본 연구는 전작물 재배에 따른 마늘 흑색썩음균핵병 피해 경감 효과를 평가하기 위해 2년간 수행되었다. 콩 참깨 호박 네마장황, 대파를 전작물로 재배하였으며, 대조구로 휴경처리구와 병원균 무접종구를 두었다. 전적물 재배 후 마을을 파종하고 재배하면서, 흑색썩음균핵병 이병주율과 수량을 조사하였다. 2013년 흑색썩음균핵병은 병원균 무접종구, 콩, 네마장황처리구에서 가장 낮았으며, 호박처리구에서 가장 높았다. 2014년에는 네마장황, 콩, 대파처리구에서 흑색썩음균핵병 이병주율이 낮았으며, 호박처리구에서 가장 높았다. 처리구 별 마늘의 수량은 2013년에는 콩, 네마장황, 대파 처리구에서 가장 높았고 호박처리구에서 가장 적었으며, 2014년에는 콩, 네마장황, 대파처리구에서 높았고, 호박처리구에서 가장 적어 이병주율과 유사한 경향을 보였다. 이상의 결과를 토대로 콩-마늘과 네마장황-마늘재배체계가 흑색썩음균핵병을 억제하기 위한 윤작체계가 될 수 있을 것으로 생각되었다.
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of crop rotation cultivation on the suppression of garlic white rot caused by Sclerotium cepivorum in the mini plot (2*1*0.5 m). Six crops, soybean, sesame, mung bean, squash, crotalaria and spring onion, were previously transplanted in the mini-plots infested with S. cepivorum before garlics were planted. After cultivation of the previous crops, garlic was sown in the mini-plot. Non-cultivation plots and non-infested plots with white rot pathogen were used as control. The effect of crop rotation cultivation on the suppression of garlic white rot was evaluated by investigating comparatively the disease incidence (the percentage of infected plants) and yields. As a results, infection rate of garlic white rot was recorded lower in the non-infested plot, crotalaria and soybean cultivation than in the plot of the other crop cultivation. Especially when squash was previously cultivated and garlics were planted in 2013, infection rate of garlic white was recorded the highest score. In 2014, the infection rate of garlic white were low in the garlic on soybean, crotalaria and spring onion treatment whereas it was high in squash treatment, as well. In 2013, garlic yield was the highest in no inoculation plot, followed by crotalaria, soybean, no crop cultivation, sesami, mungbean, squash cultivation plot. In 2014, the yield in the plot of crotalaria and soybean was much higher than that in no inoculation plot. Based on above-described results, it is considered that soybean-garlic and crotalaria-garlic cultivation system can be good crop rotation systems to control garlic white rot.