with the revised the notice and strengthened acceptance criteria. Through this, we hope to contribute to improving reliability so that radioactive waste could be disposed of thoroughly and safely.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Ion exchange resins are commonly employed in the treatment of liquid radioactive waste generated in nuclear power plants (NPP). The ion exchange resin used in NPP is a mixed-bed ion exchange resin known as IRN-150, which is of nuclear grade. This resin is a mixture of cation exchange resin and anion exchange resin. The cation exchange resin removes cationic radionuclides such as Cs and Co, while anion exchange resin handles anions (e.g., H14CO3 -), effectively purifying the liquid waste. Spent ion exchange resins (spent resin) containing C-14 are classified as low and intermediate level radioactive waste, and their radioactivity needs to be reduced as it exceeds the disposal limit regulated by law. Therefore, the microwave technology for the removal of C-14 from spent resin has been investigated. Previous studies have successfully developed a method for the effective removal of C-14 during the resin treatment process. However, it was observed that, in this process, functional groups in the resin were also removed, resulting in the generation of off-gases containing trimethylamine. These off-gases can dissolve in water from process, increasing its pH, which can subsequently hinder the recovery of C-14. In this study, we investigated the high-purity recovery of C-14 by adjusting the moisture content within the reactor following microwave treatment. Mock spent resins, consisting of 100 g of resin with HCO3 - ion-exchanged and 0, 25, or 50 g of deionized water, were subjected to microwave treatment for 40 or 60 minutes. Subsequently, the C-14 desorption efficiency of the mock spent resins was evaluated using an acid stripping process with H3PO4 solution. The functional group status of the mock spent resins was analyzed using 15N NMR spectroscopy. The results showed that the mock spent resins exhibited efficient C-14 recovery without significant functional group degradation. The highest C-14 desorption efficiency was achieved when 25 g of deionized water was used during microwave treatment.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The increasing accumulation of spent nuclear fuel has raised interest in High-Level Waste (HLW) repositories. For example, Sweden is under construction of the KBS-3 repository. To ensure the safety of such HLW repository, various countries have been developing assessment models. In the Republic of Korea, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute has been developing on the AKRS model. However, traditional safety assessment models have not considered the fracture growth in the far-field host rock as a function of time. As repository safety assessments guarantee safety for million years, sustained stress naturally leads to the progressive growth of fractures as time goes on. Therefore, it becomes essential to account for fracture growth in the surrounding host rock. To address this, our study proposes a new coupling scheme between the Fracture growth model and the radionuclide transport model. That coupling scheme consists of the Cubic Law model as a fracture growth function and the GoldSim code which is a commercial software for radionuclide transport calculations. The model that adopting such fracture growth functions showed an increase of up to 15% in the release of radionuclide compared to traditional assessment models. our observations indicated that crack growth as a function of time led to an increase in hydraulic conductivity that allowed more radionuclide transport. Notably, these findings show the significance of adopting fracture growth models as a critical element in evaluating the safety of nuclear waste repositories.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        It is crucial to understand the hydro-mechanical behavior of rock mass to assess the performance of natural barriers. As rock fractures serve as both mechanically weak planes and prominent pathways for hydraulic flow, they significantly influence the hydro-mechanical behavior of the rock mass. Hence, understanding the characteristics of rock fractures is necessary to analyze the long-term behavior of natural barriers. In particular, fracture apertures are crucial parameters directly associated with groundwater flow and consequently hold significant importance in determining the hydro-mechanical behavior of natural barriers. Fracture apertures are defined as mechanical and hydraulic apertures, and various studies have been conducted to measure and analyze them. However, direct measurement of mechanical aperture according to changes in normal stress is known to be a challenging task. For this reason, there has been a scarcity of direct comparative findings between mechanical and hydraulic apertures under various normal stress conditions. