'후지'/M.9에 대한 세장방추형에 적합한 하단측지수 구성을 위하여 하단측지수를 달리하여 수체생육, 광환경, 수량 및 과실품질을 조사하였다. 하단측지수준별 생육은 하단측지수를 5개로 유지했을 때 수폭은 넓었고, 신초장 및 정단신초장은 증가하였다. 수관위치별 수광률은 하단측지수가 5개인 처리구에서 수관상부(지상 150cm)와 수관중부(지상 100cm)에서는 높은 경향을 보였다. 총 단과지 화아수는 측지수에 따라 차이가 없었으나, 수관위치별로 보면 수관하부(지상 120cm 이하)에서 하단측지수가 5개 처리에서 가장 많았으며, 화아의 횡경도 커지는 경향이었다. 과실수량은 하단측지수가 5개에서 가장 많았고, 과중은 하단측지수가 5개와 8개에서 증가하는 경향이었다. 과실특성은 과형지수, 경도, 산함량, Hunter L, b값은 수관위치와 측지수준에 따라 차이가 없었으나, 가용성고형물 함량은 하단측지수가 5개일 때 높았다. 과실의 착색도를 나타내는 Hunter a값은 수광률이 가장 높은 하단측지수를 5개로 유지한 처리구에서 가장 높게 나타났다.
This study was carried out to investigate the effects of number of the lower scaffold limbs on tree growth, light penetration, fruit yield, and fruit quality in slender spindle in 6-year-old 'Fuji'/M.9 apple trees. With regard to the growth by the numbers of the lower scaffold limbs, the width of the tree was wide and the growth of new shoots was increased when the number of the lower scaffold limbs was five. Compare with other treatments, five lower scaffold limbs showed high light-interception on the upper (150 cm above the ground) and middle (100 cm above the ground) canopy. There was no difference in the total number of the flower buds of the spurs according to the number of scaffold limbs, but the number and cross section area of flower bud on the lower canopy (120 cm above the ground) were increased where the number of the lower scaffold limbs was five. Fruit yield was highest in the treated with five lower scaffold limbs and fruit weight tended to increase where the number of the lower scaffold limbs was five or eight. With regard to fruit quality, there showed no difference in fruit shape index, firmness, acid content, Hunter L and b value according to the location of canopy and the number of the lower scaffold limbs, but the content of soluble solids was highest treated with five lower scaffold limbs. Hunter a value indicating fruit color was found to be highest treated with five lower scaffold limbs whose light interception was highest.