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        검색결과 110

        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        농작물의 재배기술이 발전하면서 다양한 작물의 재배가 가능해지고, 지구 온난화에 따른 겨울철 기온 상승으로 해충 종의 다양화와 발생이 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 전북지역에 발생하는 돌발 해충과 남방해충의 발생 상황을 파악하기 위해 지대별로 구분하여 4개 시군에서 정점 조사하였다. 조사 결과, 갈색날개매미충의 30 ㎝ 당 난괴 밀도는 0.8개, 약충 밀도는 6월 상순 0.19마리, 6월 하순 0.21마리로 작년보다 밀도가 낮은 것으로 조사되었다. 미국선녀벌레는 산간지인 장수에서 밀도가 높았으며, 먹노린재는 평야지에서 20주당 평균 3마리 발생하였다. 애멸구는 6월 상순 평야지인 부안에서 발생을 확인하였으며, 볼록총채벌레는 5월 중순부터 발생하기 시작하여 7월 초순에서 8월 초순까지 발생이 많았다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        기후변화와 세계시장 개방에 따른 외래 및 돌발해충의 종류는 다양해지고 밀도는 지속적으로 증가하고 있지만 발생 실태에 관한 자료는 미흡하다. 본 연구는 경상지역 돌발 및 남방계 해충의 발생과 피해조사를 위해 미국선녀벌레, 갈색날개매미충, 꽃매미 등 돌발해충 6종을 경남 9시군과 경북 9시군에서 월동기 1회, 약충기 2회, 성충기 1회를 순회 조사하였고, 애멸구, 배추좀나방, 볼록총채벌레 등 남방계 해충 5종을 산간지, 중산간지, 평야지 각 3지역에서 10일 간격으로 조사하였다. 돌발해충인 꽃매미와 갈색날개매미충 월동난 발생현황으로 농경지 발생면적은 2017년 비해서 2018년도에 발생면적이 늘었으나 발생 농가수는 줄어들어 발생지역은 점차 확대해가고 있으나 발생밀도는 줄어드는 것으로 조사되었다. 해충별 조사결과로 미국 선녀벌레 약충이 함안에서 가장 밀도가 많이 조사되었고, 함양, 상주, 예천 둥에서 발생하였고, 갈색날개매미충 약충은 하동에서 가장 발생이 많았고 진주, 사천, 고성, 산청, 함양, 거창, 상주, 예천 등에서 넓게 발생하였으나 꽃매미 약충은 함안과 함양에서만 조사되었다. 고도별 발생 차이는 발생밀도가 적어서 알 수가 없었다. 갈색여치는 조사지역 모두에서 발생을 확인하지 못했고 먹노린재는 하동에서만 일부 조사되었고 나머지 지역에서는 확인하지 못했다. 목화진딧물은 조사지역간에 밀도 차이가 많았고 고도에 따른 차이보다는 농가에서 농작물 재배관리나 조사 시기에 따른 차이로 보인다. 애멸구의 월동기 조사와 육안조사 결과 발생밀도가 낮았고, 볼록총채벌레는 트랩조사 결과 조사지역 감나무에서 모두 발생하였으나 발생밀도는 높지 않았고 7월중 밀도가 함양에서 평균 9.8마리로 가장 높았다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 전남지역에 발생하는 주요 돌발 및 남방계 해충으로 벼먹노린재와 애멸구, 감 미국선녀벌레, 갈색날개매미충, 볼록총채벌레, 풀색노린재, 포도 꽃매미, 갈색여치를 조사하였다. 갈색날개매미충 월동난 부화율은 평균 21.8%로 낮았으며, 약충밀도는 전년 대비 26.1% 감소하였다. 동계 최저온도 확인결과 영하 10℃이하가 5일 지속되었음을 확인하였다. 미국선녀벌레의 경우 2017년 장성과 영암의 산림지역에 주로 발생하였는데 올해는 화순 그리고 보성, 신안 압해도의 농경지까지 발생지역이 확산되었다. 점착트랩 색상별 볼록 총채벌레 유살정도는 청색보다 황색을 선호하였고, 9 시ㆍ군에서 모두 발생하여 6월 상순에 발생최성기로 조사되었다. 꽃매미의 월동난부화율은 65%로 작년과 비슷하였으며, 현재까지 산림지역에서 주로 발생하고 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 먹노린재는 조기재배지역과 친환경단지에서 발생밀도가 높게 조사되었고, 7월 상순에 최대 발생밀도를 나타내었다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        농작물 해충 발생 실태조사란 조사지역에서 특정 해충의 발생시기, 발생량, 주요 기주직물의 종류 등에 관해 작물 생육기를 중심으로 주기적으로 조사하는 것을 말한다. 기후변화에 따라 새로이 발생하거나 피해도가 증가하는 병해충의 카테고리는 비래병해충, 돌발병해충, 남방계 병해충 등이 있다. 병해충 발생 ‘영향평가’라 함은 기후ꞏ기상 인자가 안정화된 현재의 농업생산시스템(적지, 생산성, 병해충, 생물다양 성 등)에 변화를 일으키는 영향값을 산출하는 것이다. 즉, 현재 상태를 기준으로 하여 기후변화에 따른 영향값 차이를 평가하는 것을 말한다. 병해충 발생 ‘취약성’ 이란 기후변동과 극한현상을 포함한 기후변화의 부정적 영향에 대해 특정 경작지나 그 경작지 내의 농작물이 민감하게 반응하거나 대처할 수 없는 정도를 말한다. 이번 연구는 영향평가 지표를 선정 및 이 기준으로 실시한 실태조사 결과를 가지고 특정 지역의 특정 해충에 대한 취약성 평가를 하는 방법에 관해 논한다.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Dengue is the most important arboviral disease in tropical and subtropical areas where 2.5 billion people are at risk of infection. Aedes albopictus will be a major vector transmitting dengue virus in Korea, where this virus overseas inflow is possible. We collected mosquitoes in Jeju, Busan, Gunsan, and Incheon using BG sentinel trap from April to October in 2016. Collected mosquitoes were conducted virus detection using real-time PCR method and analysis bloodmeal source of Ae. albopictus. A total of 15 species comprising 7 genera were identified and 4,854 female mosquitoes collected. The most dominant species ratio (SR) was 52.9% (Culex pippins complex) followed by 20.3% (Ae. albopictus), 10.8% (Ae. vexans nipponi) and Ochlerotatus dorsalis (3.8%). Dengue virus was not detected. Bloodmeal source of Ae. albopictus was mammals (80.9%) followed by birds (18.6) and amphibians (0.5).