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of the mechanical and hydraulic apertures according to changes in normal stress based on experimental results. A digital analysis technique using a pressure film image was applied to analyze the mechanical aperture characteristics of the fracture. This technique can be applied by performing a pressure film compression test and a normal stiffness test on a fracture specimen, and has the advantage of being able to derive mechanical apertures under various normal stress conditions. The hydraulic aperture characteristics of the fracture were analyzed based on Cubic law after measuring the flow rate by performing a constant pressure injection test under triaxial compression conditions. By applying various confining pressures, it was possible to examine the hydraulic apertures according to changes in normal stress conditions. Through the experimental results, the relationship between the mechanical and hydraulic apertures of the fracture was summarized under various normal stress conditions. In addition, the experimental results were used to examine the applicability of various empirical equations for mechanical and hydraulic apertures proposed in previous studies. The characteristics of the fracture aperture resulting from this study are significant because they are required in the hydro-mechanical model of natural barriers. Future studies will entail further experiments, with the objective of establishing novel relationships based on the accumulation of experimental data.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The natural barrier system surrounding the geological repository for high-level radioactive waste plays a crucial role in preventing or delaying the leakage of radionuclides. Therefore, the natural barrier should ensure low permeability to prevent groundwater flow into the engineered barrier system throughout the repository’s lifetime. Crystalline rock, considered as the host rock for the geological repository in Korea, exhibits low intact rock permeability, but the crystalline rock often contains the multiple discontinuities due to its high brittleness that can allow the unexpected fluid flow. Therefore, the long-term hydraulic behavior of the discontinuity should be characterized while considering additional thermal, mechanical, and chemical effects. In comparison to thermal, hydraulic, and mechanical processes, the chemical processes on the discontinuities progress relatively slowly, resulting in limited researches to include these chemical processes. This research introduces mechanisms the involving coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanicalchemical processes focusing on the rough fracture surfaces and asperities. The chemically-induced changes in mechanical and hydraulic properties are described based on pressure solution and precipitation concepts. A comprehensive review of laboratory tests, field tests, and numerical simulations is conducted related to the chemically-induced coupled processes in fractured rock. Laboratory tests, in particular, concentrate on microscopic changes in fracture asperities induced by pressure solution to analyze chemically-induced aperture changes. The TOUGHREACT, an integral finite difference method program for thermal-hydraulic-chemical simulations, is generally employed to model the chemical response of pressure solution and precipitation on fracture surfaces. The TOUGHREACT includes a module to describe effective porosity and permeability changes based on the modified cubic law, so the real-time change of the fracture permeability can be reflected during the flow simulation. Considering the coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanicalchemical processes of discontinuity, it becomes evident that the chemical processes under repository conditions (long-term, high temperature, and high pressure) can disturb the hydraulic performance of the natural barrier, so further research is required to characterize the chemically-induced coupled processes for assessing the long-term performance of the natural barrier system.