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일부 공공 및 학교시설에서의 석면 분포특성 조사 KCI 등재후보

The Characteristics of Asbestos Distribution in Some Public an School Buildings

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/31670
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국실내환경학회지 (Journal of Korean Society for Indoor Environment)
한국실내환경학회 (Korean Society for Indoor Environment)

This study was performed to investigate the characteristics of asbestos distribution in 6 public and 6 school buildings from August to September in 2006. The bulk samples were analysed by PLM(polarized light microscope). Also the airborne samples were analysed PCM(phase contrast microscope) and confirmed by SEM-EDX(scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive using X-ray analysis) method. The 6 public buildings included the ACM(asbestos containing material) ranged 2-7 % of chrysotile in 70 % of samples from ceiling, floor tile, and wall board and has 20 % tremolite in 2 ceiling plaster. The 6 school buildings were identified 1.5 % tremolite in one sample and showed the similar asbestos distribution with the public building. The airborne concentrations of fiber materials were ranged with 0.000-0.017 f/cc in public places and 0.000-0.012 f/cc in school building by PCM. However, the asbestos fibers could not be found by SEM-EDX. In the result of physical assessment of ACM in each buildings, it is considered that there is no chance of a hazardous situation because the ACM is not friable. Its suggested that the asbestos control plan should be established to prevent asbestos exposure to occupants from damaged ACM by repairing and custodial work.

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