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of this monitoring is to survey the geographical distribution of tick species using dry ice bait traps and flagging methods at each ten provinces (GangwonⅠ,GangwonⅡ, Gyeonggi, Chungbuk, Chungnam, Gyeongbuk, Gyeongnam, Jeonbuk, Jeonnam and Jeju area) and one Metropolitan area in the Republic of Korea for eight months from April through November, 2016. A total of 65,339 ixodid ticks (8,200 females, 1,988 males, 31,453 nymphs and 23,698 larvae) was collected, belonging to three genera (Haemaphysalis, Ixodes and Amblyomma). Haemaphysalis longicornis was the most commonly collected species, which is represented for 96.88% of all the collected ticks and followed by H. flava (2.69%), I. nipponensis (0.35%), A. testudinarium (0.05%) and H. japonica (0.03%) in the Republic of Korea for the study period. Haemaphysalis longicornis was a dominant species observed in these eleven areas.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Dengue is the most important arboviral human infection worldwide. Approximately 50-100 million cases occur annually and more than 2.5 billion people are at risk of infection. This virus is possibility of overseas inflow to be high in Korea. We collected mosquitoes in Jeju, Busan, Gunsan, and Incheon using BG Sentinel trap from April to August in 2016. Collected mosquitoes were conducted virus detection using real-time PCR method. A total of 15 species comprising 7 genera were identified and 3,696 female mosquitoes collected. The most dominant species ratio (SR) was 49.4% (Culex pippins complex) followed by 21.8% (Aedes albopictus), 13.6% (Ae. vexans) and Ochlerotatus dorsalis (4.8%). Dengue virus was not detected in any mosquitoes until now.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        West Nile Fever is one of most serious disease spreading throughout world since 1990. West Nile Virus (WNV) is transmitted by infected mosquitoes. The possibility of overseas inflow of this virus seems to be high in Korea. To know the WNV infection of mosquitoes, we collected mosquitoes in Jeju, Busan, Gunsan, and Incheon using CDC light trap and BG Sentinel trap from April to August in 2016. Collected mosquitoes were conducted virus detection using real-time PCR method. A total of 22,632 mosquitoes representing 9 genera and 18 species were collected. The most dominant species was Culex pippins complex (36%) followed by Aedes vexans (13%), Ae. albopictus (10%) and Ochlerotatus koreicus (10%). WNV was not detected in any mosquitoes until now.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate a visual surveillance system. The advancement of recording technology and network service make it easy to record and transfer the videos. Moreover, progressed recognition technology help to make a distinction each other. Cows show distinguishing behaviors during their estrus period. The mounting is one of the behaviors. The result was different depending on the breed of the cows and the size of the farm. In the case of Korean native cattle, the estrus detection rate was 71.15%, however, dairy cows, the estrus detection rate was 39.38%. At the farms having below 6 modules, the estrus detection rate was 87.41%. On the other hand, at the farms having over 6 modules, the estrus detection rate was 77.78%. With the proper progress, the visual surveillance system can be used to detect heat detection.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A surveillance of chigger mites was performed to monitor the incidence of scrub typhus vectors at 4 environmental collection points of 6 locations from September to November 2014 in Korea. During the survey period, 420 chigger mites were collected and the dominant species was Leptotrombidium scutellare (42.6%). The first appearance of chigger mite was at 37th week (9.3.-9.10.) and the collected numbers of chigger mites was the highest at 43rd week (10.17.