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Considering the domestic situation where all nuclear power plants are located on seaside, the interim storage site is also likely to be located on coastal site. Maritime transportation is inevitable and the its risk assessment is very important for safety. Currently, there is no independently developed maritime transportation risk assessment code in Korea, and no research has been conducted to evaluate the release of radioactive waste due to the immersion of transport cask. Previous studies show that the release rate of radionuclides contained in a submerged transport cask is significantly affected by the area of flow path generated at the breached containment boundary. Due to the robustness of a cask, the breach is the most likely generated between the lid and body of cask. CRIEPI investigated the effect of cask containment on the release rate of radioactive contents into the ocean and proposed a procedure to calculate the release rate considering the socalled barrier effect. However, the contribution of O-ring on the release rate was not considered in the work. In this study, test and analysis is performed to determine the equivalent flow path gap considering the influence of O-rings. These results will be implemented in the computational model to assess sea water flow through a breached containment boundary using CFD techniques to assess radionuclide release rates. To evaluate the release rate as a function of lid displacement, a small containment vessel is engineered and a metal O-ring of the Helicoflex HN type is installed, which is the most commonly used one in transport and storage casks. The lid of containment vessel is displaced in vertical and horizontal direction and the release rate of the vessel was quantified using the helium leak test and the pressure drop test. Through this work, the relationship between the vertical opening displacement and horizontal sliding displacement of the cask lid and the actual flow path area created is established. This will be implemented in the CFD model for flow rate calculation from a submerged transport cask in the deep sea. In addition, the compression of the O-ring causes very small gaps, such as capillaries. In these cases, Poiseuille’s law is used to calculate the capillary flow rate.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Once discharged, spent nuclear fuel undergoes an initial cooling process within deactivation pools situated at the reactor site. This cooling step is crucial for reducing the fuel’s temperature. Once the heat has sufficiently diminished, two viable options emerge: reprocessing or interim storage. A method known as PUREX, for aqueous nuclear reprocessing, involves a chemical procedure aimed at separating uranium and plutonium from the spent nuclear fuel. This separation not only minimizes waste volume but also facilitates the reuse of the extracted materials as fuel for nuclear reactors. The transformation of uranium oxides through dissolution in nitric acid followed by drying results in uranium taking the form of UO2(NO3)2 + 6H2O, which can then be converted into various solid-state configurations through different heat treatments. This study specifically focuses on investigating the phase transitions of artificially synthesized UO2(NO3)2 + 6H2O subjected to heat treatment at various temperatures (450, 500, 550, 600°C) using X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis. Heat treatments were also conducted on UO2 to analyze its phase transformations. Additionally, the study utilized XRD analysis on an unidentified oxidized uranium oxide, UO2+X, and employed lattice parameters and Bragg’s law to ascertain the oxidation state of the unknown sample. To synthesize UO2(NO3)2 + 6H2O, U3O8 powder is first dissolved in a 20% HNO3 solution. The solid UO2(NO3)2 + 6H2O is obtained after drying on a hotplate and is subsequently subjected to heat treatment at temperatures of 450, 500, 550, and 600°C. As the heat treatment temperature increases, the color of the samples transitions from orange to dark green, indicating the formation of different phases at different temperatures. XRD analysis confirms that uranyl nitrate, when heattreated at 500 and 550°C, oxidizes to UO3, while the sample subjected to 600°C heat treatment transforms into U3O8 due to the higher temperature. All samples exhibit sharp crystal peaks in their XRD spectra, except for the one heat-treated at 450°C. In the second experiment, the XRD spectra of the heat-treated UO2 consistently indicate the presence of U3O8 rather than UO3, regardless of the temperature. Under an oxidizing atmosphere within a temperature range of 300 to 700°C, UO2 can be oxidized to form U3O8. In the final experiment, the oxidation state of the unknown UO2+X was determined using Bragg’s law and lattice parameters, revealing that it was a material in which UO2 had been oxidized, resulting in an oxidation state of UO2.24.