Predatory Capability of Chilocorus kuwanae (Silvestri) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) for Saissetia coffeae (Walker) (Hemiptera: Coccidae)
철모깍지벌레의 생물적 방제를 위한 애홍점박이무당벌레의 포식능력과 기초 생태특성을 25℃± 2℃, 70% ± 5%, 16L : 8D로 설정된 사 육실에서 검정한 결과, 애홍점박이무당벌레 성충은 하루에 77.5마리의 철모깍지벌레를 포식하여, 깍지무당벌레 포식력의 2.9배, 어리줄풀잠자 리 포식력의 2.8배 이상의 뛰어난 포식능력이 관찰되었다. 1령 ~ 4령 유충 기간 동안 659.0마리의 철모깍지벌레를 포식하였고, 애홍점박이무당 벌레와 철모깍지벌레의 밀도 별 상호작용을 조사한 결과 Holling (1959)의 기능반응곡선 제 II 형과 유사한 포식반응을 확인하였다. 애홍점박이 무당벌레는 철모깍지벌레를 먹이로 공급했을 때 알에서 성충까지 21.1일 ~ 27.9일이 소요되었으며, 72.3%, 77.8%, 83.3%의 높은 부화율, 용화 율과 우화율을 보였다.
This study, examined Chilocorus kuwanae for biological control of Saissetia coffeae. We measured basic developmental characteristics of C. kuwanae and its capability to prey on the second-instar larvae of S. coffeae by indoor breeding under the following conditions: 25℃± 2℃, humidity 70% ± 5%, and day length 16L : 8D. The average daily consumption of the second-instar larvae of S. coffeae by C. kuwanae adults was approximately 77.5 larvae/day, which was significantly 2.8 and 2.9 times higher than consumption by Chrysoperla carnea and Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, respectively. During the nymphal period, C. kuwanae consumed a total of 659.0 second-instar larvae of S. coffeae. The interaction between C. kuwanae and the second-instar larvae of S. coffeae varied according to their densities, with the increase in C. kuwanae consumption rate noted to decelerate and gradually level off at the maximum, rsembling Holling’s Type II functional response. Duration of egg to adult development varied from 21.1 days to nearly 27.9 days at temperatures of 25℃± 2℃. Hatchability, pupation rate, and adult emergence were greater than 72.3%, 77.8% and 83.3%, respectively.