Wine from fermented black garlic, including many pharmacological components, was manufactured and its characteristics were investigated. The fermented black garlic contained 57.35±0.60% (w/w) moisture, 0.93±0.02%(w/w) crude protein, and 0.57±0.03% (w/w) total carbohydrate. The initial pH, soluble solid and fermentation temperature were measured to be pH 6.0, 25 brix and 25℃, respectively, for manufacturing wine from fermented black garlic. Young black garlic wine was harvested after storage for 3 mon at 10℃. Black garlic wine using France chips was analyzed for flavor compounds. Acetaldehyde, 1-propane, ethyl butylate, 2-methyl-1-propane, 3-methyl-1-butanol were detected as the major flavor compounds. The general composition of the finished black garlic wine was 12.50% of alcohol, 0.78% of acidity, 24.61 mg/mL of total phenol, 2.86 mg/mL of flavonoids and pH 3.57. The color index of the finished black garlic wine was 24.78±0.14 of L value, 2.89±0.53 of a value, and 3.29±0.72 of b value. The sensory evaluation rated the finished black garlic wine 11.9 points out of 20 points.
흑마늘의 일반성분을 분석한 결과 총당은 5.75±0.03, pH는 4.46±0.06으로 나타났다. 흑마늘와인의 제조 과정에서는 본 발효 과정 중 초기 pH, 초기당도 및 최적온도를 찾아 내었는데 흑마늘와인의 효율적인 발효를 위해 흑마늘액의 초기 pH를 pH 6, 초기당도를 25 brix로 조절한 후 효모를 접종하여 25℃에서 발효하는 것이 적합하였다. 흑마늘와인의 young wine을 제조한 후, 흑마늘 young wine의 최적의 저장조건으로 프랑스산 오크칩을 사용하여 10℃ 저장실에 서 3개월간 저장하여 흑마늘 와인을 완성하였다. 흑마늘 와인의 색도 측정결과 L값 24.78±0.14, a값 2.89±0.53, b값 3.29±0.72로 나타났다.