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Given the situation in the Republic of Korea that all nuclear power plants are located at the seaside, the interim storage facility is also likely to be located at seaside and the maritime transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel is considered inevitable. The Republic of Korea does not have an independently developed maritime transportation risk assessment code, and no research has been conducted to evaluate the release rate of radionuclides from a submerged transportation cask in the sea. Therefore, there is a need to develop a technology that can assess the impact of immersion accidents and establish a regulatory framework for maritime transportation accidents. The release rate of radionuclides should be calculated from the flow rate through a flow path in the breached containment boundary. According to the cask design criteria, it is anticipated that even under severe accident conditions, the flow path size will be very small. Previous studies have evaluated fluid flow passing through micro-scale channel by integrating internal and external flows within and around a transport cask. As part of the evaluation, a comprehensive “Full-Field Model” incorporating external flow fields and a localized “Local-Field Model” with micro-scale flow paths were constructed. Sub-modeling techniques were employed to couple the flow field calculated by the two models. The aforementioned approach is utilized to conduct the evaluation of fluid flow passing through micro-scale flow paths. This study aims to evaluate fluid flow passing through micro-scale flow paths using the aforementioned CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) method and aims to code the findings. The Gaussian Process Regression technique, a machine learning model, is utilized for developing a mathematical metamodel. The selected input parameters for coding are organized and their respective impacts are analyzed. The range of these selected parameters is tailored to suit domestic environments, and computational experiments are planned through Design of Experiments. The flow path size is included as an input parameter in the coded model. In cases where the flow path size becomes extremely small, making it impractical to use CFD techniques for calculations, Poiseuille’s law is employed to calculate the release rate. In this study, a model is developed to evaluate the release rate of radionuclides using CFD and mathematical equations covering the whole possible range of flow path size in a lost cask in the deep sea. The model will be used in the development of a maritime transportation risk assessment code suitable for the situation and environment in Korea.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        When exporting nuclear-related items, export control is required from two perspectives: the control of “Trigger List Items” as controlled by Nuclear Supplier Groups (NSG) and the control of the “Items Subject to the Agreement” as specified in bilateral Nuclear Cooperation Agreements. While Trigger List Items and Items Subject to the Agreement are largely similar, there are some items where they do not overlap. Furthermore, national law for controlling each item is different. The Trigger List Items are governed by the Foreign Trade Act, and the Items Subject to the Agreement (Internationally Controlled Items) are governed by the Nuclear Safety Act. As a result, the detailed procedures and requirements for controlling each item are quite distinct. For the Trigger List Items, export license must be obtained in accordance with the Foreign Trade Act. The details such as responsible authority, the items subject to license, license requirements and procedures, penalties are specified in the Public Notice on Import and Export of Strategic Goods. For the Items Subject to the Agreement, the process and obligations set forth in bilateral agreements and related administrative agreements are fulfilled in accordance with the Nuclear Safety Act. However, in contrast to the Trigger List Items, the details for complying with the agreements are not specified legally. Since most of the Items Subject to the Agreement are fall within the category of the Trigger List Items, the obligations in accordance with the agreements are reviewed and implemented during the export license assessment process. However, if the Items Subject to the Agreement are not are fall within the category of the Trigger List Items, there is a risk of control omission. For example, this applies to cases of exporting tritium and tritium removal facilities, which are not the Trigger List Items, to Canada and Romania. Moreover, since subjects to the agreement and compliance procedures are respectively different for 29 bilateral Nuclear Cooperation Agreements signed with different countries, it is difficult for enterprise to recognize the appropriate procedures and obligations under the agreement by their own. The bilateral Nuclear Cooperation Agreements establish legal obligations between state parties while NSG are non-legally binding arrangements. Therefore, it could be even more necessary to comply strictly with the agreements. Consequently, legal improvements are required for effective implementations of Nuclear Cooperation Agreements. While it may be challenging to institutionalize details of 29 Nuclear Cooperation Agreements, it is essential to legally specify key elements such as the list of items subject to agreements, responsible authority, requirements and procedures for implement the agreement obligations, and penalties. Furthermore, domestic awareness on compliance with Nuclear Cooperation Agreements is lower compared to the system of export license for Trigger List Items. The continuous outreach is also necessary, along with institutional improvements.