-10.23.). In Goryeong-gun, 299 chigger mites were collected, whereas 5 chigger mites were collected In Yesan-gun. The high environmental collecting rates were recorded at rice field (56%) and waterway (20%). The annually collected numbers (2012-2014) of chigger mites were compared with the average temperatures in August. This result suggests that the average temperature in August might be related with the annual incidence of scrub typhus vectors in Korea. However, the relationship between climate factors and the density of chigger mites needs to be studied by long-term periodical surveillance.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To clarify the geographical distribution of scrub typhus vectors in Korea, the first survey of chigger mites was conducted from 2005 to 2007 by collecting wild small mammals twice a year (spring and autumn) at 24 sites nationwide. The two predominant mite species were Leptotrombidium pallidum (52.6%) and L. scutellare (27.1%). However, the proportions of L. scutellare in southern areas, including endemic provinces such as Chungcheongnam-Do, Jeollabuk-Do, Jeollanam-Do, and Gyeongsangnam-Do, were relatively higher than in central Korean regions where L. pallidum was predominant. In autumn, the ratio of L. scutellare increased to 42% while the ratio of L. pallidum decreased. The geographical distribution map of the L. scutellare chigger index was identical to the incidence pattern of scrub typhus, whereas those of overall mites and L. pallidum showed no relationship with case incidence patterns. Distribution mapping analysis shows an identical geographical distribution of L. scutellare and epidemic incidence of scrub typhus in South Korea. The second periodical survey was performed from 2011 to 2013. The result suggests that the distribution of L. scutellare has not been changed remarkably in comparison to the first survey.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There are over 3,000 different species of mosquitoes throughout the world; currently 56 species are reported in Korea. Mosquitoes can act as vectors for many disease-causing viruses and parasites during blood sucking. Various species of mosquitoes are estimated to transmit various types of disease to more than 700 million people annually in Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico, Russia, and much of Asia, with millions of resultant deaths. At least two million people annually die of these diseases, and the morbidity rates are many times higher still. To prevent the spread of diseases, KNIH (Korea National Institute of Health) used three categorized methods; identifying or taxonomic analysis of mosquitoes, detecting virus caring mosquitoes, and detecting malaria from Anopheline mosquitoes. We have proved that taxonomic analysis using DNA barcording method (COI gene) is useful to complement identification of mosquito species. In detecting virus, we have reported Cx. orientalis as a new potential Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) vector. We also reported that the Anopheline mosquito species composition and Plasmodium vivax infection rates in malaria hot spot in Korea.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Climate change by global warming is predicted to affect on public health including increasing incidence of vector borne diseases. Vector borne diseases are transmitted by arthropod vectors, such as mosquitoes, chigger mites and ticks, and are highly sensitive to climate changes. The surveillance and R&D of infectious disease vectors are becoming important for climate change preparedness in Korea. So far, 10 regional vector surveillance centers (Incheon, Gyeonggi, Gangwon, Chungbuk, Chungnam, Jeonbuk, Jeonnam, Gyeongbuk, Gyeongnam, and Jeju) have been established to monitor vectors and their pathogens against endemic diseases (japanese