본 연구는 실패내성 척도를 활용하여 무용전공 여학생들의 학년에 따른 실패내성의 발달적 차이와 실패 내성과 내적동기 간 관계를 다차원적으로 알아보기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 이에 143명의 중학교, 고등학교 무용전공 여학생들을 표집 하여 학년에 따른 실패내성의 차이를 다변량 분산분석(MANOVA)석을 활용하여 검증하였으며, 실패내성과 내적동기 간 관계는 정준상관분석을 통해 알아보았다. 분석결과 학교급별 과제난이도 선호요인은 중학생보다 고등학생이 선호하고 실패내성이 더 낮은 것으로 차이가 나타났으며, 과제난이도 선호 요인은 학년 간 차이를 가장 잘 변별하는 요인으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 과제난이도 선호와 실패 후 감정요인이 재미흥미와 노력요인과는 긍정적인 관계를, 긴장불안과는 부정적인 관계를 보이는 것으로 나타났다.
This study was conducted in order to examine developmental difference in failure tolerance according to the grade of female dance students using a failure tolerance scale that measures the internal tendency in response to repeated failure situation, and to analyze the relation between failure tolerance and internal motivation multi-dimensionally. For this study, we sampled 143 middle and high school female dance students, and tested difference in failure tolerance according to grade using syntax multivariate analysis. In addition, the relation between failure tolerance and internal motivation was determined through canonical correlation analysis. According to the results of the analyses, compared to middle school ones, high school female dance students showed higher tolerance in task difficulty preference, challenge enjoyment and failure response. In addition, task difficulty preference was the most discriminant factor in showing difference among the grades. The effect estimation centeroid of task difficulty preference in discriminating among the grades was 35.3%. Lastly, when canonical correlation analysis was performed in order to analyze the relation between failure tolerance and internal motivation, task difficulty preference and emotion after failure were in a positive correlation with pleasure-interest and effort, and in a negative correlation with tension-anxiety. The explanatory power for the relation between failure tolerance and internal motivation was 42%.