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The ROK government has developed the Nuclear Export and Control System (NEPS) to implement export control activities. Although it was launched in 2008 as a system that can work with classification, licensing, nuclear material approval, government-to-government assurance, complying with nuclear cooperation agreement (NCA) handled through official documents. In order to enhance systematic management for items subject to NCA, KINAC developed a new module for the procedure (hereinafter referred to as “NCA module”) and opened it in 2022. This paper presents the module’s development background, key features, and current operation status. The NCA module prioritizes functional expansion and flexibility, distinct from other tasks for the following reasons. First, the export control duties of classification, export license, and approval for NM are based on domestic law, leading to predetermined target items, application forms, and processes that change only through statutory amendments. In contrast, the implementation of NCA has numerous procedural variables, varying across countries in scope, content, and procedures. Therefore, if the function is over-standardized, there would be many exceptions that the system cannot resolve in practice. Second, the existing NEPS process entails a one-time decision or approval for each application, while the implementation of the agreement encompasses four related procedures for each item: prior notification, written confirmation, shipment notification, and receipt confirmation. Even some steps may be omitted depending on the case. The other difference is the working process. The implementation of NCA must be initiated from the government, so the existing methods, beginning with the licensee filling a form, cannot be adopted as it is. The NCA module has adopted a new reference numbering system to resolve these challenges. It enables the creation of multiple procedures under one reference number on an item to expand the tasks and make it possible to omit some steps or to reflect case-by-case concerns in each stage. It also provides a consolidated view of multiple notifications related to a single item, ensuring to deal with even long-running tasks without missing any obligations until the final procedure. Moreover, some of the data in the NCA module is extensible by allowing users to manage the list themselves. For example, the system can respond to new agreements by allowing users to add and modify codes that distinguish counterparty countries. As a result, the current NCA module accommodates a variety of implementation scenarios, including split shipments, the procedural omissions, and the modification of additional counterparties, offering enhanced flexibility and adaptability.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Regulators conduct inspections and issue non-compliance notice, and it is necessary to examine whether this is equivalent a corrective order. A corrective order imposes binding obligations on a business, and violations of it can result in sanctions such as fines, license revocation, or suspension. Therefore, if it is a corrective order, it must go through procedures such as prior notification under the Administrative Procedure Act. However, so far, no such procedures have been followed when issuing non-compliance notice. There are three possible interpretations of it: 1) the issuance of a non-compliance notice is not a corrective order but a part of an inspection, 2) the issuance of a non-compliance notice is a corrective order but not a disposition, and 3) the process of hearing opinions and prior notification was carried out during the inspection. However, if it is a part of an inspection, it should be issued by KINAC or KINS, which is entrusted with the inspection, but it is issued by the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission, and it is a disposition because it makes specific demands, and the corrective orders themselves have not gone through the procedure of hearing opinions. Therefore, in order for a non-compliance notice to be enforceable unlike a recommendation and to be issued by the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission instead of the inspection agency, the law should be amended and the procedure of prior notice and hearing opinions required by the Administrative Procedure Act should be carried out at the issuance stage.