다양한 건조방범과 감의 성숙도에 따른 반건시의 품질을 알아보기 위해 자연건조, 열풍건조, 원적외선 건조, 제습식건조 방법과 미숙, 적숙, 과숙과를 구분하여 반건시를 제조하였다. 자연건조의 경우 건조 기간 중 과습때문에 건조대에서 떨어지거나 미생물에 의한 오염으로 발생한 손실율이 7.0%이었으나, 열풍건조 등 인공건조를 하였을때는 손실율이 0.0%였다. 건조소요일은 자연건조 17∼18일, 원적외선건조 6∼7일, 열풍과 제습식 건조 7∼8일 소요되어
This experiment was carried out to compare the quality of semi-dried persimmon according to various drying methods and ripeness degree of persimmons. Most of persimmons were dried naturally there were much opportunities of contamination by impurities, microorganism and discoloration. There were need for developing various drying methods and knowing proper mature degree of persimmons in order to enhance the quality of semi-dried persimmons. Drying time of semi-dried persimmons by hot-air, far infrared ray and dehumid drying could be shorten approximately 11∼12 days, comparing with natural drying. And the loss ratio of natural drying and artifical drying were 7.0% and 0.0%. The moisture content of natural drying and dehumid drying were simillar and the hardness were very low in comparing other drying methods. Average pannel scores in semi-dried persimmons after drying showed that dehumid drying and natural drying were excellent in total prefernce ; 3.9 and 3.4, respectively. Unriped persimmons showed lower moisture content, color values and higher hardness than riped and overriped persimmons. The total preference of riped and overriped fruit were superior than unriped fruit.