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한국의 미래 냉방도일과 난방도일 변화 전망 KCI 등재

Future Projection of Changes in Cooling and Heating Degree Days in Korea

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/269062
  • DOIhttps://doi.org/10.14383/cri.2014.9.1.1
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기후연구 (Journal of Climate Research)
건국대학교 기후연구소 (KU Climate Research Institute)

The geographical distributions of CDDs and HDDs in South Korea for the period 2000~2009 with 2050~2059 are studied by using daily mean temperature data with 1 km horizontal resolution estimated by MK (Modified Korean)-PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions an Independent Slopes\ Model) driven by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways)2.6/8.5. The HDD amounts in winter season decrease, declining from north to south and from the high mountain area to the coastal area. In summer season, the higher fuel consumption appears in urban areas, with much higher CDD amounts and for a longer period of time. In the mid-century under RCP2.6 (RCP8.5), HDDs are projected to decrease by 13% (16%) while CDDs are likely to increase by 36% (51%). The total length of cooling (heating) period in Korea is projected to increase (decrease) due to the advance (delay) of the beginning date and the delay (advance) of the end date. These results suggest that special attention should be paid to space cooling, since the cooling demand is expected to grow rapidly in most regions except for mountainous areas. The projection of future CDDs and HDDs will be useful for various energy projects and other environmental applications.

  • 이경미(국립기상연구소 기후연구과) | Kyoungmi Lee Correspondence
  • 백희정(국립기상연구소 응용기상연구과) | Hee-Jeong Baek
  • 조천호(국립기상연구소 예보연구과) | ChunHo Cho