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        몰입은 내적동기와 관련성이 큰 개념으로 스포츠심리학에서 스포츠 수행에 있어 긍정적인 요소 로 여겨진다. 몰입과 중독의 상관관계에 대한 연구들이 선행되었지만, Flow와 Commitment의 개념이 혼동 돼 사용되었다. 또한 몰입이 장기적으로 미치는 영향에 대해서는 충분한 연구가 이루어지지 않았다. 따라 서 본 연구는 선행연구들을 통해 몰입의 중독성을 확인하였으며, 기존의 연구들과 다르게 장기적으로 몰입 이 내적동기를 저하시킬 수 있다는 새로운 가설을 제시하고자 한다. 적응수준 이론과 한계효용체감의 법칙의 관점에서는 몰입을 통해 얻는 만족감이 지속적으로 감소하게 된다. 어느 시점에서 이러한 개인의 발전은 한 계를 느끼게 되며, 몰입을 경험하지 못하는 시점에 도달하게 된다. 하지만 개인은 몰입을 다시 경험하고자 하는 욕구가 존재하므로 지속적으로 노력할 것이다. 그러나 몰입 경험의 실패로 이어질 때 반복적인 실패는 슬픔으로 작용하여 내적동기를 약화시키게 된다. 따라서, 본 연구를 통해서 몰입의 부정적인 요소와 장기 적인 관점에서 미치는 영향에 대한 연구들이 필요하다고 사료된다.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We used Brewster’sLaw to examine the mechanism of liquid crystal(LC) alignment on anorganic insulation layer when subjected to ion-beam irradiation. Brewster’s Law implies that the maximum rate polarized ray on a slanted insulation layers on the substrate and it illustrates the dependence of polarization and the mechanical structure on the ionbeam irradiation process. The pretilt angle of nematic LCs on the organic insulation surface was about 1.13° for an ionbeam exposure of 45° for 1minute at 1800eV. This shows the dependence of LC alignment on the polarization ratio in a slanted organic insulation layer.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study investigates the factors affecting extra-long tunnel accidents by integrating data on tunnel geometry, traffic flow, and traffic accidents and derives the underlying implications to mitigate the severity of accidents. METHODS : Two processes centered on three key data points (tunnel geometry, traffic flow, and traffic accidents) were used in this study. The first is to analyze the spatial characteristics of extra-long tunnel traffic accidents and categorize them from multiple perspectives. The other was to investigate the factors affecting extra-long tunnel traffic accidents using the equivalent property-damage-only (EPDO) of individual accidents and the aforementioned data as the dependent and independent variables, respectively, by employing an ordered logistic regression model. RESULTS : Gyeonggi-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, and Gangwon-do are three metropolitan municipalities that have a significant number of extra-long tunnel accidents; Busan and Seoul have the most extra-long tunnel accidents, accounting for 23.2% (422 accidents) and 18.6% (339 accidents) of the 1,821 accidents that occurred from 2007 to 2020, respectively. In addition, approximately 70% of extra-long tunnel traffic accidents occurred along tunnels with lengths of less than 2 km, and Seoul and Busan accounted for over 60% of the top 20 extra-long tunnels with accidents. Most importantly, the Hwangryeong (down) tunnel in Busan experienced the most extra-long tunnel traffic accidents, with 77 accidents occurring during the same period. As a result of the ordered logistic regression modeling with EPDO and multiple independent variables, the significant factors affecting the severity of extra-long tunnel traffic accidents were determined to be road type (freeway, local route, and metropolitan city road), traffic flow (speed), accident time (year, summer, weekend, and afternoon), accident type (rear end), traffic law violations (safe distance violation and center line violation), and offending vehicles (van, sedan, and truck). CONCLUSIONS : Based on these results, the following measures and implications for mitigating the severity of extra-long tunnel traffic accidents must be considered: upgrading the emergency response level of all road types to that of freeways and actively promoting techniques for regulating high-speed vehicles approaching and traversing within extra-long tunnels are necessary. In addition, the emergency response and preparation system should be reinforced, particularly when the damage from extra-long tunnel traffic accidents is more serious, such as during the summer, weekends, and afternoons. Finally, traffic law violations such as safe distance and centerline violations in extra-long tunnels should be prohibited.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 2020년 12월 제정된 북한의 ‘반동사상문화배격법’의 주요 내용과 법률적 해석에 대해 살펴보고, 조셉 나이의 ‘소프트파워’의 개 념을 적용해 K-컬처가 가장 고립된 국가인 북한 사회에 어떤 영향을 미치고 있는지 언론보도를 통해 고찰하고자 했다. 특히, 이 연구에서는 북한 이슈가 국내 이슈뿐만 아니라 국제적인 이슈라는 것을 고려해, 미 ‧영 언론이 ‘반동사상문화배격법’에 대해 보도한 기사를 분석했다. 연구 결과 북한이 주목하고 있는 ‘반동 사상문화’는 주로 한국, 미국, 일본의 문화를 뜻하고 있었고, 특히, 한국의 케이팝(K-pop)이 북한 밀레니얼 세대를 중심으로 큰 영향을 미치고 있다는 것을 방증했다. 또한, 외신 보도에서는 데일리NK와 자유 아시아 방송에 보도된 ‘반동사상문화배격 법’의 집행 사례나 그 법의 전문 내용에 관한 보도를 주요 정보원으로 활용하고 있었다. 결론적으로, 이 연구는 인간의 기본적 자유와 권리를 제한하는 ‘반동사상문화배격법’에 대해 한국과 국제사회가 함께 협력해 야 할 필요성에 대해 논의했다.
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