주름버섯목(Agricales), 소똥버섯과(Bolbitiaceae), 볏짚 버섯속(Agrocybe)에 속하는 버들송이버섯은 국내에서 대부분 병 재배용 품종으로 육성되어 있어 수량 증대를 위한 봉지재배용 품종을 개발하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 버들송이버섯 33개 유전자원을 수집하고 유전자원의 봉지재배 특성과 수량을 조사한 후 재배일수와 자실체 모양을 고려하여 5개 모본을 선발하고 3개의 교배조합을 작성 하여 7계통을 선발하였다. 선발된 7계통과 대조품종인‘참’을 봉지재배한 결과 재배일수는 ‘JBAC15-1’이 49일, ‘JBAC15-6’이 50일로 대조품종의 재배일수인 53일 대비 각각 4일과 3일이 단축되었으며, 그 외의 계통은 대조품 종보다 긴 재배일수를 나타내었다. 선발계통의 발이율은 ‘JBAC15-1’이 96.1%로 가장 우수하였으며 다음으로 ‘JBAC15-6’이 94.5%를 나타내어 대조품종의 발이율인 93% 대비 각각 3.1%, 1.5% 우수한 결과를 나타내었다. 봉지 당 수량은 ‘JBAC15-1’이 176.8 g으로 가장 우수하였고 ‘JBAC15-6’이 168.7 g으로 대조품종인 '참'의 160.7 g 대비 각각 10%, 5% 증수되었다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 대조품종인 ‘참’대비 재배일수가 짧고 수량이 우수한 ‘JBAC15-1’과 ‘JBAC15-6’을 최종 선발하였다. 선발계통 인 ‘JBAC15-1’, ‘JBAC15-6’의 균사생장 최적 배지는 PDA, 최적 온도는 27.5 o C, 최적 pH는 ‘JBAC15-1’이 pH 5, ‘JBAC15-6’이 pH 6으로 나타났다. 자실체 갓의 색은 ‘JBAC15-1’과 ‘참’이 진갈색을 나타냈으며 ‘JBAC15-6’ 은 연갈색을 나타내었다. 갓 형태는 반구형으로 모두 동일하였으나, 대의 색은 ‘JBAC15-1’이 연갈색을 나타냈으며 ‘JBAC15-6’은 흰색을 나타냈고 대조 품종인 ‘참’은 상아색으로 각각 서로 다른 특성을 나타내었다.
Agrocybe spp. belongs to the Agaricales order, Bolbitiaceae family, and Agrocybe genus. In Korea, so far, it has been cultivated through bottle cultivation; therefore, this study was conducted for the development of a new cultivar using the bag cultivation method for quantitative improvement. Thirty-three gene resources of Agrocybe spp. were collected and their quantity and characteristics of bag cultivation were examined. Next, 5 kinds of crossing parents were selected based on the cultivation period and shape of the fruit body. Seven strains were selected through 3 cross combinations. The 7 selected strains and the comparative cultivar ‘Cham’ were cultivated in a bag. As a result, the cultivation period was 49 days for ‘JBAC15-1’ and 50 days for ‘JBAC15-6’ which are 4 days and 3 days less than the cultivation period of the comparative cultivar ‘Cham’(53 days), respectively. Cultivation periods of other strains except for ‘JBAC15-1’ and ‘JBAC15-1’ were longer than that of the comparative cultivar‘Cham’. The best ratio of primordia formation among the selected strains was found to be that of ‘JBAC15-1’ with 96.1% followed by ‘JBAC15-6’ with 94.5%. These rates were 3.1% and 1.5% higher than the ratio of primordia formation of the comparative cultivar ‘Cham’, which is found to be 93.0%. The quantity was maximum in the ‘JBAC15-1’ cultivar with 176.8 g per bag followed by ‘JBAC15-6’ with 168.7 g per bag. The quantities were 10% and 5% more than the comparative cultivar ‘Cham’ with 160.7 g per bag. Based on these results, ‘JBAC15-1’ and ‘JBAC15-6’, which had shorter cultivation periods and more quantities than the comparative cultivar ‘Cham’ were finally selected. For the selected strains of ‘JBAC15-1’ and ‘JBAC15-6’, mycelial growth was observed to be optimal on PDA medium and the optimum temperature was 27.5oC. The optimum pH was pH 5 for ‘JBAC15-1’ and pH 6 for ‘JBAC15-6’. The color of the pileus of the fruit body was dark brown in ‘JBAC15-1’ and ‘Cham’ and light brown in ‘JBAC15-6’. The pileus was hemispherical in shape in both ‘JBAC15-1’ and ‘Cham’. However, the colors of the stem were different - light brown in ‘JBAC15-1’, white in ‘JBAC15-6’, and ivory in the comparative cultivar ‘Cham’.