평안옥은 자식계통 KS140과 KS94의 교잡으로 육성된 다수성인 단교잡종이다. 2005년 생산력검정시험을 거쳐, 2006~2008년 3년 동안 4지역에서 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 그 우수성이 인정되어 2008 농작물 직무육성 신품종선정위원회에서 신규우량품종으로 결정되었다. 이 품종의 주요특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 평안옥의 종피색은 황색이며 입질은 반경립종이고, 출사일수는 광평옥보다 3일 늦다. 간장 및 착수고는 광평옥과 비슷하였으며, 후기녹
A single cross, Pyeonganok, is an yellow flint-like maize hybrid (Zea mays L.) developed by the maize breeding team at the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), RDA in 2008. This hybrid, which has a high yield of dry matter was produced by crossing two inbred lines, KS140 and KS94. KS140 is the seed parent and KS94 is the pollen parent of Pyeonganok. Silking date of Pyeonganok is 3 days later than that of check hybrid, Kwangpyeongok. Stay-green of Pyeonganok is not greatly different with that of Kwangpyeongok. It has resistance to lodging. It has moderately resistance to Bipolaris maydis (southern corn leaf blight), Exserohilum turcicum (northern corn leaf blight), and corn borer but sensitivity to black streaked dwarf virus (BSDV). Pyeonganok was evaluated for the yields of dry matter at four locations from 2006 to 2008. The yields of Pyeonganok in dry matter was 20.84 ton/ha. Seed production of Pyeonganok has gone well due to a good match during crossing between the seed parent, KS140 and the pollen parent, KS94 in Yeongwol.