시설절화용 장미 "그랜드킹"은 경남농업기술원 화훼연구소에서 육성한 신품종이다. 다수성인 적홍색 대륜계의 'Bixa'을 모본으로 병해충에 강한 대륜계인 'Redsandra'를 부본으로 2000년도에 인공교배 하였다. 2000~2001에 걸쳐 가시가 적은 계통을 GR004-1 등 15 계통을 양성 우수한 형질을 가진 GR004-1번 계통을 최종선발 하였다. 2006년 농작물 직무 육성 품종선정위원회에서 "Grandking" 을 명명하였고 화색은 Red-Gr
A New bicolor standard rose (Rose hybrida Hort.) cultivar were developed by line selection in 2000 at the Flower Research Institute, Gyeongnam ARES. Characteristics were investigated three times from 2003 to 2006 "Grandking" was crossed between 'Bixa' and 'Red Sandra' and it has a red-group color (RHS No. 52A), few thorns and standard large flower with a good harmony between ray floret and flower center. The vase life of cut flower was 12.8 days. The major characteristics of this variety are 228 stems/m^2/year in yield, 77.4 cm in length of cut flower, 9.0 cm in flower diameter, and 36.1 in petal number. It was registered as commercial cultivar in 2006. These new variety could be planted in almost greenhouse production region of Korea.