encephalitis, malaria, scrub typhus and SFTS) and imported diseases (dengue fever, west nile fever and yellow fever). The information on geographical distribution as well as real-time monitoring of vectors and their pathogens will be presented by this surveillance system, ‘VectorNet’. The R&D plan on vectors and their pathogens is now discussing in government-wide R&D committee on infectious diseases. The R&D areas will be included: 1) establishment of nationwide monitoring system, 2) study on biological and molecular characteristics, 3) development of vector identification and pathogen diagnosis methods, 4) development of vector control techniques, 5) management and conservation of vector resources.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Korean National Residue Program (KNRP) use three plans for the sampling of domestic meats: monitoring, surveillance, and exploratory testing. We analyzed the results of monitoring and surveillance for residual veterinary drugs and pesticides in meat during 2012 and 2013. KNRP targets food-producing animals including cattle, pigs, chickens, ducks, sheep (goats), and horses. Sampling mainly focuses on veterinary drugs and pesticide residues found in tissues such as muscle, kidney, and liver. A total of 548 residue violations occurred between 2012 and 2013, mainly in pigs (427 violations) and cattle (113 violations). The most commonly found compounds were antimicrobials such as penicillins, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, sulfonamides, and macrolides. Pig residue violations were mainly for the presence of penicillins (34%) and fluoroquinolones (28%), while most residue violations in cattle were due to the presence of penicillins (32%) and aminoglycosides (27%). The overall rates of violations were 0.21% in 2012 and 0.10% in 2013. A major cause of violations was the failure to follow the appropriate withdrawal periods (68.8%). The results of the KNRP were analyzed to provide information on agricultural chemical residues that are of public health concern and to help control and prevent residue violations for ensuring food safety.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        S. aureus is reported as a major cause of nosocomial infections after dental care and involved in endocarditis, bacteremia, osteomyelitis, peritonitis, and soft tissues etc. It is very important to identify the distribution and the diversity of toxin gene associated with the S. aureus expression in dental care patients with periodontitis directly for an effective prevention and treatment of dental diseases. Fifty four strains of S. aureus were isolated from the saliva of 129 patients who were diagnosed with periodontitis at dental clinics and hospitals located in Seoul. The distribution of the virulence gene and the genetic diversity of the strains were studied using the polymerase chain reaction with isolated strains. The enterotoxin test showed Seb was the most frequent gene with 88.9%. The hemolysin gene of Hla, Hib and Hld were the most frequently gene with 98.1% (53 strains), leukocidins gene of lukM showed 90.7% (49 strains), and laminin binding protein gene of Eno showed 100% (54 strains), respectively. The diversity of the enterotoxin gen was held as Seb-Seg-Sei gene of 35.2% (19 strains), the diversity of hemolysin gene of Hla-Hlb-Hld gene was 98.1% (53 strains) and the diversity of leukocidins gene of LukD-LukM were 88.9% (48 strains), respectively. Patients with dental disease showed somehow high toxin gene expression so that S. aureus in dental care area is judged to show very highly pathogen with a high and infection rate. In the future, additional studies for these toxin genes seem to be required.
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