전통안동식혜를 제조하여 5℃에서 보관하면서 GC와 GC-MS를 이용하여 향기성분의 원인 물질을 분석, 동정하였고 맛성분의 원인물질인 유기산의 변화를 검토하였다. 안동식혜의 주요 향기성분으로는 camphene, sabinene, 1-(1.5-dimethyl-4-hexyl)-4-methyl-benzene, α-zingibirene, farnesene, 2.6-b is-(1.1-dimethylethyl)-4-methyl-phenol, β-sesquiphellandrene, calalene, tetradecanoic acid, hexadecanoic acid 및 9.12-octadecanoic acid 등을 들 수 있었다. 안동식혜의 숙성 및 저장중에 있어서 생성된 향기성분은 2.4-undecadienal, 1H-indole, 2.4-decadienal, isoterpinolene 및 D-nerdiol 5종류이었다. 비휘발성 유기산 함량의 변화를 보면 저장 초기에는 젖산 0.49 mg/100 g이던 것이 19.37 mg/100 g으로 증가하였고 다른 유기산들의 함량 변화는 거의 없었다. 안동식혜의 숙성 및 저장 기간중의 pH의 변화는 차차 감소하였고 산도는 차차 증가하여 저장 6일째 0.41이었다.
The changes in life style these days appear in many ways. Many housewives turn away from home preparation of the time consuming traditional foods, such as Andong Sikhe. The importance, however, of succeeding the traditional cuisines is getting appreciated widely now a days. A traditional Andong Sikhe in Korea, was prepared and fermented at 5℃ in order to analyze the taste and flavor compounds. Major flavor components were identified as camphene, sabinene, 1-(1,5-dimethyl-4-hexyl)-4-methyl-benzene, α-zingibirene, farnesene, 2,6-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methyl-phenol, β-sesquiphellandrene, calalene, tetradecanoic acid, hexadecanoic acid and 9,12-octadecanoic acid by GC and GC/MS. Lactic acid and increased from 0.49 mg/100 g in the initial stage to 19.37 mg/100 g at the 6 days of storage. The pH of product decresed to 3.7 from 5.4 after the 6 days of storage but the total acidty reached to 0.41% during fermentation and storage at 5℃.